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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Curious to see what type of line JVS fields knowing 2 wins are a must.  If he starts with Bakasetas and Mantalos on the wing then I don’t think he gets it.. Also regarding RB who starts?? If Bakakis is healthy I’m pretty sure that’s who he will go with..

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I get your frustration with Mantalos/Bakesetas playing.  But what would you change other than that? Our CBs are not the reason we are not scoring.  Right Back - fine, Bakakis is not the answer and we should get someone there.  I believe with a few tweaks, he will have the line up he needs.


Bakakis (for now)     Hatzi             Mavropanos (when fit)             Tzimakis

                                  Zeca              Galo


Limnios                                                                                               Giannoulis (or Masouras)

                                           Fountas (Pavlidis)

Remember, Galo was hurt before.  Masouras also was hurt for these last string of games and so were the entire back line.



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I mean Giannoulis is a left back, what is he doing there the in your line up?

Under these circumstances I hope to see something like


Tsimikas Retsos Tzavellas (meh) Bakakis

Zeca Bouchalakis

Limnios Fortounis Donis


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Our top tier players are Manolas 32m euro, Vlachodimos 16m euro, Tsimikas 9m euro and Fortounis 8m euro

Next tier in terms of market value 3 - 6m euro are Retsos, Barkas, Giannoulis, Soc, Siovas, Limnios, Fountas, Pashalidis, Mantalos, Vasilliadis, Tziolis, Bouchalakis, Kiriakopoulos, Bakasetas and Masouras

Third tier with market value 1 - <3m euro; Stafylidis, A. Donis, Fetfatzides, Michaelidis, Mavropanos, Bakakis, Hatzidiakos, Svarnas, Charlambidis, Zeca, Kourbelis, Galanopoulos, Koulouris and Dioudis.

Final and fourth tier, those with market values < 1m euro; Tzavellas, Lambropoulos, Rota

Source: https://www.transfermarkt.com/griechenland/marktwertanalyse/verein/3378

Names underlined were starters in the last 2 games. Time JVS rethinks the squad and starting line and make some changes next matches. Pressure will be on if we don't top the NL Group.

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I'm fine with Pav and Lim obv, they can start everygame. They're definitely not the issue out there. 

Those are all good line ups guys, problem is he'll never even attempt play them because these idiot greek coaches never do what makes sense. I think the friendly was a telltale sign of this coaches lack of anything. So many things could have been tried out, instead he just did the same s%&#036;#&#33; he's been doing. 

Like if course non of us are soccer mastermind(maybe some of us ?), but we all know the game pretty well. And what's frustrating is is that we're not in here posting insane ideas for line ups, we're on here posting very logical realistic line ups. That's where you know theres a massive problem. And although we're not in that dressing room, we all highly doubt he's forced into these line ups because of the personnel available/unavailable to him. 

Any logical coach would have tried his line up, seen it was ineffective and switched to something different, but not him. 

And this ego s#it he's pulling with manolas, socs, siovas and fetfa is very bad. Manolas and soc have bled for the shirt and deserve better than that. This guys acting like a big shot in borrowed shoes. He's proven nothing and he walks in the door kicking ass and chewing bubble gum. This clown wouldnt have even gotten hired if epo wasn't so broke and incompetent 

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8 hours ago, Boxou said:

You miss one thing over there; Lambropoulos is 30 fcking years old playing in second divisions of Germany and Spain.

I only had him in the mix, the fact that he is a seasoned campaigner and the fact he has been rated good enougb to be chosen already anyway means others also agree with the selection.

They could well go with either Tzavella o Lampro instead of both to be there for now with the younger, potentially better CB's of the future.

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11 hours ago, Boxou said:

How can the attackers get good service when we play with we have literally no one able to make a direct pass/cross to them? Mpakasetas can't, Zeca can't, Kourmpelis can't, our back 4 with Cbs covering the right back position can't and Mantalos is literally useless the way he's being utilized.

That’s my point.

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5 hours ago, ausgreek said:

Good service to the striker means either of Galanopoulos, Vasiliadis or Mantalos plays as a CM. Thats it.

Then why doesn’t the coach do it. Vasiliadis was healthy for our last 3 games. He didn’t pick him. Mantalos on the wing doesn’t work. Maybe he should go 4-3-3 with Fortounis and Mantalos ahead of say Zeca or Kourbelis. 

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1 hour ago, Dean97 said:

Then why doesn’t the coach do it. Vasiliadis was healthy for our last 3 games. He didn’t pick him. Mantalos on the wing doesn’t work. Maybe he should go 4-3-3 with Fortounis and Mantalos ahead of say Zeca or Kourbelis. 

I've said I want either of Gala, Mantalo or Vas in at CM, No Wing spot for Mantalos either. 

Bakasetas works if Ethniki plays with a Second Striker-only. Seeing as they don't, Baka doesn't fit in that squad, unless he becomes a striker and I don't think that will ever be his go. Maybe as a CM cause he has hussle about him, energy. He appears not overly technical for that level. The only current AM options must be out of Fortounis, Pelkas or Mantalos.

JVS is abit slow to make change. Every other gaffa since 2014 has had this issue, they had either coached an ordinary team at the time, and/or, didn't make the right selections and fell on their swords.

Based on previous outcomes of managers of the Ethniki, who is to say the next gaffa will satisfy the fans on the forum with team selections? He might start playing Pavlidis as a DM and Svarnas as LW because he sees something we don't..

Would any of you guys gamble everything you have with regard to the EPO being transparent and honest, or not? The Only other explanaton would be that EPO control the managers of Ethniki cause they pay the bills, take mavra in brown paper bags and pander to the CEO's of certain Super League and overseas player managers and clubs. This would explain constant stupid team selections.

Edited by ausgreek
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It seems like every nt manager we’ve had have played Mantalos as a LW. I don’t know see what they see. We only need one of Fortounis, Pelkas and Mantalos on the pitch. They are all more valuable than our wingers it seems. That’s why we’ve seen 2 out of the 3 if not all in the starting line up over the years. Nobody knows how to control the game better than Fortounis. He should be our starting CAM. Even in our darkest times he was the one that stood out as our best along with Manolas. 

All the managers we’ve had don’t seem to trust our wingers. Lamprou, Chatzigiovannis, Fetfatzidis and even Masouras. The one number 8 that could potentially be a star for Greece, Vasiliadis, is being ignored even thought Van’t Schip and EPO wanted him and had to go through all the trouble to make him a Greek citizen. 

Regarding EPO, we don’t know exactly what goes on behind closed doors but you’d have to think that there’s something going on with selections. Sometimes the best players don’t get to play like how is Lampropoulos or Svarnas better than Retsos or Mavropanos?? Retsos is probably someone every Greek should look to in how to progress yourself as a footballer. Retsos has the right mindset and seems the most professional Greek player we have. 

He even debuted and came back after a long time without game time and performed really well for St Etienne. He even played 3 different positions that game. He can be very useful for us. We’ve had players like Chatzigiovannis and Lamprou have good seasons for their respective teams in the last couple of years and are in my opinion long overdue a call up and opportunity. We are seeing Limnios excel. There’s no reason why they can’t do the same. 

Theres seems to be trust issues with our talent pool. Every coach we’ve had don’t want to risk a few things. We had friendly to try things out... But we didn’t. Who knows maybe playing Mantalos and Vasiliadis together at CM could work better than Zeca-Kourbelis-Bouchalakis combo. Try it, if doesn’t work don’t do it again. Don’t have to always play 2 DMs there. We struggle for goals so we need someone more creative and attacking in that CM role. 

Edited by Dean97
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Form and injuries aside, my starting line up for NT


Retsos Hatzidiakos Manolas Tzimikas

Vasilliadis Bouchalakis

Limnios Fortounis Fountas



GK: Vlachodimos, Barkas, Dioudis

DEF: Manolas, Soc, Siovas, Hatzidiakos, Retsos, Tzimikas, Giannoulis, Kyriakopoulos, Stafylidis

MF: Vasilliadis, Bouchalakis, Galanopoulos, Kourbelis, Fortounis, Pelkas 

F: Limnios, Fountas, Bakasetas, Pashalidis, Masouras

Read a really dumb article about Soc on Contra.gr. For me Soc has been one of the best Greek players in the last 10 years and has had a great career at club and NT level. At 32, he still has at least 2-3 good years at the top level and I'm sure he will find a club. I would still include him in a the Greece squad , either as a back up CB or even as a back up RB which he played when he was at Dortmund, and until we find the next Torosides which isn't going to happen any time soon.  

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4 hours ago, J1078 said:

That was tough to watch. Manolas obviously wants to play for the NT but has not been reached out to in over a year by JVS. All parties need to find away to come to some understanding and bring him back for the World Cup qualifiers. The handling of Manolas is JVS biggest mistake so far.

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6 hours ago, Ellada2004 said:

That was tough to watch. Manolas obviously wants to play for the NT but has not been reached out to in over a year by JVS. All parties need to find away to come to some understanding and bring him back for the World Cup qualifiers. The handling of Manolas is JVS biggest mistake so far.

Ya it was.. I don’t see JVS reaching to him to be honest.. It seems like JVS Has a stubborn personality and demands a lot from his players, it doesn’t seem like he gives to many 2nd chances.. In saying that what did Manolas actually do to JVS? I think he should have at least reached out and had a conversation with Manolas and let him know what his expectations are if he rejoins the team..

Edited by J1078
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Manolas can be brought back,  young enough and hopefully he plays with a high tempo mentality.

When turning wilst defending and being passed by opposition forwards, on occasion he looked like the QE2 turning in the harbour (limani).

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Looks like Fernando Santos who won the Euros with Portugal is totally dumb who always had Manolas/Sokratis/Siovas in his team.

Someone needs to wake asap and fire this a**hole who gets paid 600K per year to rotate CBs in the right back.


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8 hours ago, kbxk508 said:

Form and injuries aside, my starting line up for NT


Retsos Hatzidiakos Manolas Tzimikas

Vasilliadis Bouchalakis

Limnios Fortounis Fountas



GK: Vlachodimos, Barkas, Dioudis

DEF: Manolas, Soc, Siovas, Hatzidiakos, Retsos, Tzimikas, Giannoulis, Kyriakopoulos, Stafylidis

MF: Vasilliadis, Bouchalakis, Galanopoulos, Kourbelis, Fortounis, Pelkas 

F: Limnios, Fountas, Bakasetas, Pashalidis, Masouras

Read a really dumb article about Soc on Contra.gr. For me Soc has been one of the best Greek players in the last 10 years and has had a great career at club and NT level. At 32, he still has at least 2-3 good years at the top level and I'm sure he will find a club. I would still include him in a the Greece squad , either as a back up CB or even as a back up RB which he played when he was at Dortmund, and until we find the next Torosides which isn't going to happen any time soon.  

Aside of the fact that there's no real RB in your squad we might be better if we use 3 in the back, something like Siovas/Manolas/Mavropanos with Tsimikas and Limnios being the full backs. In the midfield I'd like Bouchalakis and Galanopoulos with Fortounis in front of them, then Donis and Pavlidis up front. I'd take Stafylidis out because he's out of form for more than a year and we literally don't need 4 Left backs in the squad. Lykogiannis of Calgiari would be a much better alternative.

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4 hours ago, J1078 said:

Ya it was.. I don’t see JVS reaching to him to be honest.. It seems like JVS Has a stubborn personality and demands a lot from his players, it doesn’t seem like he gives to many 2nd chances.. In saying that what did Manolas actually do to JVS? I think he should have at least reached out and had a conversation with Manolas and let him know what his expectations are if he rejoins the team..

I dont know why he wouldn't want him back in the fold, Manolas played for JVS in the EQ vs Finland and Liechtenstein. I dont think he had any discipline issues while he was called up? Sokratis is a different story he went on the media and trashed the last coach and maybe JVS thinks he may lash out at him if he is not happy. Anyways JVS must include Manolas for the WCUP qualifiers especially if we are going to go up against strikers such as Lukaku, Lewandowski, Mpabbe etc. I hope common sense prevails.

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Common sense was to use the best players possible in nations league because results do matter not only for our ranking but also for our placement in future draws.

Anastasiadis F***ed up last campaign when we lost to f***ing Estonia and hence one of Romania/Scotland, don't recall correctly took our place in the NL playoffs.

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14 hours ago, J1078 said:

Ya it was.. I don’t see JVS reaching to him to be honest.. It seems like JVS Has a stubborn personality and demands a lot from his players, it doesn’t seem like he gives to many 2nd chances.. In saying that what did Manolas actually do to JVS? I think he should have at least reached out and had a conversation with Manolas and let him know what his expectations are if he rejoins the team..

Demanding a lot from your players is a great trait. 

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6 hours ago, Boxou said:

Common sense was to use the best players possible in nations league because results do matter not only for our ranking but also for our placement in future draws.

Anastasiadis F***ed up last campaign when we lost to f***ing Estonia and hence one of Romania/Scotland, don't recall correctly took our place in the NL playoffs.

Yes for sure Anastasiadis messed up our playoff chances for the Euro, we just needed a draw vs Estonia. 

JVS better get two wins next month or he will face the music. 

Currently are Greece a pot 3 team for the World Cup? Finland are right behind us in the rankings.

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If we don’t WIN our next 2 games and we see more of the same from the last 3 games then we have gone backwards. Van’t Schip better think smart about his selections or we will continue to suffer: I hope we he looks at these players to call up:

Vasiliadis: EPO and Van’t Schip tried desperately to acquire him and now they got him. Use him let’s see what he’s got, if they are that desperate to have him, try him.

Masouras (the RB): Not many people like him but I think he has something to offer. Loads of speed and professionalism about him. Can be our future RB. He just needs to play consistently without injury. 

Retsos: By far our most professional and mentally strongest player. He can play anywhere and do well. With more game time it would be a crime not to have him involved.

If we see these players called up then we would possibly fix our issue in midfield and at RB. We have another friendly coming up aswell so it would be a good time to integrate these players. 

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