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Everything posted by coldylan

  1. :) i knew it, i believed more than some Greeks do, go on neighbour, get the cup...will cheer for Greece and make fun of my girlfriend (American) haha
  2. wasn't for you..was generally speaking..i am sure you agree with me, isn't it disrespectful..sorry might be a little bit sensitive but whenever the issue is Turkey, comments are being shifted into Greek. just annoying not to have a clue about what somebody tells in his/her post.
  3. first of all, i believe that greece team can get USA game if they improve themselves. USA will obviously be more tough than us and France, however, they are not unbeatable anymore. Representing the europe (with spain) and being our neighbour, will be cheering for Greece. Don't know why but I do not want to see USA in the end..A blue-white final might be more interesting. Still, Turkey is lying at my heart :) They will be better in 2010 tournament...and also, thanks to babel fish and allgreektome websites..no more difficulties in apprehending some Greek friends' bad statements in Greek. I suppose it is just redundant to retort insult for insult. So, be the force with you vs USA.
  4. according to what I have seen so far, the chance of beating Argentina is too slim. After a certain level, you need to activate your experience and unfortunately we have a lack of this experience. As SI says, we are through a transition phase but I think this phase is a promising one.
  5. semi f. : argentina-spain usa-greece final: argentina-greece I feel like USA will be upset at the end.
  6. 10 points. You shamed the "Turk" with grammatical error. Looks like you get what I mean. Enough for me. Would have been nice to hear from you about the content rather than the structure. I must confess, you are right about the champ. This is what we are aiming for. Being a champ in each generation. However, it is almost impossible with the existing facilities and sports system in Turkey. People rely on "luck". I say "No money, no honey". Investments, better facilities and incentives for young people would lead to success. Only Argentina might be an exception since they can not be considered a wealthy country but continuously having good results in both branches.
  7. I personally would say 'Cameroonopolous' is more insulting than Russian. It is not only about the ethnicity but also about re-shaping a Greek name in a quite disgraceful way. And he is not my comrade, I haven't talked to him before. We do not share common opinions and interests. I have too many Greek friends, and I can clearly say I share more with them rather than Turk friends. Isn't it strange to categorise people according to their nationalities. What if me and you, or me and another Greek friend from this forum have common points in specific issues. As I was going through the different topics in this forum, I've seen posts starting with 'Turk' (replying to a Turk). For God's sake, everyone on this planet has a name (or a nick). You wouldn't be discredited for not calling them 'Turk'. And I actually could not get the rest of your message. I do not state anything about the latest basketball or football games. On the contrary, I congratulated the Greece team for their success. Why do you require to contoversialize those? Yes, we did not manage to get the Euro cup. But we had a 3rd title in football world 2002 (it might not be a big success for you, but very valuable for Turkey, considering our initial position). My team, Galatasaray had the UEFA a few years ago(again, you might argue the contribution of foreigners, but still valuable). It is obvious that we are proceeding by stages. I was talking to one of my best Greek friends and he said he was very suprised that Turkey won against Brazil, Australia, and most importantly Lithunia. That is exactly what we have to do in the future. Suprising others. As I said in my preceding post, Greece has one of the best basketball teams on the world. For football, I can not say the same. You had the Euro cup. That was brilliant. Afterwards, why couldn't you manage to qualify for the World 2006, finishing the group with a 3rd place after Turkey. Same is valid for Turkey. Having the 3rd title in World 2002 and no qualification for World 2006. I guess, this is what we have to think about. Instability. Going back to basketball (as we are in bb topic), it is my belief that Turkey bb team will continue to get good results. No excuse for Greece game. Greece was the more experienced and used its trumps in a balanced way. Some Turks say "we do not have Hido and Memo from NBA" bla bla but this was Hido and Memo's personal choices. They quit from the national team. As long as you step into the court with 5 players, you have a full team. I am sure Greece team had missing players, too but they never complain about it. Because they have an efficient system. Sorry for long post and my language mistakes. (not a native speaker)
  8. As a Turk, I'd like to denote that Greece is one of the pretentious teams in this tournament. Anyone into the European basketball scene can easily state that former Yugoslavia, Spain and Greece are leading engines of European basketball. Not only the quality of leagues but also the basketball love is outstanding in these nations. In Turkey, basketball still plays second fiddle (football 1st). However, basketball is exposed to a snowball effect recently. The market and the quality of league is rising up every year. Although they have lost today, I am expecting to see them ending up with better results. The team is being renewed and the current median age is 24. As long as Tanjevic ends his stuborness and persistence, everything would be fine in the future. Congrats to Greek mates again.
  9. He plays in Mil.Bucks(NBA) and he is only 19 years old.
  10. Greece seems to get the game. I was looking at the Turkish squad. Where the hell Ilyasova is? Any idea? He is the most talented player in Tr team. I hate this Yugoslavian coach and his weird decisions.
  11. Thanks dark_horse. Fiba.com does not seem to be free but might be considered for forthcoming games. I am sure one of those Chinese stream sites serve it free. Anyway, good luck for the rest.
  12. hi mates I am a Turkish living in UK and was wondering if there is any free stream on the web for Turkey-Greece game. I know I missed the first half but it would be nice to see the second half. PS: UK channels are rubbish
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