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Panathinaiko Kafenio

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At the risk of sounding too practical or too old, I'd say a good education & a degree is more realistic and helpful in your life. Very, very few lads make it to pro teams. Here in the US, there's an abundance of tallent (football and basketball) but only the very lucky ones make it to the pros. And, it's not a matter of talent or personal drive. It's luck and the brutal fact that there's more supply of talent than positions.


I'd say, research schools and see which ones have strong soccer programs/teams. They might give you a scholarship to play for them if you can prove you're good. Bulid up your resume. The scouts concentrate on those schools. Rarely a talent is discovered at a playground any more. These are old stories.


The colleges that have good teams also have a good academic reputation and money for scholarships. Get a degree no matter what. Not only it's more realistic but education and a critical mind is something you have with you forever.


Good luck!

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Pana97 because I do coach for a premier league academy ,my advice is listen to the above advice from Greekaus and Athinaios and also PAOmelbourne.

It is extremely competitive out there in the football world,it is nearly impossible to get a trial with a premier league club unless you have been capped by your national team at youth level or been personally scouted by one of their top scouts .

A lot of these academies are just money making exercises that promise a lot but deliver nothing.

One kid came to me and said he got a trial from his academy with a top Italian club and I said to him that's impossible,because I know for a fact that that the young players of this Italian club 70-80 of them are locked away and no one goes in or out,and I was right the kid got ripped off.

focus on your education which is what I tell all my players,and make sure you are getting at least 15 hours of football training weekly.

and don't give up at the first rejection keep at it and work hard.you might not play at a top level but you might end up making a living from it.but have a back up plan.

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the coach will pick your position,you tell the coach where you play or would like to play but in the end he will make the decision rightly or wrongly because coaches can get it wrong.

the coach will examine your set of skills and see what position they fit,every position requires certain skills which you must have to be able to play that position.

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Ok.... when have you "stuck it" to me?  I'm confused.......  


And I'd just stop while your still ahead..... Remember you came to me earlier in the year asking for "advice" on certain things....  


It's been fun reading about ur soccer adventures but I'd tread lightly.....  just saaaayinnn....  

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Im talking about now and if you wanna go that low I honestly could care less. Ill do it for you

Earlier in the year I was having digestive issue and was very concerned I knew Freeze was a doc so I asked about some advice on what I should do. I told him what medicine I have and if it is safe to be on it. No offense file but if you are taking things so personally over some banter on a football forum you really are the one with the complex and not me.

Yeah I am working my ass off in soccer and have been improving vastly I don't need any of your sarcastic luck. I pray and work at the things I am weak in. You just made yourself look even worse.


Its more than that... but ill leave it at that

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And then they brag about following their team anywhere they go, did they not have any fans there at all?

And after what happened to Bayern fans in the 1st match I highly doubt Oly fans will be welcomed in Munich for the 2nd game.

To be fair, whenever pao oly paok play away from home in Europe, there's barely a time where there's minimal support.

Countless times there's been situations where a few thousand have out sung an entire stadium.

Dinamo must've disallowed them tickets

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And so they should be, well not all will admit that but the few that have knowledge and aren't biased will say it, its a disgrace to need that much help against a small team like Veria when they have a line up like they do.


Forget the goal for a second those fouls were terrible and not one was given let alone a card. Oly atleast should've been down to 10 men.

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