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Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Greece (9 June 2017- World Cup Qualifier- Bilino Polje Stadium, Zenica)

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5 minutes ago, skinny said:

Regardless what others do . we need to show class and restraint. 

If Bosnians or others come to Greek forums and are respectful ...we must show the same.


Fat Phil is not happy

It's ok most people on this forum were nice, it only takes a few to ruin things like a lot of other forums I suppose. 

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As for people who boo anthems(and that's wrong) I can understand why do some Greeks boo Bosnian or some Bosnians Greek anthem, I mean you can find some explanations even though they are stupid, but I always wondered why did Portugal fans booed our anthem couple of years ago. I mean, really what the hell:grin:




Edited by Dampyr
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2 hours ago, HellasLEAF said:

Completely agree about Zeca and Staf.  

Staf has really turned himself into an impressive player.  Dominant really on the left side.  

Zeca impressed.  Full of energy and good decision making.  Back line was solid.  Mantalos looked disinterested from first kick of the ball.  Talented player but only suited for central role.  Fortounis also did not impress at all.  Mitro made good touches with his limited action.  

Also agree, apart from Karnezis that had an good game, and the usual Manolas Sokratis, Zeka and Stafilidis played the best.

As a PAO fun and a Zeka supporter, I was not surprised a bit; he is way underrated even within PAO. I was laughing when people compare him to  Maniatis & Tsiolis (that btw, had an OK game).

Stafilidis was a beast; fast, aggressive, good crossing everything. He is on his way to be the best Greek Player.

Bakasetas, Mandalos played poorly and Fortounis very average. Mitro had no service; Basically we play we defense, Tsolis & Zeka.


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Anyways. After we achieved what we wanted here and let Bosnia behind. Our fate is in our hands. Cyprus will probably help us. Everyone seems to get struggling in Estonia. I remember I think in this forum or maybe some bosnian one, someone saying "BiH won Estonia by 5, you only scored twice." Well Id like to ask him his opinion about Belgium barely scoring 2 with 10 men Estonia.

Looking furtherahead, since 2nd spot is Id say 70% ours with this result, here are the possible 2nd spotters:
Group A:France/Sweden/Netherlands , 6,31,34 in the rankings currently.

Group B: Portugal/Switzerland,  8,9 in the rankings

Group C: Northern Ireland/Czech Republic/Azerbaijan, 29,44 , over 50 in the rankings.

Group D: Serbia/Ireland/Wales/Austria, 50,26,13,35 in the rankings

Group E: Montenegro, Denmark, Romania, Armenia, over 50, over 50,46, over 50 in the rankings.

Group F: Slovakia, Slovenia, Scotland: 21,over 50, over 50 in the rankings

Group G: Spain,Italy: no need to even bother writing them down.

Group I: Iceland, Ukraine, Turkey: 22,25,37 in the rankings,

Greece currently 40

2 teams have already taken a spot in the top seeds:
The 2nd one of Portugal/Switzerland

The 2nd one of Spain/Italy

The 2nd one of Sweden/France/Netherlands

If we finish 2nd seed,we have a 25% chance to believe in qualification, simply because all of these teams ARE unbeatable for us right now.

I feel we need to beat Belgium in Greece to jump enough spots to contest for a high seed and:
Group C: Czech republic or Azeriabijan taking 2nd spot over Northern Ireland (highly possible)
Group D:Serbia finishing 2nd spot.

Group E: Probably any team will be low seed from there.

Group F:Slovenia or Scotland pushing for 2nd spot.

Group I Turkey finishing 2nd spot. We are very close in the rankings so I guess a win over Belgium would skyrocket us ahead of them.

3 of these needed to happen alongside some friendlys arranged simply to higher our ranking is our only chance.  Otherwise hope that 25% chance when we re low seed gives us Ireland or Iceland. But we re not too good against flags like the Iceland one :P .


UPDATE: After checking the upcomming matchdays and the home/away games as well as the current points of the teams, we have no chance to be top seed unless they change the ranking system bottom with the top.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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4 minutes ago, PaoOle said:

Also agree, apart from Karnezis that had an good game, and the usual Manolas Sokratis, Zeka and Stafilidis played the best.

As a PAO fun and a Zeka supporter, I was not surprised a bit; he is way underrated even within PAO. I was laughing when people compare him to  Maniatis & Tsiolis (that btw, had an OK game).

Stafilidis was a beast; fast, aggressive, good crossing everything. He is on his way to be the best Greek Player.

Bakasetas, Mandalos played poorly and Fortounis very average. Mitro had no service; Basically we play we defense, Tsolis & Zeka.


Offensively I agree they looked poorly but honestly too much defensive duties cant let them shine. We won the midfield today with our B choices Zeca and Tziolis (C choice actually). We didn't do it with our starters. Clearly Fortounis and Mantalos helped in that as they created an uperari8mia in the midfield and were always the extra pass man in the area. Donis amazed me offensively to be honest. I believe he has an incomming starter spot.

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5 minutes ago, RED SHERIFF said:

was the trouble after the game severe enough for Bosnia to be sanctioned?


if so, what type of sanctions?

Apart from a fine to their federation and temporarily blocking football activity for the onepunch man,I believe nothing more than closed doors for the next 2-3 games?

I dont think points can be dropped if the match was finished properly and the brawl occured afterwards.

Since they play Belgium in the next game though, I believe thats still in our favor.In the end we gotta say Thanks to Le French Guy.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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59 minutes ago, Dampyr said:

Long time ago our French asisstent coach Gilli said he trained taekwondo for years together with World's taekwondo champion. And why do I tonight remember those words?

Most of the Bosnia and Herzegovina fans coming into this forum are passive aggressive which is very transparent to me, relatively easy for most of us to see. Don't act surprised with the welcome you have received. 

I'm happy with this result to be honest, getting out of there with 1 Point will only fuel the boys moving forward, especially after the nonsense they endured post game. 

On to the next game guys. 

Edited by Itcoco
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The remaining 4 matches in Group H  for future reference.

August 31 
Greece - Estonia
Belgium - Gibraltar  
Cyprus - Bosnia-Herzegovina 

September 3
Greece - Belgium 
Gibraltar - Bosnia-Herzegovina 
Estonia - Cyprus 

October 7 
Cyprus - Greece 
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Belgium 
Gibraltar - Estonia 

October 10 
Greece - Gibraltar
Estonia - Bosnia-Herzegovina 
Belgium - Cyprus 

Edited by Molon Lave
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Still can't believe Mantalos missed did not even hit the net make the gk save it. It was like Gekas few years back. We could have had all 3 points even with out Samaris, K Paps, Tzavellas... Bosnia played much better in Greece, today they didn't show much and if they play the same vs Belgium they will lose by couple goals. As for the altercation after match they should be forced to play behind close doors as we were vs Romania during last Euro qualifiers, for much less.

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Fortounis could have got to that great cross from Mitroglou, overall he was poor a couple wasted corners and some bad decisions. He did show tremendous control taking a ball down out of the air along sidelines with two Bosnia players on him. Overall I expected him to be a lot more impactful.

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7 hours ago, E-M-I-R said:

Well done Greeks :) how much did you guys pay the ref ? 

:animaatjes-confused-1124061: We were better than you though. We owned the field in your home and should have won. Are you serious now? 

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5 hours ago, E-M-I-R said:

The other decision on top of my head was ibisevic in the box. But that's all done now on to the next round. It will be interesting to see dzeko and manolas back at Roma pre season. 

They are friends. Blood was just hot. Our players are never intimidated anyway. Lucky KPap was suspended, he might have gone wild. 

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First real game where we can say Karnezi got us points. He's always been solid, without being spectacular and has always lacked, in NT games at least, making the big save. Last night he pulled off 2 very good saves and was solid, except for one moment when he had a classic Greek keeper moment where he charged out to fist a corner away, got nowhere near it and lucky for us the Bosnian player wasn't able to control the ball and the ball bounced towards the sideline. Still deserves props for probably his best game for the ethniki 

As others have mentioned, Stafylidi and Zeca were really good. I was pleasantly surprised by Zeca, chased hard pressured and was good on the ball. If he keeps up that form he is a lock to start. 
Someone else mentioned Mitro's desire and to me it was also obvious. He chased hard, pressed defenders and Begovic and played like a man who wanted to win, i can't ever remember seeing that sort hunger from mitro, bravo! 

Also need to give some credit to Skibbe, putting on Donis for the injured Bakasetas. Handing a 20 year old kid his debut in Bosnia early in the 2nd half takes some balls, and its something I feel wouldn't have happened in the past. Donis showed he defs has something, needs work but there is defs something there and he has a role to play with the Ethniki given our lack of strikers/wingers. Next season is crucial for his development. 

As for the result, before the game I would have taken it. After once again seeing how beatable Bosnia is it was a little disappointing not to come away with the 3 points. better chances were ours, no need to mention the mantalos one again. It basically rules out top spot, which for me after the Belgium draw was something we should have chased hard for. We were a little too content to take the draw at times, playoffs, assuming we make it will be tough to come through.

But never the less its a good result, need to take care of Estonia now who are tricky; before a big showdown with the Belgians in Athens.

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First spot is not lost yet. Assuming we win the rest of our games (Estonia, Belgium and Gibraltar at home and away vs Cyprus) and Belgium losses or draws away against BiH then we're first. Keep in mind in case we beat Belgium in September then that's gonna be the last Bosnian opportunity for the second place. They will be motivated and will not blow the game away. 



*Hazard will miss the game against us.

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Look I just posted what it needs to be done for us to qualify. 

But in all honesty couldn't take down the Greek defence in two games, it's almost impossible to do that against Belgium whilst they won't concede any goal with this week defense. I think we'll be second but as I said yesterday beating Belgium might be vital for our FIFA rankings and determine if we'll be seeded or unseeded. 


After all it's likely for Bosnia to drop points away against Cyprus and Estonia apart from Belgium. 

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