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Accor6 last won the day on September 11 2016

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  1. Yeah pretty much. Got it right about Sparti and Marinakis. Not so sure that he was more desperate for cash more than he wanted to advertise his own company, SUPERFOODS, through PAO! Plus, fans did not like the name change. Anywhere you read now, Panathinaikos is NOT Panathinaikos, it is Panathinaikos SUPERFOODS. It is a complete name change and a sponshorship. A sponshorship that gives 0 revenue back to PAO of course nercause is the owners business :D I don't remember that photographer!?!?! Dimitris is a nutcase and now the last ( Fotsis is actually the one left) of the Mohicans, Mitsaras Diamantidis, is gone all s%$#! will break loose. Was very very VERY lucky to have witnessed the GREAT DYNASTY OF PAO for the last 20 years. It will be a tough son of a bitch from now on
  2. Do or die as far as advancing to the next round.
  3. Hahahahah that was the best ! Anyone got the pic ?
  4. That's how you win games for 20 years
  5. Accor6

    Lunatic Kyrgios

    Disgrace http://www.gazzetta.gr/other-sports/article/992701/proklitika-adiaforos-o-kyrgios-oti-heirotero-ekane-pote-vid
  6. Απίθανα σκηνικά διαδραματίστηκαν στο ημίχρονο της αναμέτρησης Ελλάδα – Κύπρος, όπου προπηλακίστηκαν δημοσιογράφοι του ΣΠΟΡ – FM! «Γαμ@ τον Παναθηναϊκό σας και τον Αλαφούζο», τους έλεγαν και τους έφτυναν! Ξύλο στα επίσημα!Την ώρα που οι δύο ομάδες ήταν στα αποδυτήρια τα επίσημα μετατρέπονταν σε «ρινγκ» και στα δημοσιογραφικά εκτυλίσσονταν σκηνές ντροπής!Σε ό,τι αφορά το επεισόδιο στα επίσημα του «Γεώργιος Καραϊσκάκης» έπεσαν... ψιλές! Τα χειρότερα, όμως, έμελλε να διαδραματιστούν στα δημοσιογραφικά του γηπέδου, όπου προπηλάκισαν τους δημοσιογράφους του ΣΠΟΡ FM 94,6. Άγνωστοι που δεν έχει διευκρινιστεί πως βρέθηκαν εκεί άρχισαν να βρίζουν και να φτύνουν τους σπορτκάστερ και να τους φωνάζουν: «Γαμ@ τον Παναθηναϊκό σας και τον Αλαφούζο»!Πρόκειται, βέβαια, για ένα περιστατικό που συνέβη υπό την ευθύνη της ΕΠΟ και της αστυνομίας, που άφησαν απροστάτευτους τους δημοσιογράφους στο συγκεκριμένο γήπεδο
  7. You can have this conversation somewhere else please MODS can the last few messages moved somewhere else
  8. Excellent except from that! I missed that , sorry!!! You know why? because Diamandidis made everyone around him better whether everyone who surrounded Gallis made him better. An d i am talking about both offense and defense
  9. Champions League (With 15 more Championships for Osfp (17-2) the last 19 years ) a)Appearances: 28 OSFP, 30 PAOb) Games 150 OSFP, 157 PAOc) Wins53 OSFP, 49 PAOd)Ties 28 OSFP, 45 PAOe)Losses69 OSFP, 63 PAO f) Points 134 OSFP, 143 PAO Conclusion:In almost 60 years of competition OSFP has managed to play 2 more seasons in europe than us. HOWEVER, he has managed to neither played more games than us nor to collect more points!! TOTAL EUROPEAN GAMES/POINTS PANATHINAIKOS: 273 GAMES 96 WINS 67 TIES 110 LOSSESOSFP:247 GAMES 97 WINS 41 TIES 109 LOSSESTOTAL POINTS (2-1-0)PAO 96 Χ 2 + 67 Χ 1 = 192+67= 259OSFP 97 Χ 2 + 41 Χ 1 = 194+41 = 235
  10. Ο Παναθηναϊκός κορυφαία ελληνική ομάδα στο Champions League! Η πιο πετυχημένη ομάδα της χώρας μας στο Champions League παραμένει ο Παναθηναϊκός. Οι «πράσινοι» διατηρούν την υψηλότερη θέση από όλες τις ελληνικές στο «all time club ranking» της UEFA. 23/09/2016, 22:06 Η κορυφαία ελληνική ομάδα στο Champions League παραμένει ο Παναθηναϊκός. Οι «πράσινοι» έχουν αρκετά χρόνια να βρεθούν στη φάση των ομίλων (πιο συγκεκριμένα από το 2010), ωστόσο ακόμα κι έτσι διατηρούν την υψηλότερη θέση στο «all time club ranking» της UEFA. Πρόκειται για τη λίστα που κατατάσσει τις ομάδες ανάλογα με τα αποτελέσματά τους στην κορυφαία διασυλλογική διοργάνωση και στην οποία το «τριφύλλι» βρίσκεται στη 21η θέση. Όσο για τον Ολυμπιακο, καταλαμβάνει την 26η θέση, ενώ πιο πίσω βρίσκεται η ΑΕΚ, που βρίσκεται στην 67η. Αναλυτικά οι επιδόσεις των ελληνικών ομάδων Παναθηναϊκός: Συμμετοχές 28, Παιχνίδια 157, Νίκες 49, Ισοπαλίες 45, Ήττες 63, Πόντοι 143 Ολυμπιακος : Συμμετοχές 30, Παιχνίδια 150, Νίκες 53, Ισοπαλίες 28, Ήττες 69 Πόντοι 134 ΑΕΚ: Συμμετοχές 14, Παιχνίδια 62, Νίκες 16, Ισοπαλίες 20, Ήττες 26, Πόντοι 52 http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/podosfairo/o-panathinaikos-korufaia-elliniki-omada-sto-Champions-League/3226283
  11. The broken record has cost you many championships
  12. Gallis was more influential in an era that Greece was struggling with basketball and was vastly unknown. He changed the map of Greek basketball and is responsible for the ascendance of the game in Greece. High octane offensive player in an era that very little defense was played. You can't make assumptions as to how his career would look in the NBA had he decided to make it a career. It's difficult to predict what a Great European player can or can't do in the NBA or vice versa. Look at Antekoutombo...will most probably surpass or has already done so every Greek player abroad. BUT can he do what he does in the NBA in europe; dropping triple doubles? Highly doubted. Spanoulis and Papanikolaou another similar examples. Galis was GREAT but one dimensional and the entire team was playing for 1 player offensively (who wouldn't want to take advantage of his unique offensive abilities) and defensively everyone would cover for his lack of effort. Look, Galis always played along side for many years with what many consider the 2nd best player of all time, before Diamantidis, Panagiotis Gianakis. Also alongside of him were also Subotic and Filipou and some others i can't remember. Also with PAO from the 1992 season on he played along side Stojan, Komazets, Paspalie, Volkof and a bunch of other great Greek player of all time -Albertis, Giannakis, Patavoukas- or during that time - Miriounis- in a time when Paulos Gianakopoulos was purring money in the team. Galis was never able to lift the European trophy during his time in PAO, but also Aris of course. Also he was coached by the best Greek coack of that time, the Obradovits (well maybe not that Great) of that Era, Ioanidis. Diamantidis came in a different time (a very defensive oriented game) and influenced the game in different and UNIQUE ways. Won both domestic and European titles in different styles and fashions and always put his team above himself sacrificing his own game (could have averaged another 10 points a game should he taken the shots he could take). The exact opposite of Galis. I can write about Diamantidis a book. But will leave it at that. The legacy he left behind would be very difficult to match for many many years to come, at least at my lifetime perhaps.
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