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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm sick of hearing negativity on this forum of our beloved national team. Seriously what is it that makes people bash our own team. Be positive. Even a Croatian journalist said that how is it that we do so well but not have one top star in the team. I want everyone to have a look at the video and specifically that question. Sokratis couldnt have said it any better. Have some belief for god's sake. I always hear we don't have depth, our players are not good enough, we have to play like this, we have to play like that. Enough! We are not a perfect team we will probably never will be. But as Greeks we have heart and the one thing we know is pulling through when our back is against the wall. Just be positive and if we don't succeed accept it and say something positive about it. This goes to everyone who is always whinging and complaining, im to blame as well but some people just don't stop. I believe we will win both matches. Be proud and look forward to the match!
    5 points
  2. it's alright. come back of the year baby. 3-0 hellas next game pame!
    3 points
  3. Go fook yourself, Come back when you actually have some silver wear, which will be never. Lets take a look at Croatias trophy cabinet!
    3 points
  4. defensive "boring" style of football........... its funny, in every other team sport - defense is prized and sought out..."defensive player of the year" awards are given out in acknowledgment of this difficult skill...... yet Greece ALWAYS gets knocked for it. Itlay played "catenachio" for decades and yet you never hear anything about Italy playing boring soccer. such a hypocritical, double standard.....
    3 points
  5. hahaha your dreaming. But I like that dream. But won't happen
    2 points
  6. We must face it: our Golden Generation was the 2004-2014 team. Especially our midfielders are far far worse than key players of our All Stars Team, Zagorakis, Basinas, Giannakopoulos, Karagounis, and Tsiartas. Katsouranis was the last one among them. Now we have glittering mediocrities (Samaris Tachtsidis Christodoulopoulos Mantalos + Ninis Kolovos) and hard-working nobodies (Maniatis Tziolis Bouchalakis + Petsos). We should reactivate Katsouranis and Karagounis (I know it isnt possible, but the team must have leaders who have authority because either of their achievements/experiences or their abilities). Among our players of today, only Sokratis Papastathopoulos has the qualities of a leader. Those F***heads who didnt give Santos in 2014 the greater salary he wanted are among the main culprits. With that great coach at the helm, we would have somehow continued to overachieve like before 2014. One cannot win games without winning the midfield (as perhaps tantra said before the game), and since 2010-11 we did this with basically crap players. How Santos was capable of such a feat like two second rounds with Katsouranis & Karagounis who were actually mummies in 2014 and with the likes of Maniatis, Ninis, Holebas, Kone, Samaris etc. etc. thats beyond me.
    2 points
  7. We defended like a team canada it was disgraceful. Every goal except one was a gift. It’s like we had a bunch of Lovrens on our side. We give up 1 goal in Belgium to a superior team down a man for 30 mins and today 3 goals in a half hour. Just unacceptable.
    2 points
  8. are you in pain that mighty dzeko couldn't score against a team who to faroes?
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. perhaps one of the worst displays ive seen from this team in a long time...disorganized, they look timid, clueless, not confident and ready to impose their will on the game. we cant play any worse......thats the bright side. again, our lack of creativity in midfield kills us..... their D is very vulnerable... regroup...hold them like we can, and grab another goal and we r in good shape..... karnezis sucks...alwau=ys has. NEVER liked him...can he stop just ONE penalty shot in his lifetime? just ONE. but the reason for ALL that was that we did exactly what i feared...we sat back and let crotia dictate the pace and rythym of the game. it is a recipe for disaster as u can see.... we r one step bhind croatia in reaction time.... manolas is missed....for sure as evidenced by what happened.
    2 points
  11. Greece definitely under performing. Croatia's playing its best match since the EURO. When one sees Kalinic's performance, Mandzukic absence came as a blessing. Greece scoring the 2nd goal and match ending 3:2 is the only way I see you guys qualifying.
    2 points
  12. Καρνέζης, Μανιάτης, Τζαβέλλας, Παπασταθόπουλος, Παπαδόπουλος, Τζιόλης, Σάμαρης, Ζέκα, Σταφυλίδης, Φορτούνης και Μήτρογλου η ενδεκάδα σε διάταξη 4-2-3-1. #Ethniki
    2 points
  13. Will be on Sportsnet. I like to watch it at home because I pace around like crazy during these matches :)
    2 points
  14. yeah thinking of ordering it and just watching with my dad and maybe inviting friends over. I actually want to watch the game though, it often ends up becoming social hour and hard to actually hear commentary and s%$#!. If anything might do frappes though as that's where I usually go.
    2 points
  15. I understand what you are saying but how about the fact they they let almost a month pass and only until Manolas was cleared to play and chosen on the squad was the suspension then brought down 6 days before? Also a suspension like this has never been given out before. Do you honestly think If Ronaldo did the same thing that Fifa would suspend him from a playoff game? Not a chance in hell does this happen to another top end player on a big team.. This is absolutely bullshit... The fact that Fifa didn't even reach out to the Epo to let them know they will review what happened within a few days after Monalos received the yellow stinks even more.
    2 points
  16. The future looks bright with Donis Stafylidis(if he decides to step up his career and go to a team that respects him and doesn't ditch him because he wanted a big club signing) Retsos Pelkas Fortounis Manolas and Sokratis and of course Mitroglou will all be here in the next Euro and World Cup maybe. Our lack of decent holding midfielders since the Karagounis and Katsouranis duo is ridiculously visible 3 years after their exit from the NT. And yet 2 years before that you were all crying for Santos to Start promising Tachtsidis, talented Fetfatzidis. Where are they now? This defeat is not because of the coach. Cry all u want about Skibbe but Mourinho comming wouldn't prevent these brutal mistakes. For this defeat only the players can be held accountable. Sure. We could have had someone else over Tziolis in the midfield and obviously Bakakis over Maniatis but how much different would the team look. I tell u not a bit. We went there having shat our pants. We treated this match as the "match of our life" and that's what you get a 50/50 , either kill or be killed. Croatia is not even close to as good as the score indicates. To be fair, and call me m@!@k@ I find it more possible for us to win them 3-0 in Athens than conceding 4 to them. I will be happy if we snap a win and then hope for a good group for the upcomming Euros, so that we can scrap some points and improve our ranking.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Terrible game; even setting aside some shockingly bad schoolboy errors, that was atrocious play. Midfield was overrun, touches were awful, and most players only started to fight after the game was already over (save for Zeca and the CBs who busted their @ss from start to finish). The sad thing is if we had maintained any sort of possession/pressure in the opposing 1/3rd we could have punished them; Croatian defense is soft. Oh well, start building toward 2020 I guess.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Look, loser, we won the group in 2010 over you. You finished 2nd to Iceland and you got lucky today with corrupt Fifa and injuries and shamefully lucky goals.
    1 point
  21. Ηοw Low does my team have to fall in order to cheer for my hatred opponents loss? I mean your good generation is done Lulic , Ibi, Dzeko will be out in 1-2 years. Ready to go back to the bottom where ur football belongs?
    1 point
  22. hey muslim, once you win the euros make a call to us. or when you win a game there. or score a goal. or basically when you'll qualify for the first time
    1 point
  23. skibbe is done for our health. today he commited some crimes so after sunday he's going back to germany. no problem in losing but losing respectively and not like that.
    1 point
  24. if Mitroglou had pounced on that chance when papa crossed the ball across the face of goal after mitro's header, the game ends 4-2 and the Athens game is a little more meaningful But 4-1 is a mountain to climb and that is understatement of the year
    1 point
  25. wont be watching any tv next year during the world cup. Netflix it is. I am guttered. unfortunately we don't score 3 goals in a game even against Cyprus.
    1 point
  26. Imo, you can't blame individual players. The problem is that the team as a whole lacks cohesiveness, discipline, and consistency. All three can be cultivated by the team's coach. I wonder how much training, practice, and organization Skibbe has put in with this team? Based on their performance overall, I would guess very little. They need a better coach that can effectively organize and play up the strengths of the team. I hope they do not renew his contract after this fiasco.
    1 point
  27. new coach needed get someone who has a clue and kick out tsanas . that's what happens when u have players that play who don't deserve to be there
    1 point
  28. skibbe is responsible for this retarded formation, how can you start zeca in the wings and put tziolis on the midfield? i told you he was going to get abused but people thought he'd slow down the tempo lol
    1 point
  29. maybe FIFA determined ZECA spells his name wrong given he is on a greek team so they banned for the next two games.....
    1 point
  30. always good to wheel the mounares on danforth though at half time lol
    1 point
  31. I'm watching it on sports net now.. cost me $30 but I know most places on Danforth like frappes, 521, are all showing it..
    1 point
  32. I cant believe how nervous I am...... lets do whatever we have to do to give ourselves the best chance on Sunday with home field advantage. lets not let this game get out of hand... We need to find a way to get an away goal as that would be huge but at the same time lets not fall apart and give Croatia a couple either..
    1 point
  33. Here is the lineup according to Livescore Karnezis Torosidis Sokratis Kyriakos Stafylidis Lazaros Zeca Tziolis Tachtsidis Fortounis Mitro I highly doubt Toro will play but pretty good lineup considering our injuries and BS suspension to Manolas
    1 point
  34. that Lovren Vida Strinic Trio adding the fact that Vrsaljko is nothing speial other than playing for a top team smells greek goals. That Croatian offence though does smell Croatian goals too.
    1 point
  35. Croatia has talented and skilled attacking players, but as an 11 I like this Greece under Skibbe.
    1 point
  36. The reason defense is written in the DNA is because the youth academies not being top notch don't develop players properly. Also if you want to play midfield or striker in Greece there is a xenomania to play foreigners who are mediocre at best half the time. Any smart\talented Greek player gets transferred at a fairly young age or else he will be destroyed in the SL. Back to the Game we can beat Croatia. Like I said before Belgium are a superior side and we we had two tight games with them. Mitro just needs the service and we need to counterattack well and we will be fine. A lot of teams don't play with the heart we do that's our X factor.
    1 point
  37. u cant depend on one player ------ sure u prefer to have manolas, but if he is the difference between going through or not, then we dont deserve to go through....donis, to me, is a much bigger loss and void to fill... we are tough to beat, everyone know its. we MUST walk on the field with confidence and show them right away who is the boss, set the tone and keep them honest with offensive football whenever possible. gotta love game day !!!!!!!!!!!!! im psyched !!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  38. Excellent responses from Skibbe and Sokratis, short and sweet. Sokratis is playing no doubt.
    1 point
  39. Thanks Tantra, very interesting. The geographical area of Greece produced some great civilization. Yes, the genetic code shows that there's a lineage from the ancients to the modern Greeks, but also a mixing of the populations of peoples who lived in the area. Does DNA carry qualities that make one people more special or even superior to others? Is there genetic memory that makes people predisposed to something? I think that people can make themselves what they want. It certainly feels good to have ancestors with a history of greatness, but it's up to you to learn from them and carry on the tradition. Also, should you be given privileges because your ..father won the Nobel Prize? You can certainly feel proud, but I'd ask you, have you done anything of importance? I see DNA lineage the same way. It's nice to have but show me something new, say your generation has done.... Also, nobody prevents anyone from adopting great ideas from the ancients, or from anywhere really, even if they don't have direct lineage, and I think this is beautiful.
    1 point
  40. Yes and no. This is the first time that I can ever remember where Olympiakos and AEK played ultra (and I mean ultra) defensive against us and that is in their home ground. That to me says they genuinely are wary of the ... potential of our players. Did they play us of the park and create chance after chance ? Hardly. For our part, our team is for the most part 11 individuals that are not playing as a team. Not enough passion, at least not in the right way. We still have a lot of work to do.
    1 point
  41. I don't doubt that they had planned on making an example on this kind of fair play, but they definitely picked their shot with Manolas. Two birds with one stone. I wouldn't be surprised if it was payback for some behind the scenes stuff from the past. Bottom line, they knew what they were doing.
    1 point
  42. Ya imagine Ronaldo, Messi or even Modric being suspended for a playoff game? Never would happen, its a total rip off by FIFA.
    1 point
  43. j, i am not a conspiracy theorist or anything remotely related to it - but this timing and the fact that I have NEVER heard of this being enforced this way (other than missing the next game) SCREAMS premeditated attempt to cut one of greece's legs off (pardon the pun). The lack of an appeal gives SO MUCH unfettered, unchecked power in the hands of those able to influence outcomes of games/matches/tournaments. I am LIVID ---- and Im not even the coach/EPO etc. If I was I would eb SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOoooooooooooooooooooooo fu******* pissed. It's not even like they tried to hide it, you know? Man, I hope we undress Croatia and rub FIFA's face in the s*** they created..... like u say, i hope there is no "trickle down" to the refs.....
    1 point
  44. Correct; While he is not exceptional at any aspects of his game, it is the combination of strength, shooting and pace (at a lesser degree) that makes him good. No other Greek player has that combination (Mirtoglou lacks speed, Giannotas power & shooting; Donis while better overall lucks in power & shooting). He has the ability and has scored some amazing goals from time to time. He is not better than Mitroglou or Donis, but IMO, he is close behind. Plus, he is the only greek player that I have seen, that improved his game from age 20 to 22. Kudos to his work.
    1 point
  45. She is the first Greek woman that is European, World and Olympic Champion at the same time. Kostas Kenteris was the only Greek male to achieve this.
    1 point
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