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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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9 hours ago, Jimmyp said:

I like argys idea. But I think Siovas would be better. 

Siovas is good but he has to start by getting called up. I still prefer KPap, as his best is better than Siovas' best, but we are definitely rich in quality options for CB with Retsos as our #4, Siovas as a logical #5, and then a solid bunch of decent backs battling for a callup. We will likely see Mavropanos with senior team in the coming months as well. 

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Watching the WC everyone is coming to same conclusion: Speed and constant running in the midfield is everything.

IMO, Taxchidis and Samaris don't cut it. We need to find 2 more athletic midfilders to play along Zeka.

This is the key; I hope androutsos shows that he can play at top level, and kourbelis can help for sure.

Also a reliable golie goes a long way; I don't see anyone capable of stepping up.

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All I know is if we want to get better with Skibbe, this is what he has to do:

- Never call up Tziolis, Maniatis and Tzavellas ever again.

- Do not call up Tachtsidis and Bakasetas for 3 months until they pick up form or if other players are not living up to it. 

- Bench Samaris. Do not make him a starter constantly. Time for Kourbelis, Androutsos and Galanopoulos to be given a chance. 

- Mantalos has to play the 10 role. Fortounis is our best but needs to be given a rest as he has not played well. 


Edited by Dean97
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6 hours ago, PaoOle said:

Watching the WC everyone is coming to same conclusion: Speed and constant running in the midfield is everything.

IMO, Taxchidis and Samaris don't cut it. We need to find 2 more athletic midfilders to play along Zeka.

This is the key; I hope androutsos shows that he can play at top level, and kourbelis can help for sure.

Also a reliable golie goes a long way; I don't see anyone capable of stepping up.

I couldn't agree more. I think we are all hoping Androutsos to be the answer. I hope was looking at the WC. Siopis would be perfect for our midfield. He is 24, hungry as hell and has the strongest work ethic I have ever seen in a Greek midfielder. That hunger is what I believe is what makes you a success. You got to want it. 

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My new formation


Sok Man Retso

Bak Siopi Zeca Tsimika

Fetfa. Mitro Donis

We have a 4 man midfield that can help defensively and are all fast. A front 3 that can score goals. Look at Donis against Bayern at the way he scored. Fetfatzidis can take on players and quick one touch football. 

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While I agree that Tziolis and maniati (think he's okay for depth) aren't the way forward, we can't be penciling in guys like Androutos who aren't starters at club level. He played a total of 521 mins last season. 

The reality of the situation is we are going to see Samaris(who I know had minimal mins this past season as well but coaches will defer to "experience") and Taxi for a while, until these younger guys start to perform at a good level at their clubs. "Bouchalakis can shoot" is not enough to justify him starting for the ethniki. 

I understand people want to see something change, which is fair enough but you can't just throw guys in for the sake of it. 


Edited by paokarag4
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We won't get anywhere though with what we have seen. Androutsos needs to play which is understandable but what about Galanopoulos? He is played more and was one of the reasons AEK won the title. Why wasn't he given chances. Instead Tziolis is our answer who doesn't suit the modern game. It's not 2012 anymore. We need to adapt to the current style of football in order to succeed. That's all I'm saying.

We haven't got the depth at CM. Kourbelis played the most I believe for any Greek in the superleague. Wasn't given chances. Tachtsidis proved to be out of form for the whole year. Samaris only played like 5 games the whole year. Tziolis plays in the middle east. These players are slow to begin with. Yet we rely on them. Unless we put players in different positions which is unpopular I've realised on these forums.

We better play in form players this time around. I seriously had enough of this bullshit. We can do better, I know we can.

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Kourbelis/Kone are players that should be given a go. Galanopoulos I haven't seen play much, so I can't really comment on his ability

These same arguments were happening pre World Cup 2014, people were calling for Samaris and Taxi to start, now they aren't wanted. All I'm saying is you don't know how young players are going to develop. That needs to be done at club level. 

Fundamentally we are in agreement on this issue, I just can't justify giving caps to players who are still unproven at club level just because "it can't be worse than what we currently have" The same things were said leading into the Euro 16 qualifiers (I was one of them) and we all know how that turned out

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Donis Fortounis Laz

        Toro/Siovas    Zeca

Staf Sokratis Manolas Bakakis



I think this would be solid

Mantalos cam if his form is better than Fortounis's


Fetfa if his form suprasses Laz's


Bakakis and Laz same side cuz they have good chem.


Edited by georgelaz
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I have said it for a while Samaris and Taxi are not our answers, If we start with them at mid again we will continue to have the same problems... Samaris makes more mistakes then good plays and he should be a bench option not a starter. Taxi should not be a starter besides his shot and height  he offers nothing, He is slow and lazy as f..ck... Since we lack talent in our mod then we need to compensate with guys that work their asses off and have good speed as speed can make up for lack of talent sometimes.. I also would like to see Kone And Fetfa on this team..We need to fill our mid with a couple of guys that have Zeca's speed and work ethic because we know we don't have much talent in that position... Sad to say but if we continue with the same line up we will not qualify for the euros... The World Cup has should us parking the bus does not work and eventually you will be broken down, The Greek team needs to play smart defence obviously but we need speed and guys that can at least make some passes in order to create some chances.. I don't know what the answer is for our mid postion..

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A lot of fans have hoped for a back 3, but skibbe refuses. It’s not gonna happen even though based on our talent at the position we should... skibbe has rarely veered from 4-2-3-1... and considering that he is unwilling to change, this would be the formation we should fit players into.....







I would love mantalos to start playing as a #8 for AEK. Then he could slip into samaris’s spot and that would allow mantalos and pelkas/fortounis to be on the field. the playmaker role should be chosen based on form, and the leading candidates would be mantalos, fortounis, and pelkas..I also have very little faith in stafylidis, since he’s been unable to keep a regular spot. I think having donis and fetfatsidis on the field at the same time could cause some real issues for opposing teams

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Some nice line ups guys.

The situation is so clear and we all want to see the issues, which are obvious fixed which is what makes this so frustrating with Skibbe.

As another poster mentioned, there are some guys with great promise that have been mentioned but they need to play consistently at club level too.

Galanopoulos, Kourbelis & Vasilakakis are players that should have had a decent shot next to Zeca by now 

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WIth many strongly opinionated people's ideas, and also my own, I would go with this outfit to represent the Pirates at the Euro Nation's Cup:


Bakakis                       Manolas                           Sokratis (c)                  Stafy



       Pelkas (speed)                                    Mantalos                      Donis



Karelis  Manos  Gianniotas  Lazaros  Androutsos/Fortounis   

Galanopoulos  Kourbelis  KPaps   Retsos  Lykogiannis  Kapino  Anestis

coach: Alefantos..- maybe not.    






Edited by ausgreek
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You forgot the best Greek technical player of today. Giannis Fetfatzidis! 

All in all not a bad line up @ausgreek. I like the idea of Fortounis playing deeper. Pelkas at his best is when he is playing behind the striker. Now is Mantalos a better player overall than Pelkas? In my opinion they are both equal with Fortounis slightly better than both. 

Fetfatzidis can be used a super sub. We shouldn't be forgetting Gianniotas either. With Zeca doing the work in midfield we can have Mantalos, Pelkas and Fortounis all in at the same time providing service to Mitroglou. We have got depth there at CAM. 

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Mean Dean, i would have to swap Gianniotas out for Fetfa, which I'm comfortable with either way, as the two wing subs I chose are Gianniotas RW and Lazo LW. Gianniotas might be a whisker ahead right now.

I have Pelkas out on the wing cause I have Mantalos JUST ahead for the AM position,  yet Pelkas would still be in the team instead of Mantalos or of recent times, Bakasetas starting at RW. 

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14 hours ago, ausgreek said:

Mean Dean, i would have to swap Gianniotas out for Fetfa, which I'm comfortable with either way, as the two wing subs I chose are Gianniotas RW and Lazo LW. Gianniotas might be a whisker ahead right now.

I have Pelkas out on the wing cause I have Mantalos JUST ahead for the AM position,  yet Pelkas would still be in the team instead of Mantalos or of recent times, Bakasetas starting at RW. 

Yeah true. I just think we should start talking more about Fetfatzidis, now that he is back with Oly. I dont mind Pelkas on the wing aswell. I just think we get more out of him as the 10. To me Fortounis is better than Mantalos. Its just that Fortounis can be inconsistent as seen last season, although this pre season he is looking solid. Fetfa and Gianniotas are good back ups. Id like to see Donis start more often. If we can start him every game and see what he can do it wont harm us. Whether as striker or winger. 

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Ninis needs to come back to Greece and start earning some form. Why not go back to Panathinaikos. I cant believe he is 28 already. He is soon to be 30 lol. I feel sorry for him but it was his doing. Back when he was in form at PAO he was very creative and scroed goals. His dribbling and passing were his highlights and his shots were dangerous. Now all those things looked toned down and is slower. Right now we have good players at number 10. We have Fortounis, Mantalos, Pelkas, Fetfatzidis, Lazaros and Bakasetas. 

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Okay so I'm pretty sure Fetfa wasn't picked so far because of where he played yet Tziolis has been a regular this entire time..lol lets see now that he goes to OLY what Skibbe's excuse for not calling him up will be...

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The thing is the Greek media do not like players in the mould of Fetfatzidis or Ninis. They prefer Tziolis and Tzavellas. That is why Skibbe is a yes man and we see the same old thing. He is trying to please his bosses. The Greek people have no idea about how soccer should be played if it was up to me Ninis and Fetfatzidis will be the players I choose any day of the week. They are talented.

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