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Euro 2020 Group J - Greece-Liechtenstein (8 September 2019, Olympic Stadium, Athens)


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I'm willing to give Koulouris a few more games to see if he can produce. Mitroglou can still score and I still think he should be on the team. He would have had a couple last game with those opportunities that fell to koulouris. I think Van Schip should have called him up and used him to sub in at Finland. 

Sokratis and Manolas didn't say much after they let the Liechtenstein forward out pace them on the goal. I guess Sokratis can't blame Angelo that. I love Sokratis but he has to shut up and play and not worry if his pals don't get the call up to the Ethniki. 

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3 hours ago, Polikastano said:

J1078 my point was that these clowns that are on the field now were being called to replace the KK combo.  Now you see why a two guys in their late 30's were playing close to 90 minute games in 2012 and 14

One can also play devils advocate to that and say, we didnt integrate the loser generation with these KK's at the time when we could have. There were many friendly games for example, that we played half aressed and didnt try some of the guys of today, instead they were all given the job after the World Cup and the rest is history.

I does not excuse what we see today, but I always felt some of these guys could have had more exposure to the good days. How Samaris, who was part of those teams is one of our worst offenders now really makes you wonder. 

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8 hours ago, AchillesHeel said:

Koulouris seems to be turning into another Mitroglou for the NT....i.e. useless unless he's scoring goals....hopefully he'll be able to change those habits in France or better yet start scoring by the bucket load. Pavlidis seems to impose himself more making more runs off the ball and generally hustling a lot. Retsos has played a grand total of 31 minutes over the past year so if he can fully recover is anyone's guess....he has  lost his spot at Bayer as a starter and will be hard pressed to get it back. Vrousai I'm not totally sold on...he seems to play second banana to Pavlidis.

Truth: the Schippy will need time to sort out this mess of a team but he said all the right things and pointed out all the flaws in an honest manner....even Angelo deserved more time but was made scapegoat.....hopefully this doesn't happen again and btw the manner that Liechtenstein scored the tying goal should mean that we won't be hearing any more bu11$#it from Sokratis and Manolas again....nobody should ever get a free pass to NT if they're not 100% on board and totally committed....anybody who isn't needs to get dumped off the team.

I agree. Retsos is a smart young player won’t be too long until he gets his starting spot back. Played very well in the Greece u21 loss to Germany. Very versatile players. Played well at CDM/CM. And covered a lot of ground.

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It's easy to be critical of individual players. If a player has the talent and quality but then does not want to put in the effort on the field that is a problem. If a player does not have the talent and quality then all the effort on the field does not produce desired results for them or the team.

Soc is not one those players. I was glad to read this https://www.to10.gr/podosfero/euro-2020/722780/sta-plana-tou-fant-sip-gia-tin-epomeni-mera-tis-ethnikis-o-sokratis/


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So with Greece officially out of the running we can now look to see how the coach does over the balance of the remaining games.

Does he give new guys a chance?

Does he allow his team to be creative or play defensive?

Does he have an overall plan to get the team to where they should be?

Losing to Armenia at home, tie with Liechenstein, losing to Faroe islands and generally being slapped around by any team with quality is not where this team needs to be.

Sometimes you have to rebuild the foundation and Greece, it appears, is at this point. 



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Next World Cup is a definite no. Only 13 teams from Europ go. Greece ain't one of them.

There has to be a overhaul of the whole youth system. The whole youth development has to be looked at and changed. something is broken. 

my guess is they will never change. It's unbelievable when you look at a country like portugal and for the last 25 yrs have produced some of the best players in the world. I could name like 10 off my head , lol. Joao Felix just went to Atletico for $120 million. Greece needs to copy the blue print. 

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In Australia,  specifically at Queensland's Gold Coast, sporting franchises habe, and continue to throw good money after bad at sporting franchises to succeed because of potential commercial benefits for corporates and sponsors. These teams are perenial failures consistantly.

The mindset for players are that they are at a holiday strip and just accept big dollars to play there but completely under-achieve whilst there. No matter what sport it is. I feel the Ethniki have become the like one of these sporting franchises and Greece is a holiday strip like Gold Coast.

The epo should concentrate on choosing players that are goat herders and farmers, as opposed to those that frequent cafes, that have 6 monthly botoxes and are pill poppers. Greece have to get rid of unisex toilets to stop confusion as well.  

Edited by ausgreek
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On 9/10/2019 at 1:04 PM, J1078 said:

The coach deserves NO criticism he’s only been here a month he doesn’t know the players he needs time and should be given time you can’t keep changing a coach every few games you will never build consistency as every coach has a different philosophy.. the truth in the matter is we should have beat this team with our B and C players this is NOT on the coach at all.. He is very professional in his interviews he seems very logical and seems to realize how deep our problems are unlike Ange who came in and said we will win right away.. He may not be anywhere near a high quality coach but he deserves a chance.. let’s see how he performs in the next games and in the World Cup qualifier before we pass judgment..

It's just mind boggling how over the last 5 years we have lost to the likes of Faroes, Luxembourg, Hungary, Estonia and Finland and now the draw with Liechtenstein. This should never occur with the talent we can throw out on the pitch and would never have happened with the great players and leaders like Karagounis, zagorakis etc.. Also Otto and Santos did not put up with any crap from the players and the EPO and they worked as they wished not like the circus atmosphere that we have seen over the past 5 years. 

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