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Hellas - France: Quaterfinals


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I think Jacques Santini has found his magic formula:

Throw out Trezeguet and replace him with Saha.

The latter really helped Henry in their game v. Switzerland.

As for Greece, our best hope is that our good defence shows up and stifles the French the way we did with Spain in the qualifiers.

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Anything can happen. I don't think France have played that well in this tournament and they did struggle against Switzerland. There defence is the same as the world cup and they don't look comfortable. France would be favourites however don't write off greece.


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The French will probably come into this game looking down at Greece. If we manage to score just one goal ahead of them, then it will probably be the winner. If the French score first, then... then look at them scoring another 2 or 3. France doesn't have the best of teams thesedays... But again, neither do we!... If we manage to find the passion somewhere under our skin, then we could be making history (yet, once again!).

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Depends which team shows up. If we play like we did against the Russians Zizou and his parea tha kanoun party stin perioxi mas. On the other hand if we get a performance like the one against Portugal anything is possible. The French don't have the best defence and Bartez has been known to make a mistake or two. It kind of sucks that Henry got back on track right before we have to face them though.

Hoping for the best...kai oti ginei

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We have nothing to loose. We achieved what we sat out to do, this is know a bounus for us.

We have the players and the passion to succeed. The french may not have the passion and will to succeed, as they have previously achieved it.

Obviously the french will feel that they have already qualified to semis after seeing our drawn. However our boys will put up a good fight and you never know what might happen.

lets get rid of this negative attitude we greeks have in not beleiving in our abilities. These thoughs are of past failures. Greek soccer has changed for the better and attitudes are changing for the best.

If we can perform on club level in europe, why can't we perform as national side, the time has come. So lets get behind of team and live the dream.

Omadara Elladara gama ta saligaria................

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I think that great team that beat Portugal will show up on Friday since the pressure is off again and Greece are the underdogs. Plus, the game against Russia showed everyone how important the presence of Karagounis and Giannakopoulos are in the midfield.

Hopefully France will play it arrogantly and look past Greece while setting their sites on the semi-finals. B)

By the way, who does everyone think Otto will replace Vryzas up front? Will it be Dimi or Demis?

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Well Sagnol and Gallas are injured after the Swiss game so there go two defenders for France. Most likely.

As for the result, anything can happen. My mind is at ease a little in this tournament as I have huge faith in King Otto to steer the boys in the right direction after the Russian game.

It really depends on the day - afterall it is a game of 11 on 11. If we play as an organised unit again just like against Portugal and close them down from midfield onwards thna anything can happen. Why cant we go through? Nothing can stop us if we play and realise our own abilities. Our worst opponent is ourselves - complacency, arguing, putting our heads down, the "Greek Mentality" which we have seen many times before this tournament.

PS - and were in with a chance if that LAMOIO Venetidis doesnt play. His even worse than Konstantinidis - huh Pappou, wat do u think?


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One thing we also have to consider is that Saha replacing Trezeguet has brought out the best in Henry.

Santini may elect to start the Man Utd. forward from the beginning in which case our defence will have their hands full.

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L'Equipe tricolore...is beatable...no doubt....

They just tricked many in scoring 2 goals in the last 2 minutes against England, who missed a penalty on the stand of 1 : 0...

England is better than France..... France did not convince in all 3 games....and they know it .... so the players discussed this issue with the coach in order to change their tactics....

But I think this has nothing to do with tactics..., they are just exhausted.... and have some age on their shoulders.....they peaked 3-4 years ago....

We will play differently than against Russia....and we will give the French a hard time that's for sure.....

With a little bit of luck, we can pass the quarter finals..... although the French are the favorites due to their individual superiority....

I forecast that Demis will start from the beginning as his form is ascending..... and I trust him that he can play an important role....

I saw him playing in March against Switzerland on a very high standard......and he can't be finished ...after 100 days........ like many of you say...... he was just injured and lost a lot of ground on the physical issue.... but now , he looks recovered...

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Vryzas is out with 2 yellow cards.....

Giannakopoulos wont probably be ready for the match and he didn't practice for a week...

I hope that Charisteas starts up front with Pap helping him out in attack.... I hate to see the katsiki Demis in the starting squad...

Karagounis is a MUST to this game he is the only one who can keep the ball and his Karagiozilikia can earn us some valuable time!!!!

Katsouranis must be the shadow of Zidane!!!! I think that 80% of the French team is Zidane. If we manage to stop him then anything can happen...

On the French side....

I hope that the ARXIKATSIKI Wiltord will start, and I also want to see Lizarazu. Liz is a good attacking left wing defender similar to R. Carlos. It would be intersting to see Giourkas coming up front on the right side and catch Lizarazu in the open...

Finaly...... Please God!!!! Make BARTHEZ to play as his usual Tsarlatano-self!!!! :nw:

Prediction: France-Greece 0-1 with Tsiartas scoring from the middle of the field in the 90tgh minute, catching Barthez 30 meters out of his goalposts!!!! :P :tup:

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: Can anybody please tell me that venitidis will not be playing in the next match and why did fyssas not play in our last game.

Furthermore i would also like to say that king otto got it wrong in our last game against russia he went for papdopoulos and venetidis and it almost cost us a spot in the quarter finals, and it was clear to me that thease two need more exprience at international level, even though papa was involved in the first goal he did little else. Nikolaidis should have started stright away this would have given more fitness and exposure to the high level of soccer being played by the team at the moment and he would be more comftable taking over vryzas position against the french

The game against France we desperatly need Giannokopoulos, will he be fit the game does anybody know !

And how is Karagounis going with his swollen ankle will be fit and ready to take on the french this friday mourning {austalian time that is } !

And who will replace vryzas please tell me its not papadopoulos no offence to POA supporters but he is not ready to take on the french

My final analysis is that if the above players are included in the squad than i think we have a chance if we use the same focus and mentality that we used against Portugal and lets face it all the pressure is on France they are expected to go threw

this is a positive for us, and we all know what happened to england when they expected to beat us when we last met at old trafford it took a wonder goal to equal us. the same might happen history does have a tendacy to repeat itself.

Anyway boys keep up the good work and go HELLAS se agapao

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Furthermore i would also like to say that king otto got it wrong in our last game against russia he went for papdopoulos and venetidis and it almost cost us a spot in the quarter finals, and it was clear to me that thease two need more exprience at international level, even though papa was involved in the first goal he did little else. Giannokopoulos, will he be fit  the game does anybody know !

I dont agree with what u said about paps, not because im a pao fan, but because thats how i saw the game.

Paps, did a few mistakes, ball control etc, but he ran up and down that Left side like nobody else could. If giannakopoulos was on instead, venetidis would have looked even more a fool than he did. Paps, not only had too worry about attacking, and defending, but he also had to worry about vene-agouri-tidis mistakes, and positioning.

And like u said he set up that goal, im sure nikolaidis or giannakopoulos, would have done the same as paps....i dont think so!!

Otto picked the right team, we just copped a white hot russia as most logical people would have expected.

And yes i do hope, papadopoulos starts for vryzas, cause france will have trouble with him.

If he doesnt play now, when will he gain the experience, at 30???

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Demis is only good to goa along with Despina for singing and not for playing football anymore. Besides he has got many things in his head such as Tsiartas departure, AEK debts etc... He is, will be and always has been one of the biggest katsikia in world football.... He played in all three games of the group stages and he proved to all of us that he is no use to this national team...

So Paps should definetly start against the French!!

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Demis is better than Paps..if he is fit..........

demi has been almost as bad as venetidis..he is not ready for the euros...he gets touched or tackled lightly and he falls as if he was shot...his pace got alot slower, his touches are weaker and he is getting bullied around alot...im not saying we shouldnt start him because he has ALOT of experince over pap....haristeas will start up front...and we will see both strikers throughout the game...otto will not just play one for 90 minutes....he may also stuck another man in the midfield and play haristeas alone upfront to catch the french on counters as their defese get caught sleeping often....either way, a win is possible..it may be unlikely...but so was our win against portugal and our win and tie against spain...we can play with the big boys, this is just the time to prove it...win ir lose, i know our boys will make greece proud...and if we lose valianlt, then i will be satified....but if we win...then we will PARTY!!!!
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