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We would prolly be up against USA in the Semi if we get there (of course we will). I think that might prove to be too much for our boys without zisis i'm afraid. I think the medals will go like this:

Gold: USA

Silver: Argentina

Bronze: HELLAS

Doesent look all bad in my eyes ;)

Watch my bold predication

Zisis is coming back to Greece if they make the semifinals

As for my top 3 finish

Gold : Argentina

Silver : USA

Bronze : Greece

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i didn't watch the game and i even did not see the stats yet.. but hey, 30 by Serkan.. that's very good cause he was hugely disappointing in the offence in the first four games.. congrats to the greek team and i can say both turkey and greece will be in the quarters cause china and slovenia are no match, i think..

cameroonopoulos had a great game?? well, than our centres should have taken this day off!!

Edited by coldylan
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Sorting Things Out

So what does this all really mean now that we know what the Eighth Finals looks like? NBA.com wanted to know that too, so we filled out the brackets, with the higher seeded squad winning each time. Here's how the bracket looks in the

Quarter Finals:

Potential Quarter Finals Matchups

USA (5-0) would take on Germany (4-1)

Greece (5-0) would take on France (3-2)

Argentina (5-0) would take on Turkey (4-1)

Spain (5-0) would take on Italy (4-1)

Here's how the potential bracket looks in the Semi Finals:

Potential Semi Finals Matchups

USA (5-0) takes on Greece (5-0)

Argentina (5-0) takes on Spain (5-0)


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i didn't watch the game and i even did not see the stats yet.. but hey, 30 by Serkan.. that's very good cause he was hugely disappointing in the offence in the first four games.. congrats to the greek team and i can say both turkey and greece will be in the quarters cause china and slovenia are no match, i think..

cameroonopoulos had a great game?? well, than our centres should have taken this day off!!

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'Disparaging', I like that. Next time somebody cuts me off on the road I'm gonna yell 'You Russian!' That'll show him.

But 'Cameroonopolous' is not insulting, is it? Cuz your comrade said it, it's OK.

Seriously, shame on you 100% biologically pure Turks to lose to some lowly Greeks (but then we're probably not pure Greeks, probably have some Serbian, Russian, heck even some Lithuanian blood in us that enables us to excel in B-ball, and don't forget the African guy)... :LOL:

Oh, yes, and as you say in your own words 'B-ball is always second fiddle to football in Turkey', so no wonder you lost (the originality of the excuses never ceases to amaze me). Btw, you're not very good in football either so...better re-string that fiddle, bro.

You also probably didn't watch the game let me guess, after all who would admit to watching a game where their team was on the brink of beating the hated rival (leading even by 7 pts at the half) only to squander it in the end, but not lose just by one or two but by 7!

I personally would say 'Cameroonopolous' is more insulting than Russian. It is not only about the ethnicity but also about re-shaping a Greek name in a quite disgraceful way. And he is not my comrade, I haven't talked to him before. We do not share common opinions and interests. I have too many Greek friends, and I can clearly say I share more with them rather than Turk friends. Isn't it strange to categorise people according to their nationalities. What if me and you, or me and another Greek friend from this forum have common points in specific issues. As I was going through the different topics in this forum, I've seen posts starting with 'Turk' (replying to a Turk). For God's sake, everyone on this planet has a name (or a nick). You wouldn't be discredited for not calling them 'Turk'.

And I actually could not get the rest of your message. I do not state anything about the latest basketball or football games. On the contrary, I congratulated the Greece team for their success. Why do you require to contoversialize those?

Yes, we did not manage to get the Euro cup. But we had a 3rd title in football world 2002 (it might not be a big success for you, but very valuable for Turkey, considering our initial position). My team, Galatasaray had the UEFA a few years ago(again, you might argue the contribution of foreigners, but still valuable). It is obvious that we are proceeding by stages. I was talking to one of my best Greek friends and he said he was very suprised that Turkey won against Brazil, Australia, and most importantly Lithunia. That is exactly what we have to do in the future. Suprising others.

As I said in my preceding post, Greece has one of the best basketball teams on the world. For football, I can not say the same. You had the Euro cup. That was brilliant. Afterwards, why couldn't you manage to qualify for the World 2006, finishing the group with a 3rd place after Turkey. Same is valid for Turkey. Having the 3rd title in World 2002 and no qualification for World 2006. I guess, this is what we have to think about. Instability.

Going back to basketball (as we are in bb topic), it is my belief that Turkey bb team will continue to get good results. No excuse for Greece game. Greece was the more experienced and used its trumps in a balanced way. Some Turks say "we do not have Hido and Memo from NBA" bla bla but this was Hido and Memo's personal choices. They quit from the national team. As long as you step into the court with 5 players, you have a full team. I am sure Greece team had missing players, too but they never complain about it. Because they have an efficient system.

Sorry for long post and my language mistakes. (not a native speaker)

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You sound like one of those guys who is accused of racism but to defend themselves they say 'I have many friends who are black, or Jewish, or...'

And who's controversializing? Better yet what's 'controversializing'. I agree with you on one thing, man, your English is pretty bad.

Hey, pop quiz who won '3rd title' (as you call it) in 1994 WC? See, nobody remembers who gets 3rd place, only the champ!

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You sound like one of those guys who is accused of racism but to defend themselves they say 'I have many friends who are black, or Jewish, or...'

And who's controversializing? Better yet what's 'controversializing'. I agree with you on one thing, man, your English is pretty bad.

Hey, pop quiz who won '3rd title' (as you call it) in 1994 WC? See, nobody remembers who gets 3rd place, only the champ!


You make fun like the white trash that ridiculed the Greeks that moved to the Americas -dropi sou

Edited by loup
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10 points. You shamed the "Turk" with grammatical error. Looks like you get what I mean. Enough for me. Would have been nice to hear from you about the content rather than the structure.

I must confess, you are right about the champ. This is what we are aiming for. Being a champ in each generation. However, it is almost impossible with the existing facilities and sports system in Turkey. People rely on "luck". I say "No money, no honey". Investments, better facilities and incentives for young people would lead to success. Only Argentina might be an exception since they can not be considered a wealthy country but continuously having good results in both branches.

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Can the Greek members cut the nationalistic crap you write everytime provoking the Turkish members? You have been asked 100 times before. It makes me fell sick and ashamed to be a Greek when I read your bigoted comments.

It's the last time I see this because next time you have will have your accounts suspended.

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When you say Russian, do you mean Ilyasova? If so, I would like to ask you why you label him like that and disparage without having knowledge about his background. Ersan Ilyasova is hailed from Ozbekistan but as many of you know very well, Turks have biological roots with Central Asia and still, many Turkish minorities live over there. Similarly, many late immigrants from Central Asia live in particular cities in Turkey. He was born in a city of Turkey and raised in Turkey. Would you feel good if someone call Sofo African, not a Greek? (although Ersan is biologically %100 Turk). So, please let's be more insightful about our comments. I am really glad to be in this forum in spite of some unfair comments. But, this happens in all forums. Some of you might say "What the hell are you doing in this forum?". My answer:

Phantis - the Sports Club.


(sorry but the link is outdated)

I find this article on the following website:


Ulkerspor may have missed out on the senior title on Wednesday, but earlier in the week its youngsters won the Turkish Junior Basketball Championship in Konya.

However, there is an unpleasant smell of scandal surrounding that victory. This concerns Ulker's star player Ersan Ilyasova who was earlier in the season named MVP of an age group European Championship qualifying tournament. Turkey reached the finals of that championship but if allegations which have since surfaced prove true, it could well find itself thrown out of the competition.

According to a letter of protest sent by the Uzbekistan Basketball Federation to world governing body FIBA, Ilyasova is an Uzbek originally named Arsen Ilyasov. The letter claims that he has become a Turkish citizen by illegal means and without the Federation's knowledge or permission.

According to a report in Fanatik (June 7), it was done like this. On August 7 2002 Arsen Ilyasov, born in 1984, entered Turkey on an Uzbek passport but was never heard of again. On September 19 of the same year an Eskisehir resident named Semsettin Bulut applied to his local population registry claiming that he had forgotten (!) to register the birth of his son 15 years earlier and asking for this to be done. It was.

The "son" was duly registered as Ersan Ilyasova and obtained Turkish ID papers on the basis of the registration. Also on this basis, Ulkerspor later obtained a playing licence for him from the Turkish Basketball Federation (TBF).

Of course, the charge is that Arsen Ilyasov and Ersan Ilyasova are one and the same person and that Semsettin Bulut's claim to be his father is false. But it goes further. If this is true, when registering him as a Turk, Bulut lopped 3 years off his real age, giving his date of birth as 1987.

Should the real date of birth be 1984, then he was ineligible to play in either the European Championship referred to above or the Turkish Junior Championship.

This cannot just be dismissed as newspaper scandal mongering. Fanatik has documented its case. It has copies of Ilyasov's immigration record, of Ersan Ilyasova's ID papers which give his father's name as Semsettin, his birthplace as Eskisehir and his date of birth as 1987, and of the Uzbek protest letter. It has not definitely established that Ilyasov and Ilyasova are the same but it has provided strong prima facie evidence and there is a case to answer.

Unfortunately it has not been answered. There has been a deafening silence on the matter with no comment forthcoming from Ulker or the TBF. We feel the Eskisehir population registry has a question or two to answer as well. Now that the Turkish championship is over, it is surely time for an investigation of this case. And if the Turkish authorities will not investigate, FIBA will.

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In the second knockout round, Argentina beats New Zealand 78-62.

Italy lost to Lithuania 71-68 in a very entertaining game. Imagine if Spain face Lithuania?

I hope Slovenia could beat Turkey, and I'm hoping for Serbia to punch Spain out. :whistle:

Edited by dark_horse
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I hope Slovenia could beat Turkey...

:LOL: good hopes but no coming true, I guess... :LOL:

but seriously I never thought the word "cameroonopoulos" would create such a controversy.. I'm sorry if there are any misunderstandings caused but most guys know me in this forum.. I'm not against any blacks, jews, greeks, turks, cameroonians, nigerians, french, russians or anything..

back to B-Ball, I'm really happy to see Lietuva win over Italy because it would really be quite pitiful if players like Jasaitis, Macijauskas and Lavrinovitch bro.s would be eliminated so early!!! :tup:

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nick and darkhorse, ntropi sas (shame on you)! Obviously lack of class knows no ethnic borders but for the sake of the rest of us Greeks do try to keep in mind what Alexander said thousands of years back: "For a Barbarian to misbehave is bad but he is after all a barbarian. For a Greek to behave like a barbarian on the other hand is even worst because he is fully aware of proper behavior but chooses not to implement it!"

What time (US central) is the Hellas vs. China game?


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USA - Argentina will play the final.. the Tangoboyz will win it and get what they already deserved from 2002 (when that s.o.b American ref handed the title over to Serbians for good).. Spain to beat Greece at third-place play-off!! Turkey fifth, Lietuva sixth, French seventh and someone eighth..

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