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GK-SF-L1: PAOK - Olympiakos (02-Mar-16, 19:30 GR)


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Someoerapes your mother. And you kill the guy.

Met me guess its your fault and your a monkey.

Asemai re paidia.

Stop blamming paok for this . Paok was rapped and its nit funny


Who's blaming PAOK? I'm blaming the fans - especially the ones who are monkeys. They're not fighting for "freedom." They're fighting because they can fight.

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Those "fans" are barbarians and no fans. They cost us more than al the p*****es.

And Mak should not have spitted (I heard it also on the radio). It was a clear penalty, and yes he was mad about that, but he should not spit.

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Savvidis said that PAOK will not play the return game in Karaiskaki unless today's game is replayed with a foreign referee.


I wish he goes ahead with this, just to expose the hypocrisy in Greek soccer. If he does not want to pay the fine (around 50K) and -3 points from the next championship, than he should just send the U-17 team to play. 

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I think the super league should be scraped and there should be a ban on Greek football for a year! Everyone is saying all these things about Olympiakos being corrupt! The whole of geek football is a joke that's the real truth! How can the fans in Greece behave in this manner? It's disgusting! How can you all condone this violence as correct behaviour? You all should be ashamed and I'm talking about Olympiakos as well as POAK aek and pao!!!

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Maybe I am young and dumb but if this bullshit happened to my club Inwould invade that pitch and cuss everyone out. Maybe not attack anyone but Inwould certainly let the ref hear an earful!


Funny you should say young and dumb - I was just reading an article a few days ago that spoke of how young men are especially predisposed to becoming extremists. It doesn't take much to become a hooligan - I'm not even that far out from what I assume are the ages of the people tossing chairs, so I kind-of get it. We've all been that age. But we just need to be clear here: it is not acceptable to do this stuff.


One more time? It is not acceptable.


Yeah, but - NO, it is not acceptable.


Hey Pash, is it cool to riot?


No, stranger, it is not. It is really really really simple.


But they're winning a game!




But it's like they're insulting us!!!!1!!111!!one!!!!



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Funny you should say young and dumb - I was just reading an article a few days ago that spoke of how young men are especially predisposed to becoming extremists. It doesn't take much to become a hooligan - I'm not even that far out from what I assume are the ages of the people tossing chairs, so I kind-of get it. We've all been that age. But we just need to be clear here: it is not acceptable to do this stuff.


One more time? It is not acceptable.


Yeah, but - NO, it is not acceptable.


Hey Pash, is it cool to riot?


No, stranger, it is not. It is really really really simple.


But they're winning a game!




But it's like they're insulting us!!!!1!!111!!one!!!!




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The propaganda machine is already in full swing changing the focus on other things (leftists, anarchists, and the ultimate stereotype of bad PAOK), instead of pinpointing the real cause of the problem, which is the corrupted state of the Greek soccer and the result of the disenfranchised fans, who can't stand the double standards anymore.


As usual nothing will get done to stop this. Olympiakos is happy for things to stay the same, as long as they make it to the CL every year.

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That's because nobody gives a s%$#! about having a good clean league. As long as the cash from CL is flowing in, there is no incentive to fix things. Olympakos does not want to change things. EPO and the government are controlled by Olympiakos, so they don't have any power to change things either. The whole thing is a reflection of Greece as a country.


Corrupt state = corrupt soccer. Simple as that.

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So what is the precedent here ?  Any time we're not happy with things we won't take our team to the game ?  We'll take our bat and ball so to speak ....


Don't get me wrong, I get where Savvidis is coming from, but is anyone going to back him ?  Bananas mate!!  AEK and PAO will be nudging him say "go fight the gorilla" and when he gets bashed and needs help they won't do jack.


Savvidis, look after your club.  Get rid of the hooligans if you can.  If not, it'll be the same old ad infinitum.  As for the referee, go get proof or shut the F*** up.

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Its making a stand in someway Bananas even if its not the right way to do it but it seems everything else they have tried hasn't worked in terms of a clean up in the league, so this is another way of doing it, imagine how much $$$$ EPO loses with the game not played or televised and the anger from sponsors losing out also

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This is exceedingly sad.

I think a Grexit from UCL and UEFA football for a year, or two years, until Greek Soccer is uprooted and reformed would be fine. The EPO and KED should be dismantled and remade entirely.

We don't need foreigners to step in and police us, we as Greeks need to show the mettle needed to reform our lives - in and out of sport.

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I don't believe for a second (just my opinion) that Meli or Alafouzos would go in to bat for Savvidis or vice versa.  He'll make a stand ... which is what exactly ?  Is he claiming the referee is/was bribed ?  You need to prove such claims, you can't just make them.  I'm not saying the referee is clean, I'm saying show me he isn't because until it's specifically and definitively proven it's all just kafeneio talk and the only one that will suffer now is PAOK as a team.  Do I think Meli cares about what happened today ?  I think he's happy that PAOK will get points deductions.  Call me cynical.

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I agree Reaper, if he sticks to his word it is a huge statement and many teams will find it in themselves to do the same if theyre ever in this situation...


What gets me is they get the penalty it goes 2-2 and Oly still have the bigger advantage with 2 away goals and playing at home, instead this happened and I don't blame PAOK fans for the way they acted, yes its not right but being on the receiving end of this s%$#! time after time it would make you snap

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I agree Reaper, if he sticks to his word it is a huge statement and many teams will find it in themselves to do the same if theyre ever in this situation...


What gets me is they get the penalty it goes 2-2 and Oly still have the bigger advantage with 2 away goals and playing at home, instead this happened and I don't blame PAOK fans for the way they acted, yes its not right but being on the receiving end of this s%$#! time after time it would make you snap

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