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PAOK Technical Director (Christos Karypidis)


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@Reaper -


One of the other chief editors at SDNA is Chris Stathopoulos, a former editor at Gavros and Gazetta. So the editorial staff is a mish-mash of journalists from a range of fan sites and mainstream media sites. I don't have a problem with that. The last link I posted in an earlier message was from their editorial staff and categorically denied they were owned by any "oligarchs" or other corporate "interests". They claim to be the result of a combined effort of many journalists to develop a sports site free of influence from club owners. 


Whether or not that's true, I don't know. But it's very difficult to find any parent company for SDNA, and I have looked. 

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Savvidis for the past four years takes one step forward and then six month later two steps back.


I am now convinced that PAOK will always be stuck in the "village" mentality. When people like Kolkas and the organized fans are able to influence the team decisions, there is no future.


When the organized fans came the first time I would have told them "Go find another team.  You are not PAOK.  You are cancer to PAOK, and I am the ChemoTherap.....now here is 10 Kilo's of heroin....go overdose in a park somewhere, gia na isixasoume......"

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I would find it bizarre that Arnesen would leave but the coach would stay. 


I am certain that he will not finish the season with the club. Remember that couple weeks ago during a vote it was revealed that Arnesen and Aggelidis voted to keep Tudor at his position, while Michel and Vezyrtzis voted to fire him. Well Aggelidis and Arnesen are gone. Tudor is next.  

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@Blackhawk - Well now that G.X. Georgiadis is out of a job, he can interim-manage the club for the 4th straight March! 


What's ironic ... The coach with the best record during the Savvidis reign? Donis! And it's not even close ... Oh and he only had one(!) loss total in games against AEK-PAO-OSFP before he was canned. How nice does that sound now? 

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Olympiakos, PAO and AEK can rejoice.  If they were worried that PAOK might finally get their sh-t together when they signed Arnesen, this proves there is nothing to fear.


The prezonia fans that love the club oh so much are victorious once again.  The world makes sense again ... to them.


Marinakis, Meli and Alafouzos can have a lovely get together where they can all laugh at Savvidis.


Savvidis wants the short cut to success and on the cheap.  Den iparxei manga.  And witch hunts might make you feel good, but they haven't helped.


Any PAOK player with half a brain that has the opportunity will leave the club.  Any manager with half a brain will see our history with "patience" and firing of managers and not come.


Let's see what the next "project" will be ...

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PAOK will always be a joke, no two ways about it.


A team, that will always be incapable of achieving anything of significance. Same old sh!t every single year... a 'new plan' that couldn't even last a season, nothing will EVER change.


Lets just fark Tudor off and bring in Georgiadis again.... same old Sh!t!!!! always!!

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OK Savvidis, if you reading.. I am free. First requirement, You and your son, no decisions concerning the football department. Concentrate on the new stadium and bringing in Russian investors. Tzavellas, Tziolis and Athansiadis out. Tudor out.  Boloni in. Spanish assistants and technical team. Lets go!

  no PAOK are more concerned with giving prominence to figures like Garcia because he represents the Communist ideologies of their crazy ill informed influential supporter groups...

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  no PAOK are more concerned with giving prominence to figures like Garcia because he represents the Communist ideologies of their crazy ill informed influential supporter groups...


thanks for the enlightenment, we hadn't realised this until you pointed it out

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That's short sighted.  The entire season has been riddled with injuries, and an early start in July didn't help things at all.   Besides the Olsen deal, I don't consider any other player a real bust....they are all what we wanted: Young Talent.  Jairo, Rodrigues, Cimirot and Leovac are all very promising.  Let's not forget the task of unloading a ton of dead weight...that's all part of the budget as well.


We have a young coach who has a brand new team, with no chemistry dropped in his lap, with games starting in JULY.  The number and level of injuries are probably record setting in any European league for a TOP 5  team.  


PAOK had a perfect storm of s%$#! land on it's doorstep, and we want to fire people.  If you take away Olsen, and the injuries this year, we are in 2nd place with a 6-10 point difference.

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Yeah.... I'd rather have had a more experienced coach, but I think that if we didn't start European matches in July, had all these injuries, and had Olsen in net, he would have come out to a much better start.  Along with that we've dropped 12 points in the last 4 minutes or less of matches this hear.    I don't like to make excuses, but I also like to judge people when they're at their best, not their worst.  


It's like I tie your hands behind your back, throw you in the river and say "Wow...that guy really sucks at swimming!"  

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Lucas didn't want to be here.  2 years ago, or now.  His leaving had nothing to do with Arnesen.  Like Pash mentioned, Costa was on the top of the drop list, but there were complications with his contract, etc.  I think Savvidis meddling in game he has no idea about is a big issue.


Also, let's be clear about something.  Just because PAOK wants to sign a quality 10ari or CB or whatever, doesn't mean they HAVE to come here.  There have been more than a few situations where the players straight up just didn't want to come here, and I don't blame them.

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