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Transfer News And Rumors - Summer 2015


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There is a difference between calling a player a clown on a football forum - something that happens hourly lol and calling a fellow member a clown. You may disagree with Red Sheriff, but that is where it should end. 


Surprise surprise.  Reaper with his big stick ready to pounce.  Do me a favor, point your stick elsewhere.


Doxa, the players you mentioned Maduro, Noboa, Stoch, Maartens all had one think in common.  They never performed consistenly to their potential.  Yes, they all have pedigree but they were either injured, unfit or vendettas.  Stoch played when he felt like it and was never going to stay at the club past the loan period.  I get what you're saying but I still believe PAOK isn't an attractive enough proposition currently, to attract the players required.


Between 3 more years of this experiment and trying the youth route (with a sprinkling of decent signings) I'd rather we go the youth route right now.  It's not like we're serious title contenders anyway, so I'd rather we're in the position in 2 or 3 seasons where Charisis, Mystakydis and hopefully a couple more are stable squad players.  Kind of like what PAO have done in a way.  I don't see any other way.  Savvidis has money.  Enough to have made the club pay it's way, but not enough to buy a title.  He doesn't have a spare 25 million sitting around.  And it could take more than that to try buy a title, let alone the arms race it would create as phat boy slim heroin dealer (oops) wouldn't just sit there and not make transfers himself.


As for Stevens, he started off great but had a meltdown in the second half of the season and just wanted to leave the team.  His heart wasn't in it and you could tell that from his actions.


Klaus right now I don't think is our best player.  I think it's Kace and by a fair margin.


To the other supporters that love bagging out PAOK players, can we try and be reasonable and maybe wait a few months before judging the new goalkeeper ?  If he's even a little better than Glykos then he's been a worthwhile investment since he only cost 500K.  Oh, my bad.  I asked you guys to be reasonable.  What were you expecting ?  Maybe we'd sign a superstar keeper twice as good as Roberto for half the money.  Or maybe we can get a Campbell, or a Mirallas or a Weiss.  Don't think so.

Edited by Bananas
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Whether the 11 is weak or not on paper doesn't concern me.  What PAOK requires is to learn to play properly.  Stop this bam boom random play where players can't even control a ball and we can't string together 5 passes without a turnover.  Stop the 35 crosses from Rats to no where and Klaus playing on the wing.  Learn first of all where to stand in relation to where the ball is.  If the "strong" 11 on paper can't or won't do this, get rid of them and replace them will players that can take instructions.

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Why not? We will likely be seeded, I think "even with" this squad, we should be able to get through.

We are seeded for sure if we beat Trnava. We are the 6th seeded team of the 22 seeded teams.

Just need to avoid clubs like Krasnodar (now unseeded but there are some surprises possible that could shuffle unseeded teams to the seeded side).

Edited by Dutch Eagle
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Rumours say we have an agreement with midfielder Erik Sabo of our current opponent Spartak Trnava.

He is the captain and has scored 5 goals in 7 matches this new season.

Other rumours say that we are interested in midfielder Ludovic Obraniak of Werder Bremen (last year on loan at Rizespor) and winger Nicola Dumitrou of Napoli (last year on loan at Veroia).

Leovac plays at Rijeka in Croatia. It is said that we offered 1 mio euro's.

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Erik Sabo has potential. Young, captain of his club and a Slovakia international but he scored against poor opposition like the North Irish who are semi-professionals.

He's not a bam signing. If he comes cheap it would be OK.

Ludovic Obraniak would be a decent pick up. Not sure how believable that is though.

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?4million offer incoming from Fiorentina for Kace? It's the kind of figure that'd send him on his way, replacing him would be a nightmare and would put us further back from building a strong side. Also with our transfer history I don't trust us investing that money wisely.

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As I understand it, we're supposed to have a half-decent transfer budget this year. If we're not desperate for the money, and we clearly can't find anyone we like, WHY WOULD WE SELL KACE


Unless and until the kid starts pulling a Lucas, don't sell him. In fact, get ahead of this and offer him a pay increase.

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If Fiorentina are serious about getting Kace, I don't see how we can hold on to him.  It would be a real shame as he's literally the first name I would pen into my 11 each week.  I hope the rumors are just that.  The ideal scenario is we keep him for another season at the very least.  If we must sell him, I'd want 5M+, and even then I'd sell him grudgingly.

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I'm not sure how true this is, but according to sportdog Tudor is less than impressed with Salpingidis and Skondras.


I hope it's true regarding Salpi but not so regarding Skondras.  Skondras wasn't really rated by Stevens, who preferred Kitsiou and I thought he was done for.  With the Angel managing last year, Skondras was the preferred option.  He had an overall consistent season and also showed versatility as he played CB on quite a few occasions and even LB.  I'd say he was in our best 3 players last season, and our best defender.


If there is any truth to this, it could be that Tudor is looking for more "technical" players as opposed to traditional rugged defenders.  I still think there is a place in the squad for Skondras regardless.

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Regarding Kace, the ironic thing is his wage is probably the lowest out of the squad, excluding maybe a couple of players like Koulouris, Pozoglou etc. who are not 10% the player he is.


Considering his worth to the team in terms of his ability, and what other players are paid, how much do you think Kace should be paid ?  I'm thinking 300K with a buy out for 7.5M.

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Sportog is one of the least trustworthy web site out there. Ninety percent of what they say is just rumors that never come out.


Having said that though, the fact that Tudor has hardly used both players this season is an indication that they are not considered as starters. For Salpi I would even think that this is his last season with the team, even though he has two years left on his contract. I would not be surprised if either in December or at the end of the season he announces his retirement.  

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I would sell that alvanos for 4 euro, for 4 mil euro I would bring him to Italy on my bike.


If I was confident PAOK could produce players of his ilk regularly, I wouldn't be so fussed about the sale.  The kid is 21 and has been a regular starter for 3 seasons now.  He's not a prospect anymore.  He's made it.  He's a first team regular.  He's not one of these "kids" who is 24 and we are still waiting for them to produce.


If he does get sold, hopefully the money is used wisely and not on patates that are over the hill and over paid.  Players like Maartens, Maduro etc, should be embarrassed that this kid gets paid 1/5 or 1/4 of their wage.

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