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Everything posted by gcp

  1. Filoi, This is the first time I've watched this team play so my opinion is totally based upon this particular game so, I could be off base but IMHO a) they lacked creativity up front, B) effective set pieces were completely absent, c) it didn't seem that the team was coached well enough to be able to overcome adversity, d) they argued among them, e) movement finesse is obviously there but was spotty, f) I didn't see anyone of our players capable playing havoc with their defense (with dribbles and quick one twos). Yes, the goal was SILLY, but they should have played for 90 minutes the way they played at the beginning of the second half. They controlled the ball wonderfully and looked like a real class team for about 10 mins but after that they went absent again. Was it lack of fitness? Mental lapses of concentration? Missing key players? Nerves? All of the above? Who knows, but the fact remains that they didn't have what it took to be crowned Euro champs yesterday. On more thing that was ugly, what was the deal with our player flagrantly scratching the ear of the Spaniard? Total lack of class/sportsmanship if you ask me. This team needs work both physically and mentally. No doubt the physical quality is there but raw talent won't cut it in international competitions. It bothered me we lost but the above bothers me more. Lets hope that maturity will correct most of the above.....
  2. Thanks for the links guys....kai Kali mas epitixia!! Yiwrgos
  3. Alright guys, first off the very best of luck to our tough young men. I hope the do lift the koupa and make us all proud. But since I live in the USA, and have no opportunity of watching the game on TV, please tell me where I can tune in 'cause I'd hate to miss it! Are there any internet connections that are worth the effort? Thanks in advance, Yiwrgos
  4. Let me be the first to give CONGRATULATIONS to Spain for a well earned victory.
  5. Spain is doing everything right while we look confused. I dearly hope they can turn this around but it's not looking promising. :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr:
  6. As a Greek, and I hate to admit this, at times we display a complete lack of class! Extreme highs/lows are abound but this team/coach, I believe, is steady professionalism and always but always with clarity of mind. And that my friends is something to be proud of!I hope we lift it today :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr:
  7. I stand by my quote. Anything less than gold will be a failure. We are the best. Let's do it all the way re ga*oto!!!! :gr: :gr: :gr: Bluestriker, this team has no "failure" in it. As they've played so far they've proven time and again the are a world class team, and they should win today, but remember some times the ball bounces against you. Support your team with your whole heart and hope they be crowned "world champs" :gr:
  8. I was listening to the ESPN pundits on Friday, while trying to set up the DVD recorder, and they were waxing on end on how the US has the best players in the world and that the Greek victory was more luck than anything else. See, arrogance still will not allow them to accept the obvious, that team work and intelligence wins over raw talent. And I'm glad they refuse get it because it gives us an opportunity to continue beating them. Best of luck tomorrow mornig to Hellas. I am so proud of the maturity of our players. Class team all around :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr:
  9. So, what's the previous record between Hellas and Spain? Should we be worried? I saw them play Argentina this am and they looked very tough but I think our boys can do it!
  10. What time (central) are the remaining 2 games? Thanks,
  11. My Turkish friends we are accepting congratulations :nw: Go ahead, spit it out ;)
  12. How sweet it is!!!! :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr: :gr:
  13. To proto imixrono teliwse.Ellada-Ameriki 45-41 Malista paidia! The mental aspect once again has overtaken speed and the general superior athletic qualities of the US. 3:30am and I hope I am witnessing a miracle in the making :gr:
  14. What a bummer. No way I'll get up at 2:00am to watch the game.....but I probably will.Why do they feel they need the time change I wonder (probably mind games to establish who calls the shots even before the game, or is it to do with Las Vegas gambling)! To return the favor I think drug tests for all USA palyers should be requested from the Hellas side. This ought to send them scrambling ;)
  15. Greece over USA for the final.. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: wishes.. wishes.. wishes.. :whistle: :la: Pou'se re Tourke file? I was expecting you'd be holding one of those :gr: Are you pulling a Houdini on us or are you too busy eating crap sandwiches? :LOL: mate, I'm here ;) and did I say Greece can't beat France!! I SAID GREECE CANT BEAT US and MY STATEMENTS ARE BASED ON B-BALL REASONS!! but this is sports and anything can happen on any day but I still think it will be an ARG-USA final.. just my opinion.. btw, I was holding :gr: during EURO 2004, don't worry!! :tup: Truth be told my mind says one thing but my heart says another. Hellas all the way...for emotional reasons!! :tup: I am glad you were holding the :gr: at 2004 but I am so miffed with the Greek football national team since then I don't even want to think about it. What utter lack of professionalism, if not respect for themselves and us fans! Be cool,
  16. I watched the USA - Germany game today and all I could see was our blue/white flags everywhere. Makes the heart skip a beat or two does it not?I will enjoy it immensely if Hellas beats the NBA superstars on Friday.
  17. You are not talking about my post are you? Pouse re Tourke file means "where are you Turkish friend"? In case the internet translation did not do my statement justice. No insult was meant at all. And BTW my post was meant for GS1905.
  18. Greece over USA for the final.. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: wishes.. wishes.. wishes.. :whistle: :la: Pou'se re Tourke file? I was expecting you'd be holding one of those :gr: Are you pulling a Houdini on us or are you too busy eating crap sandwiches? :LOL:
  19. Greece over USA for the final.. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: wishes.. wishes.. wishes.. :whistle: :la: GS1905, you could have said "Good luck Greece, I hope you do it"! That would have been the neighborly thing to say.Yiwrgos pointing out the obvious...
  20. Forget the ranking, look at the positive comments...average at best. They had better things to say about all the teams Hellas has beaten so far.Now I hope they wipe the floor with the French and US teams (high hope on the later, I know, but that's how I feel after their asinine comments).
  21. nick and darkhorse, ntropi sas (shame on you)! Obviously lack of class knows no ethnic borders but for the sake of the rest of us Greeks do try to keep in mind what Alexander said thousands of years back: "For a Barbarian to misbehave is bad but he is after all a barbarian. For a Greek to behave like a barbarian on the other hand is even worst because he is fully aware of proper behavior but chooses not to implement it!" What time (US central) is the Hellas vs. China game? Thanks,
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