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Transfer News and Rumors - Winter 2017


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Apparently we will pay Shakhtar 400K for the 6 month loan. After six minths his contract with Shakhtar expires and he will be free to sign with us if he performs to our expectations. Hopefully it won't turn out to be another Natcho situation.

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Νάτχο δεν θα γίνει γιατί ο ένας ήταν 25-26 όταν ήρθε και αυτός σε ένα μήνα κλείνει τα 32 του.

Έξι χρόνια στην Ουκρανία έκανε όσες συμμετοχές κάνει ένας παίχτης του ΠΑΟΚ σε λιγότερο από ενάμιση χρόνο (όταν έχουμε και Ευρώπη). Δε νομίζω ότι στα 32,5 που θα είναι το καλοκαίρι θα του δώσει κάποια ομάδα καλύτερο συμβόλαιο από αυτό που θεωρωτικά εμείς θα του δώσουμε αν θέλουμε να τον κρατήσουμε (εκτός αν πάει σε πετροδόλαρα κλπ).

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He is better than Hult IMHO. When we played Metallist Kharkov, he was one of their better players on the field. The question is if he is healthy.

My comparison with Natho was not a player comparison. It was more of a transfer type comparison. We signed Natho for 6 months without any buyout option, which basically meant that he was not going to continue with us after the 6 month. We pretty much acted as a rehabilitation center getting the player ready after injury so he could return to his team 100% healthy. I just did not want Azavedo to be the same setup.

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Polish press is spreading rumors that Prijovic is wanted by either Leeds United and/or Wolverhampton. Apparently Leeds is offering around 4.5 mil and Wolves around 7 mil.. Not sure if I believe any of these rumors.

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Considering we had fair warning regarding Leovac not playing anymore, I'm a bit disappointed Azevado is the best we could find.  Oh well, he might get match fit by the end of the season.  Or he might get injured.  Or he might surprise us all.  I still think Hult would have been the far safer option and he's more than adequate for the SL.

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17 hours ago, Bananas said:

Considering we had fair warning regarding Leovac not playing anymore, I'm a bit disappointed Azevado is the best we could find.  Oh well, he might get match fit by the end of the season.  Or he might get injured.  Or he might surprise us all.  I still think Hult would have been the far safer option and he's more than adequate for the SL.

I understand he has been match fit for over 8 months now. He was just not getting playing time at Shakhtar anymore. He might turn out to be another Lino if things go well.

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inPAOK says 800k. What do you want to bet neither are right


This follows a few days of stories where apparently Savvidis essentially said he doesn't want to kick PAO when it's down (by getting the player free).

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Allegedly the proposed offer for Moledo is

- 700-800K to PAO
- Kace and Kosntantinidis  for free and their contracts paid by PAOK. PAOK to retain resale option (50% and under - exact percentage still negotiable)
- 3-year 600K contract offered to Moledo

Apparently Moledo has a preliminary agreement with Internacional. Internacional offered PAO 500K for the player to get him now. Interestingly PAO only owes 50% of Moledo. Internacional owes 25% and the player himself owes the remaining 25%

PAOK and PAO apparently agreed on the deal, and it remain to be seen if Moledo accepts PAOK's offer.

Considering that we are basically paying 800K+300K+150K (1.25 mil) for the player, and considering the fact that the player's wish is actually to go back to Brazil I think we are overpaying for Moledo. However I am not paying PAOK's bills, so I don't really worry about that. He is a good CB. Probably the top CB in Superleague right now and getting him will greatly improve our defense, and the ability to score from set pieces.  

Having said all that, I predict that the deal will not go through.


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If his heart's set on returning home, there's no way he's coming to us. I would bet good money that he has at best an antipathy towards a club that has so much bad blood with his current one.

I see Kace + Konstantinidis being added to that deal as a way for us to reduce wages/a bloated roster. Where are you getting the 300k + 150k from? By applying a discount to transfermarkt's valuation, or is that their wage bill?

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The truth is that I didn't watch any Panathinaikos game besides those against PAOK, so I don't know how good Moledo is. But, I am happy to see we are looking for a center back as hopefully this will reduce Crespo's playing time.

Getting rid of Kace and Konstantinidis though for free and by paying their salaries shows that something went wrong with those guys. We should be getting good $$$ selling such players, but our poor decisions over the years made us giving them for free and even worse.

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Azevado is in Thessaloniki (was met by Michel) and is undergoing tests today/tomorrow. Will sign immediately if he is cleared medically. The little Savvidis is posting pictures of him in the offices.

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Savvidis is posting selfies with Shablii Vadim, who is a Ukranian agent. He's Matos' and Shakhov's manager, but it's thought he's there regarding a new transcription. Here are his firm's players: https://www.transfermarkt.de/prostar/beraterfirma/berater/3703

Not sure which of the CBs (Innenverteidigers) from this list it would be. 



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if we are going to sign a centre back it needs to be someone who is head and shoulders better than malezas/crespo. Maleza every time he is called upon is more than serviceable and Crespo is okay too. Don't see any point breaking the bank for a CB who could have question marks over him. In saying all that I've never seen the Ukrainian-Greek guy play, he's the one we are being linked to I believe. 

Not like we are in Europe, and our players are gonna get burned out, Poungouras as 4th choice. If they think Khacheridi is a difference maker then go for it but only if they are certain

This is him 

Edited by paokarag4
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Well he's more expensive than most players we get. I've heard of him before but have never seen him play. Hopefully he's good enough to check those boxes.

Azevedo passed his medicals and should be signing tomorrow.

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