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Klaus in Russia (though the below was at a winter training camp in Turkey):



I remember a few months before he left us for good, an uncle was blaming the coach on his lack of scoring and said "What? You think he forgot how to score? Come on, don't be stupid!"

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Interesting little interview of  2018-2019 Greek Invincibles and League Champions, former PAOK coach and current Asian Champions League Winner, about living in Saudi Arabia compared to Greece, he also mentions the reason he decided to leave Thessaloniki (some people not going to like that part I think).

Λουτσέσκου: Γι' αυτό έφυγα από τον ΠΑΟΚ


" Όταν μου είπαν ότι δεν θα μείνει ούτε ο Σάκχοφ, ούτε ο Κάνιας, τότε ήταν η στιγμή που αποφάσισα πως δεν μπορώ να μείνω στο ΠΑΟΚ."

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@Tzatziki who the hell knows.  It sounds reasonable to me but people and media will spin it every which way.  If I were a manager and I've just delivered a title after 35 years I wouldn't be impressed if decisions from the top were not going my way.  Add to that a fat pay check so I can retire and it's just about time to call it a day.

In general, I don't agree with the idea of managers overseeing transfers.  It's way too dangerous and can completely destroy a squad.  That's what your Technical Director is for.  But if ever there was a case for a manager having more of a say regarding transfers, you'd think Lucescu would that person.

Anyway, good luck to him.  For me, he is a *BIG MANGA*.  He came, he conquered, and now he bathes in dollar bills.  Bravo tou.

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3 hours ago, Bananas said:


In general, I don't agree with the idea of managers overseeing transfers.  It's way too dangerous and can completely destroy a squad.  That's what your Technical Director is for.  But if ever there was a case for a manager having more of a say regarding transfers, you'd think Lucescu would that person.


See I disagree. I'll agree that he shouldn't be making the whole decision as the manager is oblivious to the financial standing of the club etc. But at the end of the day he is their to coach the team and implement his philosophy on the team. He should have a say and he should be heard. Not doing so can equally destroy a team and ruin a season (as we've seen many times before) A manager absolutely needs to be heard as to which players he wants (within reason of course $-wise) It's not like Lucescu was demanding for them to sign Toni Kroos or Kante. 

Everyone needs to be on the same page, the owners to the TD to the manager, otherwise it's gonna get ugly and Georgiadis is gonna take over as manager for the rest of the season (if you know, you know ?)

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I really doubt Canas and Shakhov were the real reasons why he left. We will never find the real reason just like we didn't when Ivic left.

 Deep down I even think he left because he could not repeat what he had accomplished the past two seasons with the team: winning two straight doubles. CL group stage was really unattainable. Not with players such as Canas and Shakhov, so that's why I think there were other issues behind his decision. And him quitting just two days before the pre-season training put the whole season in jeopardy. 

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For me, that timing makes his statements sound suspicious. To quit TWO DAYS before training is pretty wild. So either he decided ages ago and decided to screw us (remember: he probably had some input into a few of those new signings), or something precipitated this change of heart at the last second.

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1 hour ago, Blackhawk said:

I really doubt Canas and Shakhov were the real reasons why he left. We will never find the real reason just like we didn't when Ivic left.

 Deep down I even think he left because he could not repeat what he had accomplished the past two seasons with the team: winning two straight doubles. CL group stage was really unattainable. Not with players such as Canas and Shakhov, so that's why I think there were other issues behind his decision. And him quitting just two days before the pre-season training put the whole season in jeopardy. 

He states in no uncertain terms his reasons for leaving right here:

«Ήθελα να κρατήσω έστω έναν εκ των Κάνιας και Σάκχοφ. Εξήγησα σε όλους, πως ακόμα και νέους μέσους να φέρουμε το να έχουν δίπλα τους κάποιον από την περσινή ομάδα θα ήταν καλό και για αυτούς. Οι καινούργιοι θα καταλάβαιναν τη φιλοσοφία και την τακτική, που είχε το γκρουπ. Ο Μαουρίσιο, ήταν τραυματίας, ο Μίσιτς είχε μόλις 4 μήνες στην ομάδα και δεν είχε εγκλιματιστεί τελείως.

Η σύνδεση μεταξύ άμυνας και επίθεση είχε χαθεί. Οι παίκτες που θα έρχονταν θα έπρεπε να εγκλιματιστούν αμέσως και να είναι έτοιμοι να παίξουν σε αγώνες... φωτιά για τo Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ. Αν δούμε τους αγώνες του ΠΑΟΚ με τον Άγιαξ και τη Σλόβαν, ίσως τελικά και να είχα δίκιο... Όταν μου είπαν ότι δεν θα μείνει ούτε ο Σάκχοφ, ούτε ο Κάνιας, τότε ήταν η στιγμή που αποφάσισα πως δεν μπορώ να μείνω στο ΠΑΟΚ."


The team had some big matches coming up that summer, and he wanted the team to keep at least one of those mids for the reason that according to him the team would lose the good chemistry it had that season and that there would be a huge loss of link up play between the back line and the forwards. 

It is a shame really, that he would not stay and continue to build on such an unprecedentedly successful season that we have not seen in the super league at least in my lifetime. The board IMO should have given in to any demand it could to keep him, wth were they thinking I dont know. According to the interview his request was not so outlandish, he simply wanted to keep his midfield intact.

Blackhawk if the board would not allow him to keep the very same squad that achieved all this success, then for sure he left because he could not accomplish the same results working with a lesser squad and adding the responsibilities of summer qualification to the task. I think that is what he is saying also if you read again.

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I know what he said, but that might have been just a convenient excuse. I think here is more to the story than both sides are letting out. The relationship between him and George Savvidis might also influenced his decision.

In any case Shakhov did not want to stay on the team as he wanted to play in Italy and Canas did not perform as in previous seasons, so I am not sure how helpful they would have been in the CL campaign.


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