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World Class


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Which PAO palyers do you belive are world class and capable of winner the CL?




who has potential to become world class. And how can we do well in europe with a hand full of quality players.

Your thoguhts guys?

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There are only three PAO players that could be considered WORLD CLASS!!!!

1. Henriksen (if he was a little bit younger)

2. Basinas (if he performs like he does with Ethniki and has the right role)

3. Konstadinou (if he had kept his mind in football rather than Kartsona...)

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No one on the current roster.

Basinas has had a sub-par year in my opinion. I would have to agree with the member that said that he could be if he played like he did when he plays on the Ethniki team.

Gonzales hasn't shown that he can be consistent.

Sanmartean & Olisadebe - Haven't seen anything from them.


Former players from this year's and last's roster.

Kyrgiakos - Definately

Seiteridis - Definately

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at the moment, i think only basinas is our only world class player. however, how many plyers have gone through PAO and gone to bigger clubs...Seitaridis ( FC Porto), Fyssas ( Benfica), Karagounis (Inter), Chalkias (Portsmouth), Kyriakos (Rangers). and dont forget we also hads Warzycha. :tup:

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On current form in pao Basinas isnt a world class player, but when he gets his form back up he'll be a real asset. Obviously the players panatha_boy mentioned (except for Chalkias, who cant even find a place in portsmoth) are also absolute world class.

In fact, all our players are pretty much world class... but all of them just can't seem to find any form. There not playing the way they used to, but at one point or another, each player found some form which made them world class.

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I don't know people but world class players to me are those who play in European Chapionships or Mundials and of course those who do good in the Chapions League. What is more when half of the Greek National team where we won the European Chapions Trophy was from former or actual Panathinaikos players.

I hope you don't want me to count them :D

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are u kidding me

Gonzalez world class

just b/c he scored a couple of nice goals he is automatically world class

he isn't even class

wut has he done for the club this past season

the supposed Ribbo 2

Rivaldo will out class Gonzalez and Pao again on sunday

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none of oly or pao players will be considerd world class... simple fact, if they were then they wouldnt b here so dnt kid ur self...

ur opinon (everyone in this thread) is bias because u love ur team so much....

end of story...

P.S its kinda silly thinking we have world class players :whistle:

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Guest Protathlitis

I disagree completely

some of the supposedly world class players in the 'big' teams of spain italy and england have no right to be called that and often a rep means more than more that 3 years of terrible form....thats just how it is. people know each other and do each other favours and most things are about reputations and not how good a players they are

for pao Basinas and munch

for OSFP Rivaldo and possibly if he continues his climbiong back to his old form (more so last year and the yeasr before that) Djordjevic

Karembeau was undoubtedly world class and so was Seitaridis, Karagounis and Fyssas (even though they did excel to that leve after they left pao IMO)

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Karembeau was undoubtedly world class and so was Seitaridis, Karagounis and Fyssas (even though they did excel to that leve after they left pao IMO)

So Seitaridis wasnt world class until August this year when he first started training with Porto????? Fyssas spent 3-4 MONTHS at Benfica. Not that much changed.
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Guest Protathlitis

well, I think that Fyssas and especially Karagounis have benefitted from leaving Greece and pao and playing abroad

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it is like it was said before. as long as you play in greece you can be as good as you want, but you are not really considered world class. as soon as you leave for a known european club your image gets better. that was the problem with the greek national team in the past. we didnt have many players outside of greece and the reputation of the greek league wasnt and isnt that good anyway. but as soon as some players got to bigger clubs also their nation becomes more important and respected.

i mean look at seitaridis. there were some teams in europe that wanted him when he was at pao. i'll call the "mediocre" european clubs. but now that he plays in portugal he gets more attention because this country and its league is known to have a lot of potential. now there are bigger clubs than porto, or at least more respected ones that are after seitaridis. because of that his reputation goes up even more.

if i take a look on all the players in greece over the past few years i'd say protathlitis is right. karembeu was a world class player in greece.

in my oppinion it is not just your skills on the field that make you to be called world class. also the way of presenting yourself and the sport on and off the field counts a lot. except the happening between karembeu and kafes he was always professional and never complained about the coach or anything else. form that point of view i think he was the top player to ever play in the greek league.

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We would have won the Euro even if all those players still played in Greece, its the fact that Otto took no s*it from anyone and chose the best team. For once the chosen team wasn't chosen by the government or the managers of clubs or the chairmen.

Portugal does not have potential, believe me, he could do alot better than Porto.

Greece is a VERY underestimated league...

I remember listening to a commentator in england talking about who will qualify in pao's group in the CL. He said because PSV have had alot of experience they should go through with arsenal, and based it on this fact alone. Even though he was right, he forgot that PSV never qualified for the last 16 beforehand and pao does it every other year. TO be honest, ive never understood it.

People are VERY ignorant about our league

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Karembeau was undoubtedly world class and so was Seitaridis, Karagounis and Fyssas (even though they did excel to that leve after they left pao IMO)

So Seitaridis wasnt world class until August this year when he first started training with Porto????? Fyssas spent 3-4 MONTHS at Benfica. Not that much changed.
No player becomes anything OVER NIGHT. You can't be an ordinary player one day and suddenly become world class just because you have transfered to a different club. Anyone who knows anything about football will tell you that.

Giourkas had the great Euro games because he was a good player before that for PAO. H even signed for Porto BEFORE Euro2004.

This is just Protathlitis trying to downgrade everything to do with PAO again.

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Guest Protathlitis

wtf are you talking about? who said overnight?

I said that I was NOT talking about Seitaridis because obviously he hadnt come to porto before euro

Karagounis on the other hand is a better player than what he used to be IMO. he has performed at a higher level; this is evident. He is world class and a former pao player ok dont get so offended

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were talkin about our current rosters which have no "world class" payers!!! face it everyone, this is the greek league...

waste of a thread in my opinon coz ur all dreamers....

P.S rivaldo is the only "world class" player to set afoot on greek shores in the modern game however he is old now and he is a shadow of what he was which really doesnt count....

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Hey man you must be out of your mind thinking that you can win a European cup and not be called World class. Next thing in the Summer if we win the Mini Mundial Trophy are you still not going to be convinced because our players havn't got foreing names. Please man wake up and see for yourshelf some Pao players getting respect from wining titles many supposingly superstars never even dreamt of.

As for Gonzales he was called in the Mixed stars Cup alosgside Zagoraki.

As for Olisadebe he took Poland to the world cup with multiple goals when he was healthy

Hengrisen and Michaelsen represented Denmark in the World Cup

Munch was declared 3 years ago the defensive player of the year in Germany

Scachel belongs to the grazy good Check Republic team

Samartean right now is nothing but could play to any team in the world if he was healthy

And I am only talking about a few current players that poped up to mi mind for the cuple last years, because almost every Pao player belongs to a national team in Grecce or abroad and that should be enough when you represent your country you are World class Unless of course you are Abania or Feroe Islands...

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