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Illegal Immigration In Greece (and In Europe)

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Nobody wants mass migration into their country as most countries do not have the resources to help them.  From a cultural perspective, it changes a dynamic/composition of what that nation's culture is especially when assimilation does not occur. Having said that, Syria took many Greek refugees when they were fleeing Turkey (I guess history is cyclical).  I am not saying we should accept every migrant, what I am saying is that we should be hospitable and helpful as much as we can.  That doesn't mean granting everyone asylum. What that means is treating them like humans.  If there is a boat that capsizes, we rescue them.  If there are starving on our streets, we feed them (as much as we can).  If we are truly proud of our culture, than we know we have an obligation (first as Christians than as Greeks) to help those who are of need.  As a parent, I can't imagine anyone can looking at that image of that toddler on the beach and not feeling disgusted with what is going on.  While the parents may have been at fault, that doesn't change that a child lost his life before he even understood what life was.

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2) Germany's population is increasingly getting older and there is a birth decline as well, so the integration of these migrants softens the blow for Germany's population crisis.


Trying to fix an economic problem, by creating a cultural problem. Safe to say my priorities would be different to Herr Merkel's here.


Too many economies rely on population growth/immigration, but this will become unsustainable. The world is already overpopulated, so it is worrying that countries see having a declining population as such a negative thing and I'm also worried that they see immigration as a way to paper over the cracks of their economic system. Politicians and the wealthy businesses who hold the power will often prioritise short-term economic gains of immigration, at the long-term expense of having a self-reliant, sustainable and homogenous society.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe we should be thankful that they only want to use Greece as a stopping point on their journey to Germany.  I know it's a mess in Greece at the moment, but it could be worse.  My fear is that at some point, all the countries bordering Greece will put up borders like Hungary.  And then at that point, what happens ?  If these refugees are given a choice of Greece or Turkey only, which would they select ?

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Greece should be doing Hungary's job. Greece (or maybe Bulgaria) is the first non-Muslim country the migrants will reach, so it is logical to stop them there. But unfortunately it does not look like Herr Merkel or the Greek government actually want to protect Europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hungary, and other easter European leaders use specific code words to describe this wave of refugees as another invasion by Muslim, etc. Epic battles were fought in those lands between the Ottoman Turks and the local people a couple centuries ago.

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  • 1 month later...

Just wait until they start asking for Sharia law. 


Greece can do the rest of Europe a huge favour by closing off her borders to this illegal mass migration. Australia did it and eventually they get the message and stop coming. Winter can't come soon enough. 

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There's a problem mixing people with different cultures, especially if there's a critical mass of new immigrants who concentrate in ghettos. In there, religious militancy and cultural mores find fertile ground.  Europe has a problem with low birth rates but admitting large numbers of people who not only have different cultures but also are strong opponents of western way of life is a bigger problem in my opinion.


The video above is highly edited for maximum effect. I don't know what number of refugees or econominc migrants behave like those animals in the video, but increasingly more Europeans are developing a negative view of such migration. Interestingly, those who perpetrated the Paris attacks (last week and earlier this year at Charlie Hedbo) are actually work against the ...greater plan of islamization of Europe. The better trick would have been to peacefully fill Europe with Muslims and then....


It's clear now that Europe will react. President Hollande is asking for constitutional revisions and other legal measures in an effort to control the migration and throw out the undesirables.



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Just to correct you Hollande is not far left, he is a centre left socialist. Less extreme than the likes of Tsipras.


But considering you think ND are left wing Reaper, then I guess that would make Hollonde far left in your eyes.

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The video above is highly edited for maximum effect. I don't know what number of refugees or econominc migrants behave like those animals in the video, but increasingly more Europeans are developing a negative view of such migration. 


The issue i have isn't with a few behaving like animals what is of greater concern is

1/ The determination of European elite attempting to force this on the indigenous people's of Europe


2/ The labelling of 'racist' anyone who opposes and questions their agenda, legitimate questions like why are (according to official stats) around 72% of those coming to Europe men? And the other 28% made up of women and children. Nick Griffin was quite correct in his observations in the video when speaking to the European parliament only to be labelled 'intolerant' and (here we go again) 'racist'


3/  The coercion of people through eduction/schooling and through media to establish a consensus which attempts to make people revel in their self purity and talk about 'tolerance' and accepting refugees and nonsense like 'European values' to the extent that people will line up at airports with placards welcoming and applauding(like sporting heroes) refugees(72%men if they were genuine in my opinion the percentages would be more even) despite the fact it will make their very own living standards and those of their fellow Europeans worse. 


4/  Why when crimes are committed by refugees media don't report that they were carried out by so called refugees in order to prevent anti immigration sentiment.


5/ Why are large numbers of these people being housed time and time again in tiny villages where you have a population of around 200 villagers are burdened  with up to 800 immigrants completely ruining their way of life and being told by their own mayor (in the video) that if they didn't like it they were 'free to leave'

I don't suppose those wonderful self pure tolerent individuals applauding and celebrating the influx will be affected as much as those villagers. 

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The problem isn't really that poor people are going to richer countries to better their lives but cultural differences. So, the question is how to best integrate them into the culture of the host country. Once a country makes the decision to accept immigrants (and usually the advanced countries need new blood), then the key is, in my opinion, to show the new arrivals that another way of life--that of the host country--is better. With a better life, people begin to change their views and practices. The more isolation of minorities within a country, the worse it is as ghettos maintain the resistance to integrate and foster extremism. It turns into a vicious cycle.

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It's much easier in the US or Canada as a refugee then it will be in Europe because everyone is mixed.  No matter what Ahmad does from Syria, he will never be seen as being French in France.  He will always be a Syrian where in the US or Canada, nobody really cares about that stuff and he could blend in.  The problem is that a lot of the refugees in Europes end up living in ghettos, where a lot of the middle eastern immigrants in the US, end up owning 5 gas stations and 3 party stores and make a lot of money.  Go to Dearborn where a lot of middle eastern immigrants are, and its nowhere near a ghetto.  Its the exact opposite.  Money everywhere.

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Great so now they get money for "reception centers" to help keep illegal migrants from entering the EU. 


Once ascension talks resume, if the EU does something Turks don't like, the Turks can open the migrant taps to keep flooding the EU. It's a win-win for Turkey. 


The EU no doubt had to act fast to address the migrants issue but they have been or will be blackmailed in the process. 

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