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Transfer News And Rumors - Summer 2015


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looks like plan B is done.  22 year old ghanaian striker Richmond Boakye from atlanta.


He's only just been bought outright by Atalanta [one of those stupid co-ownership italian deals], seems weird hey would do that only to sell him

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I'd almost rather we stick with what we have rather than sign a player for the sake of it.  The reason being that it will force Tudor to play the players we have, so we can truly see what they can offer.  Hypothetically, if we had a lot of strikers, do you think we would have got to see Lucas or Mak play up front ?  And yet, seeing them play there was an eye opener.  Likewise with Pelkas.  If Pereyra hadn't acted like an idiot, maybe Pelkas would not have gotten the opportunity to show what he can do.  It's food for thought.

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Golasa will resume practices with the team this week.


Boakye deal is almost done. Apparently there will be developments on Friday. The deal will be a 1-year loan with a purchase option.


Also, there are reports that AEK is willing to pay money for Pereyra.

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Boakye could be a good addition I think. powerful shot and pretty good in the air.


I'd like to keep pereyra and hope he regains form, he was able to score some pretty timely goals for us and would be very useful in the squad or even starting. but he does not appear to be in the team's plan.

Edited by gdkmangosalsa
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Also, Costa's agent is travelling to Copenhagen to have an emergency meeting with Arnesen. Apparently PAOK asked Costa to take a pay cut, but he refused. I guess the next step is to negotiate his termination. Time will tell. There will be an indication where things stand with Costa, if he plays tomorrow.

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I agree....Costa's contract should have been priority #1...at this point (unless they have something up their sleeves this late in transfer period, which I doubt) you keep quiet and start looking for 2 studs on Defense for the winter.


surely though it's less risky to get the players in and then work at reducing costa's wage.


it's like telling your wife it's over then asking your girlfriend to move in and she tells you to F*** off.

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surely though it's less risky to get the players in and then work at reducing costa's wage.


it's like telling your wife it's over then asking your girlfriend to move in and she tells you to F*** off.


So you're saying I should move my girlfriend into my house and THEN tell my wife to F*** off?  I'm not sure I can pull that one off..lol

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Agree, all of those players can play the role if required. It will be interesting to see how all the new signings develop as the year progresses. We need more than anything to find a way to unlock stubborn opposition who defend deep. I'm liking that the squad is young and full of potential.


I take what I said back. None of them are as creative as Pelkas or Pereyra. I am sorry to have stirred up trouble :( :( :( :(

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Is it true they are really trying to renegotiate Costa's contract ?  Amateur hour.  Just let it be, or get rid of the player.  I've never heard of something like this, except if a club (and PAOK were specialists at it) is in financial trouble.  Is Costa worth it ?  Probably not.  But that's the deal that was made and you shouldn't just try and renege on it.  What sort of a precedent does this set ?  If you try and sign an expensive player one day, will he look at this and wonder if it's worth the trouble.


As far as priorities go, PAOK should be concentrating on giving Kace a new contract with a higher release clause.  I'm still god damn amazed we haven't extended his contract.

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Looks like Boakye might be tenuous - his club is asking for more money. It would be amateurish of us to break the bank on someone who was probably our fourth choice - I say Arnesen work on signing someone who'll make an impact in December.


Start playing Klaus paired with Koulouris, mix in Jairo every few matches to rest one of them. Simple. We're not winning the league, after all.

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I didn't want Boakye anyway.  I'm done with these loan deals.  I know in theory you get the option to buy them afterwards, but when has that ever worked out for us.  I'm scarred from our loans of the last couple of years.  Only Natcho was quality, and well, we were never going to hang onto him.  Damn he was a good player.


Better to give game time to Koulouris and let him show what he can do.  If he can't do it, then at least we know we gave him the chance.  Or, if Arnesen and Tudor feel we really need another striker that bad, go out and buy one.  Stop this loan crap.

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They need to lock Kace down immediately.  I think him and Pelkas will shine this season.


They WILL NOT start negotiating Kace's extension until September 1st. His contract with his current management agency expires August 31st (ACE Mgmt)


We refuse to deal with them (or let them earn a commission) because they have been acting as Olympiakos proxies for the last couple of years ... After we had verbally agreed with Fortounis a couple of years ago, once we faxed over the contract, the agent went straight to Olympiakos and used it to get more money. Fortounis was never going to come here -- we were completely used to get better wages for his client.


They represent Tzandaris and basically brains washed him into thinking his value was far greater and steered him to OSFP -- now he is relegated to permanent loanee-status for OSFP satellite clubs. ACE represents a TON of current and former OSFP players (Manolas, Maniatis, Bouchalakis, Fetfa, Kyriakos, etc)


I applaud the PAE's (Ivan's) stance in this circumstance. 


@Bananas / @pash - 


I agree it's time for Koulouris to cut his teeth at PAOK or get loaned to a SL club where he will get serious playing time at this level. Personally, I think he is (talented) but too raw for our expectations this season. I can see his career trajectory being similar to Klaous/Mitroglou. Both of those guys benefited greatly from being loaned out and refining their skills and football IQ at ages 20/21/22. 


Boaki I think was an investment in the future with the loan acting as a trial period.


Notice that Finbogasson/VanWolfswinkle/Rudnevs/Toivonen are all in the exact same mold. Not speedsters, not great dribblers, but guys who can find gaps, receive the ball and shoot, and also have a decent aerial presence. That's truly the player they want alongside Klaous for the next year or two until Koulouris (or a guy in the Boaki mold) can be ready to take over as a primary ST-CF type. 

Edited by teke817
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They WILL NOT start negotiating Kace's extension until September 1st. His contract with his current management agency expires August 31st (ACE Mgmt)


We refuse to deal with them (or let them earn a commission) because they have been acting as Olympiakos proxies for the last couple of years ... After we had verbally agreed with Fortounis a couple of years ago, once we faxed over the contract, the agent went straight to Olympiakos and used it to get more money. Fortounis was never going to come here -- we were completely used to get better wages for his client.


They represent Tzandaris and basically brains washed him into thinking his value was far greater and steered him to OSFP -- now he is relegated to permanent loanee-status for OSFP satellite clubs. ACE represents a TON of current and former OSFP players (Manolas, Maniatis, Bouchalakis, Fetfa, Kyriakos, etc)


I applaud the PAE's (Ivan's) stance in this circumstance. 




That's interesting.  I didn't know that.  

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