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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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On 9/7/2020 at 11:42 PM, Boxou said:

To be dropped immidiatelly; Bakakis, Paschalakis, Mantalos, Svarnas, Lampropoulos, Rota, Michailidis etc.

 Vlachodimos, Barkas, Dioudis

 Tsimikas, Kyriakopoulos, Giannoulis

 Manolas, Sokratis, Mavropanos, Siovas

 Baldock, Retsos

 Zeca, Vasileiadis, Kourmpelis

Samaris, Galanopoulos, Bouchalakis

Donis, Masouras, Limnios, Fortounis, Pavlidis, Koulouris, Fountas


That's basically one of the best squads we can field up at the moment that leaves outside every mediocre trash that has been around in order to secure a good transfer/sale for his club.



JVS and co are more content with Mantalos and his high press, as opposed to Fortounis and his holding off style of play.

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On 9/3/2020 at 9:56 AM, pash said:

^ I agree with this take actually

I looked through a high powered telescope and saw a AAA rated country named AUSTRALIA which has made four World Cups. Wouldn't know it hey... 

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6 hours ago, pash said:

Get real, that's not a real place. All that high altitude has ruined you Austrians and your ability to cogitate.

You're an Afl guy, I knew it. Your not really Eddie McGuire are you?

Edited by ausgreek
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                                          4 2 3 1


Bakakis             Manolas              Hatzidiakos           Tsimikas

                  Galanopoulos           Kourbelis

   Limnios                             Mantalos                      Lamprou



Fountas Bakasetas Fortounis  

Vasiliais Giannoulis Stafylidis

Dioudis Paschalakis/Vlahodimos

Edited by ausgreek
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Btw something I just realised is that Paschalakis is actually as old as Samaris and Sokratis however he keeps being called up in the team in spite not only of that, but also we have to leave out Vlachodimos for him.

Keep in mind he doesn't start at Paok these days ??‍♂️

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Really grasping for arguments there, huh? He's being sold soon; there are several such players at PAOK during this preseason. Who among Pashalakis, Samaris, and Sokratis do you think has played more games since the coronavirus went down?

Greece's problem isn't goalies. It's that we're allergic to scoring.

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On 9/7/2020 at 5:23 PM, Dean97 said:

I’d put Hatzidiakos and Mantalos in the team instead of Sokratis and Samaris. 

Hatzidiakos is better than Sokratis in all aspects. Sokratis is starting to slow down. Mantalos should be involved. He’s not being utilised correctly. He’s not a winger or striker. He’s a CAM or CM.

Fetfatzidis deserves a spot somewhere. Had a great season with Aris. 

I agree with everything else.

Once Hatzidiakos is back in the lineup we will greatly improve at the CB position as we saw how he moves the ball quickly. I appreciate Stafs service to the NT but his performances have not been as good as they were back a few years ago when he was playing exceptionally well for the NT and Augsburg.

As for Fetfa he has all the attacking talent the NT craves but he can’t be showing up late for meetings especially under JVS and expect call ups. 

Whats happening with Donis? Is he on JVS radar I would like to see him back for the October matches.

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Donis and Fetfatzidis should be called up. Both can add something off the bench. Donis with his pace and Fetfatzidis with his creative dribbling. Both have are unique in my opinion. Players like L.Lamprou should be tried. Chatzigiovannis the same. We shouldn’t try to put CAMs like Mantalos and Fortounis on the left when there’s players who fit the role and haven’t been tried yet. 

Hopefully Donis gets some playing time. He will be needed. 

4 hours ago, pash said:

Really grasping for arguments there, huh? He's being sold soon; there are several such players at PAOK during this preseason. Who among Pashalakis, Samaris, and Sokratis do you think has played more games since the coronavirus went down?

Greece's problem isn't goalies. It's that we're allergic to scoring.

It’s also the service we are providing. Bakasetas isn’t the best CAM we’ve got. Especially for the International level. Also Kourbelis and Zeca aren’t going to provide the creative spark in the middle that’s needed from time to time. The service is just as much to blame as the strikers. But I believe it’s more the service. 

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21 hours ago, Dean97 said:

Donis and Fetfatzidis should be called up. Both can add something off the bench. Donis with his pace and Fetfatzidis with his creative dribbling. Both have are unique in my opinion. Players like L.Lamprou should be tried. Chatzigiovannis the same. We shouldn’t try to put CAMs like Mantalos and Fortounis on the left when there’s players who fit the role and haven’t been tried yet. 

Hopefully Donis gets some playing time. He will be needed. 

It’s also the service we are providing. Bakasetas isn’t the best CAM we’ve got. Especially for the International level. Also Kourbelis and Zeca aren’t going to provide the creative spark in the middle that’s needed from time to time. The service is just as much to blame as the strikers. But I believe it’s more the service. 

I hope JVS doesn't start Kourbelis and Zeca in the middle of the park going forward. They are good at covering ground and hustling but they lack technically. They could be good bench options and especially bringing them in to hold a result. 

Bakasetas has had improved performances under JVS but he hasn't delivered a goal in 27 apps. He was a bit unlucky last game when he volleyed just over the bar. I would like him to come in as a sub when needed.

Fountas just scored 2 goals in Austrian league he must be starting the next two matches in October ahead of Koulouris who has had his struggles with the NT.

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Oof, Siovas got smacked down!  VS said "Siovas clearly made a big mistake.  He damaged the team, the team process, by talking as a coach.  If he wants to become a coach, stop playing football and become a coach.".

I guess that nullifies Siovas's belief that koumbaro > NT.

Interview here.  Siovas commentary around 9:30.


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I don't mind what JVS is doing at all, even if he has deprived us of our 3 best center backs. But enough is enough this type of mentality is what has turned us into a joke post WC14. I don't care who you think should be playing because you think he's a good player or his your pal or you koumbaro, it's the attitude that the Ethniki needs. 

Now the issue is if Siovas has any allies within the squad who may try to internally disrupt things. The one's that spring to mind are Fortounis and Bouchalakis given their olympiakos connection they seem to be close based off social media. There has been rumblings from Olympiakos media that Fortounis and Masouras are under-utilized and it's seems to be adding to an already tense situation between Olympiakos and EPO.

Interesting to see what happens in a few weeks with the next round of matches, wouldn't shock me if Fortounis and co pick up "knocks" and are unavailable to play. 

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54 minutes ago, AchillesHeel said:

I honestly expected nothing less from JVS. I also believe whatever chance there was of Manolas or Sokratis being invited back may have been eradicated which is more of a blow than Siovas being cut from the team. I think the Schipster sent the right message and reaffirmed his commitment to the team mentality he wants to instill. If a player can't show the same commitment then better to dump them and find someone else who wants to be there.

I like that JVS has laid down the law from the beginning of his tenure and that he will not tolerate this kind of descent. I cant believe that Siovas after a win and himself coming off a big performance and scoring the winning goal would go and run his mouth? Just incredibly dumb! 

As you said Manolas and Sokratis time with the NT is probably done too. I was hoping that Manolas might be given a second chance by JVS to help us with World Cup qualifying.

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