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Grkfreezer624 last won the day on April 11 2016

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  1. Personally, I think his ability on the field is limited given his condition of his knee and should be reserved as a bench player However out of PURE PRINCIPLE... you HAVE TO KEEP HIM and let him finish his career here.... there's no question in my mind that is the right thing to do... Everything else is pure bullshit... I mean.. i just read my post over again.. and I get more aggravated...
  2. God bless this kid... there aren't many like him... He's the ONLY one (Berg included) that BLEEDS for this damn team... the only one who KNOWS what it MEANS to play for this team... If the bastards on the team had a QUARTER of the heart this guy had... We would win the champions league.... Our management is a PIECE of s%$#!! They offered him a contract which was laughable... it was an absolute joke and a disgrace to a man who gives it his all every single game... Then they turn around and give KOUTROUBI a massive salary increase with EXTREME bonus incentives!! The same meat head who hangs us out to dry each game and can't be bothered to play half the time.... Not to mention our "medical staff" (the previous one).. almost ended Leto's career... More is becoming available about Leto's condition/knee... Turns out that this guy was taking PAIN KILLERS just to play... typically narcotics are not allowed, so he was either taking coritsone shots or high dose NSAIDs to play... Basically were zapping even more years off his career... The new medical staff has given him a new strength/conditioning program which have relieved his symptoms and he is off the painkillers thankfully... supposedly he's actually able to COMPLETE a FULL PRACTICE (madness that he wasn't able to complete a practice before!!) Mind you... the "doctor" was Alafouzo's personal friend and despite Anastasiou and possibly Stramma wanting to get rid of him... they kept him around... and hence all t he injuries and PISS poor conditioning.... What they have done to this club is CRIMINAL..... every more I read about this club... the more I'm disgusted and turned off.... This is why we never go places and we only make enemies... we treat our players like GARBAGE.... Karagouni... Alafouzo enemy Gilberto... ousted for no reason Leto.. BULLShIT contract given and trying to end his career Cisse... didn't even bother picking up the phone to talk to him when he wanted to play for almost free Katsourani... another scapegoat Dabiza.. Alafouzo personal vendetta and ousted And yet we lick the balls of the likes of Taki Fyssa who was the worst TD in PAO history EVER.... One word... DISGUSTED...
  3. Hate to say it, but Alafouzo is a JOKE.... Only he could have Marinakis on the ropes and then end up in jail himself whereas Marinakis continues to run his "organization" and rules behind the scene.... He's been promising us change for the past 3 years and we haven't even made a DENT in this movement to rid corruption....
  4. Why the hell are we talking about fines?? The fact that the court is delaying prosecution for the criminal organization for AT LEAST 1 year... says it all....
  5. Aside from the Gavro-PAO game, can someone give me a game that the gavro was not PUSHED to a victory? Every game I read they were pushed... some a lot more blatant than others.... Today there is a massacre going on at Giannena... absolutely tragic.... I don't blame our players one bit about not trying or wanting to leave... What is the point...
  6. Why are you guys complaing of the 11 minutes stoppage time? I personally thought it should have been 14-15. The flares/smoke delayed the game by 11 minutes alone and then there should have been an additional 3-4 based on fouls/cards/injuries etc. Lastly, what a player Milivojevic is....MVP thus far.... and to think they were going to sell him to Zenit on the last day of transfers
  7. How long have we been watching this league? A lead of 5-7 points is an automatic nail in the coffin... especially since our team continues to make blunders when the pressure is on If we dont' WIN at the derby... this is GAME OVER
  8. PAOK's title dreams are completely abolished... best they can do is hope for the Kypello and 2nd place via playoffs
  9. I watched the game without sound on a Ukrainian bootleg channel and from what i saw.. PAOK took it to the gavro and should have scored 2-3 goals, however the gavro dug down deep and came away with a win I'm not aware of the extra help... if there was I'll review it and let you know... I saw the mettle of the gavro come out
  10. I'm sure they'll close G7 for a bit but it doesn't matter... Bento has transformed their team from a loser team to a team with balls and can bounce back from adversity... his authoritarian/dictator way of leading his team into games (leaving out fortouni, marin, cardozo) has payed its end in massive dividends 2nd best coach in the league aside from Stramma
  11. Gavro won fair and square PAOK went in and played with BALLS but couldnt finish their chances Gavro walking away with the title in October.... PAOK has a solid team that will cut points away from PAO, no doubt....
  12. Gavro walking away with the title We needed them to falter against PAOK and they didn't... PAOK will cut points from us.. they have a good team that shows up to play against the big boys Especially with our team that has psychological problems.. if we go down early at Karaiskaki we could be talking about blow-out of catastrophic proportions
  13. GETTING INTO Europe was a "do or die" for the club Make no mistake, that was our number 1 goal... without getting into Europe and getting the cashflow from that, we wouldn't have enough money to make it through the year... the team was constructed with the plan that we would make it into Europe... if we were knocked out, we would be in a MAJOR CRISIS This is why the team was prepared the way it was.... Gavro prepared for the entire year, underestimated their opponents, and almost got knocked out... however the hard work they put in the summer is now starting to show for them whereas it's biting us in the ass
  14. The teams fitness is a big question that Stramma has gambled (and lost) Stramma prepared the team for the games in the summer... he did a pretty light preseason regimen in order to keep the guys fresh for the upcoming Euro games This has massive implications later on in the season as the team's fitness wanes quickly and thus injuries are to be expected quite frequently Gavro's preparation was much more intense in the summer as he prepared the team for an entire season (not just Euro qualifier games)... this is why the team looked all sorts of lost in the first few games as they were physically driven into the ground from their preparation, however this pays in the long run (as you can see they are coming together better and they are suffering less injuries) Stramma will need to have another mini preseason during the winter break in order to make up for the fitness so we can finish the year
  15. When you get many yellow cards you become a liability to the team.... you have to play more cautiously and there is always a risk that you get ejected leading to your team to play with a man down Additionally, players who foul a lot show a lack of pofessionalism which is extremely needed in order to make it to the next level in soccer... Wakaso is a perfect example... the guy is EXTREMELY talented and was on the radar of top teams in Spain (Sevilla, Valencia, Villareal and Athletico) however due to his hot head nature (minimum of 10 cards a season), he was cut from further discussions of top teams Simoes is not the same player he was for the last two seasons... the guy is a shadow of himself either due to injury or being in a bad mental state.... he is not relied upon and again didnt make a start In regards to depth, we have 5 starters out with injuries and yet we STILL have an extremely competitive side for the match on Monday We went into Spain without key players and STILL took it to Celta for 80 minutes... we had players collapse on the field in Liege and yet Standard had a horse shoe up their ass to come away with a result THATS DEPTH... when you can compete on the European stage with plenty of injuries and still come away with some sort of result or put an extremely good showing If you had the same sort of injuries, you'd be calling up ur academy kids to play Gavro has the same type of depth
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