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Tzigger Interview


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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur stupid mouth... but then again... the gauroi are albanian so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!


your just some hater who can't take of your green glasses

your diss is so lame and stupid i guess that describes u

Thyrlos for LIFE

its just funny how Pao fans seem to emphasize with Trigger

i mean u are only willing to hear his side of the story i mean u guys won't take off your green glasses and look at it at a different prospective

i mean Trigger says he and pao can care less who Olympiakos signs and it doesn't matter if they sign Pao players

off course trigger doesn';t care b/c Nikopolidis crossed the border and won the freaking double

is trigger sure Konstandinou isn't wanted then why was pao so pissed off he signed with Olympiakos

the day Olympiakos signings Vardioyannis leaked out to the media that Saviola was coming to Pao

just stupid s%$#! to ruin Olympiakos day

fact is Pao does care wut Olympiakos does

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Last thing; everything he said about Kostantinou was "all his fault", he made it out as if Kostantinou was the devil him self... To me thats to damn obvouse and suss on his behalf... what was he gonna say "sorry guys were tight arses and we didnt fill like given him his money or anything close to it" <------ if he did that then that would be bad for business as alot of people (pao fans) would go spastic and be really angry at management which in the end they will lose out....

i beleive it to be so.....this was a public interview and if its not true i think players would refute it publicly. Its fairly simple, Konstantinou wanted to look abroad, so PAO would let him look and if he couldnt find anything theyll talk about resigning. Thats not bad treatment at all to a player. He went to OSFP.

And to argue for Vardinogiannis, if he was a cheapass he would have offered Mixalakh a contract at a lower wage (he was not worth 1.5 millionE a year for what he put out) and he wouldnt have to pay any transfer/release fees. Mixalakhs would have been an good inexpensive option for PAO, but Mixalakhs didnt come back. So if Tzigger is just a cheapass he would have still put down an offer. But we havent signed another striker (other than Mantzios) so we cant be too sure...

Tzigger talked about our departures but he did not mention Lyberopoulos.....(correct me if im wrong) that was one thing i wanted to hear about.

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Not to mention this was his first public interview since 2000! correct if im wrong

Hollywood, why are u so sure its all Tziggers fault? Yuo think his the devil himself and a tight ass - why werent u calling him a tight ass when Konstantinou became one of the most expensive transfers in the Greek league - or when hes offering contracts in excess of a million to Congaysao and Biscan.

Your right theres alot that can be said and argued thatw ould take time so lets just leave it at that!

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he didnt metion why nikop paragonithikie, he didnt explain what kyrgiakos said that was so terrible (OTHER THAN PRAININSG HENRIKESEN), he didnt explain why you need no defender given that your two centrals 9henrik and kyrgiakos) are gone. he didnt day why no players from, your academy have playerd since those that are now 30. he didnt sday why you bought all these rubbish coratians 2 summers ago (or was it last summer!!?)

He basically didnt say much.

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he didnt metion why nikop paragonithikie, he didnt explain what kyrgiakos said that was so terrible (OTHER THAN PRAININSG HENRIKESEN), he didnt explain why you need no defender given that your two centrals 9henrik and kyrgiakos) are gone. he didnt day why no players from, your academy have playerd since those that are now 30. he didnt sday why you bought all these rubbish coratians 2 summers ago (or was it last summer!!?)

He basically didnt say much.

we know why Nikopolidis left. As for Henriksen/Kirgiakos what are you talking about? Netiher have played for the last 6 months for us... Its not a sudden emergency we have 2 good centerbacks in Morris and Gkoumas....Kotsios is a good supersub role and Andric is going to be playing DC as well.

As for our s%$#! signings like Maric, Mitu and Epalle they are Zaec doing. Why no players have played from the academy? maybe not... but thats the owners problem thats the up to the coach. Also Kirgiakos was a youth academy kid he played....Not to mention that Leontiou and Darlas were promoted to the senior team this summer....

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur  mouth... but then again...  i guess they cant read greek properly!!!


your just some hater who can't take of your green glasses


Thyrlos for LIFE

its just funny how Pao fans seem to emphasize with Trigger

i mean u are only willing to hear his side of the story i mean u guys won't take off your green glasses and look at it at a different prospective

i mean Trigger says he and pao can care less who Olympiakos signs and it doesn't matter if they sign Pao players

off course trigger doesn';t care b/c Nikopolidis crossed the border and won the freaking double

is trigger sure Konstandinou isn't wanted then why was pao so pissed off he signed with Olympiakos

the day Olympiakos signings Vardioyannis leaked out to the media that Saviola was coming to Pao

just stupid s%$#! to ruin Olympiakos day

fact is Pao does care wut Olympiakos does

Olympiakos 11 calm down...

dont get all excited

anyways Im sure when we play them openign day like last year PAO fans will completely foprget how PAOS management didnt bother signing him and Nikopolidi and just call Kostadinou traitor etc etc

And we all know that all PAO fans had they been in the same position would have done what Kostadinou and niko l did and thats go where the big money is and the deep pockets of Kokkali.

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Back to the interview; <_<

Personally I think Tzigger should not have talked publicly about the internal conflicts of who and why said what between the management and player(s).

For me it was unnecessary :tdown:

It would have been more classier on his part and PAO's image just to simply say they appreciated the services of mihali and any other player and PAO had to move on. pointe finale.

There's more important things to discuss than PAO's soap opera over the last few months. Such as how is PAO going to do their part and also help EPO to reduce and almost eliminate fan violence so as not to have another season of fans banned from matches especially that last ones and more importantly people not getting physically hurt from green and non-green hooligans. It's a shame he didn't after not holding a press conf since 2000.

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Back to the interview; <_<

Personally I think Tzigger should not have talked publicly about the internal conflicts of who and why said what between the management and player(s).

For me it was unnecessary :tdown:

It would have been more classier on his part and PAO's image just to simply say they appreciated the services of mihali and any other player and PAO had to move on. pointe finale.

There's more important things to discuss than PAO's soap opera over the last few months. Such as how is PAO going to do their part and also help EPO to reduce and almost eliminate fan violence so as not to have another season of fans banned from matches especially that last ones and more importantly people not getting physically hurt from green and non-green hooligans. It's a shame he didn't after not holding a press conf since 2000.

Excellent post dude :tup:

Everyone calm down!!! This is why i dnt wanna debate this issue because its very time consuming and at the end of the day were gonna get no where, its like saying my religion is right and urs is wrong, u cant convince the other person no matter how hard u try.....

i dnt belive Tzigger on alot of issues because i find it funny how Kostantinou, Kyriakos, nikopolidis were cast as the villians without hearing there sides... Not only that but he managed to voice out this propaganda in a very Unprofessional manner :whistle: and alot of you guys in here are very bias and thats why u belive everything that comes out of his mouth and thats why we always get screwed with transfers (except this one with the obvouse reason = Profit of ticket sales)....

Hollywood, why are u so sure its all Tziggers fault?

Why r u soooo sure his telling the truth espeically from what his done in the past?? his got a track record a mile long of screwing players and the fans in order to make a buck.... put 2 n 2 together my friend its not that hard.....

Anyways everyone calm down and stop with the person attacks :tdown:

P.S TRIFILARA, its alright 4 u to point out my mistakes (personal attacks) but for you to do it 3 days later is not cool dude :tdown: calm down.....

by the way not all pao fans are the same (ie. me & triffli) so please dnt reffer to us as bias...

anyways last comment reguarding this thread :hypocrite:

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur ********* mouth... but then again... *********they cant read greek properly!!!


your just some hater who can't take of your green glasses

your diss is so lame and stupid i guess that describes u

Thyrlos for LIFE

its just funny how Pao fans seem to emphasize with Trigger

i mean u are only willing to hear his side of the story i mean u guys won't take off your green glasses and look at it at a different prospective

i mean Trigger says he and pao can care less who Olympiakos signs and it doesn't matter if they sign Pao players

off course trigger doesn';t care b/c Nikopolidis crossed the border and won the freaking double

is trigger sure Konstandinou isn't wanted then why was pao so pissed off he signed with Olympiakos

the day Olympiakos signings Vardioyannis leaked out to the media that Saviola was coming to Pao

just stupid s%$#! to ruin Olympiakos day

fact is Pao does care wut Olympiakos does

its tZigger not tRigger...

we dont emphasize with tzigger we SYMPathize. He made some good points, and some feel he was honest.

If Mixalakhs had a side why hasnt he said anything? Was PAO being so terrible paying him 1.5 million a year? You forget that in the first year he came he played pretty lousy for many games in the season but still got the starts over Olisadebe and Vlaovic..both who were playing better. Same thing with his second year when he was a complete flop he got chance after chance...And now his contracts up and his club lets him shop around first abroad and have PAO as a backup? Mixalakhs is just after $$$ and another peice of crap individual.

As for Nikopolidis and the double......PAO didnt win the title because we blew those games at the end and couldnt score.....we had no goalkeeping problems or worries whatsoever........oh and the big reason we were up top trying to close in on the title? Kota-Melos and his great errors dropped OSFP points and brought us on top. Theres nothing to discuss there, if we had finished off BAOK or AEK instead of break the posts Adonakis would have the cup and his money and thats it.

and the Saviola rumor: That was by journalists and their BS.

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I personaly didn't found anything intersting in his interview. I thought that he said what everybody wanted to hear, or ?, What everybody already knew... At least to me they sounded like old knews..

I feel that he did good in calming funs down on this talk, because if anyone was accusing him on anything he gave answares. I wouldn't think that he is lying in what he says but on the other side I don't think that he unrevealed the whole truth.


-About Kostadinou he was totaly right but it is obvius what he gave as a reason on letting him go it wasn't enough.(everybody knows the real reason...Pregancy of Kyrastas daugher...etc...etc..what ever)

-About not understanding why players (who come from the youth system) are unhappy when leaving. Well it is obvius that the 3-5 year long cheap ass contracts are making youngsters who eventualy become good feel as badly treated when they compete with Osfp players of their age while the Osfp players are making big money. (everybody knows the joke that Pao players (from the youth system) drive fiat puntos while Osfp players drive Mercedes SLK...)

Moreover when we check at the rate that the Pao youth players get offers from big european teams, and being called in the Greek National teams at a higher rate, while at the same time in Osfp most players never go anywhere until they stop resigning them, we get the feeling that they feel that they deserve better than thieir Osfp opponents. You pretty much get the idea of feeling unfare...

-about Rizoupoli. I somehow agree with him. I do belive the atmosphere was like hell but we didn't have luck in the game. Of couse it is my opinion that if Marcarian was a tiny bit more respectful of Osfp, that he would came to play with 3 central defender as Pao usually does in difficult away games, especially in Europe. In that game we could could at least get a draw if we had Goumas instead of Kolka. The first Goal Giovani scored a header and Basinas was garding him. I would bet my house that Goumas wouldn't have let Giovani to take a breath at that game. After the first goal it was like a snowball. As for Markarian. For the histoy he replaced who Lyberopoulo at half time to put in Kostadonou who saucked that year. A reminder that the previus season the secnod leg game against Barchelona he did the same to Lyberopoulo for Vlaovich...The 3rd Marcarian Chocke was 2nd leg with Porto when he replaced injured Basina with Kostadinidi to help Mourinio and the dragons become superfamous and super reach when Panathinaikos could be in their place------------that is Vardinogianis also referal that we actually did worse than we could in Europe....

The bottom line is since I don't see Pavlo Giannakopoulo getting the Pae anytime

soon, I will act like a fanatic fun for this next season and support his desision.( I had lost my faithe when I saw the team under Malezani's style of playing, but the news of releasing Gonzales our still #1 player behind the 2 scorers is enough for me to give Pao a supporting vote once more.) {It had been quite a while since the Daniil era when I was feeling Panathinaikos was underperforming( until Malezani came to finshi last season), but as soon as he left Pao found his way}

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Hollywood... im not pointing out mistakes re... all i wanted to see was if what tzigger came out and said changed ur mind at all.... it seems it didnt ... fair enough i respect that we have different opinions on this issue...mind u i only agree with how tzigger delt with mixalaki.. thats all... it wasnt an attack on you of any sort... relax B)

As for olympiakos11 :LOL: :LOL:

please supply me with an albanian dictionary so i can understand what you say...

if people are going to add stupid posts in here im going to reply to them...

For me what you type in these forums is just garbage... keep ur crap in the gauro forum!!!!

There are many things that tzigger does that i dont agree with.... MANY!! But... on the issue of Mixalaki i agree with him 100% as ive said...

As far as how tzigger doesnt come out with 8ilosis very often... granted he could do it more often... BUT... i would much rather a President with the class that he showed yesterday in his interview than a President like Kokkali who rants and raves about kotes and spondes towards PAO all the time.... Gauroi can relate to 8ilosis like that because they feed off his crap!!

For me... tzigger was a KIRIO... answered EVERY question put forward... so you cant say "why didnt he answer this??" " why didnt he answer that?"

If what he said about mixali was all lies... why when mixalaki was asked about PAO in his first interview in that vromiko shirt... did he reply " dont ask me about PAO" ???

HE IS A SELLOUT... and belongs with a team like olympiakos...

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I don't have the time to write it for myself now, but if you want an objective and clear analysis of what Tzigger's appearance means, then read these articles in sportime (an objective newspaper that doesn't belong to any team):




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Thanks Trifilara.

One more thing, just in case some of you misunderstand me.

I STILL think Tzigger is a pussy, because for so many years he shied away from the media and he failed to support PAO with his presence. I still say that he is not the voice which a big club like PAO needs. I don't want a prsident like Kokalis who opens his mouth about opponents all the time and embarrasses the club because that's not the way presidents of big clubs should behave (just look in Europe and you find no president who acts with less dignity and shamelessness).

But I am prepared to wait and see what he does from now. I expect him to come out more often and talk about things and defend the team against verbal bullshit like we have been hearing the last few years.

My favourite exerpt is this:


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One thing that I wasn't so aware of that Tzigger said was the answare to Kokali about our connection to Ofi, bring ing up the connection of Osfp with the Greek soccer betting company.

A Pao fun wrote the following on Contra.gr: I agree with that fun's opinion and I think he is right. Imagine for exsample we had Gonzales back then:

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One thing that I wasn't so aware of that Tzigger said was the answare to Kokali about our connection to Ofi, bring ing up the connection of Osfp with the Greek soccer betting company.

Yes, good point. You can imagine what the gavro media like Protathlitis would write in their front page if it were the Vardinogiannis family that had a connection to the football betting company, ha?

Anyway, that is exactly what I mean when I say we need a voice. We need Tzigger to come out more often in the future to say things like this when PAO is under accusations and attacks about OFI and other issues from all sides of the media, particularly the gavro media.

I hope he does more of that in the future. Otherwise I continue to think he is a PUSSY.

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur stupid mouth... but then again... the gauroi are albanian so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!

************* better be carefull with what you write on your posts.it s ok to have fun with other teams fans but there is a limit.since you are a big ellinara can you tell me who got the championship this year *********.then get a room with tziger and try to expain to yourselfs why your team sucks and that osfp is to blame because your president doesn t spent money to help your pathetic little team.
go post in vromokakkalis ****!

instead of only writing ****** post

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i didnt read the interview carefully, but as some of you say, it looked to me as if he talked a lot but didnt really say much. sometimes he seemed to just give away the responsebility of some mistakes or disappointments in the past, or he wanted to blame others for their behaviour (kyriakos, konstantinou, seitaridis, nikopolidis...). sure, it is not just their foult, but paos management surely wasnt irresponsible for some happenings.

the best answer to the interview is the stuff a pao fan wrote and almamatter posted. i was delighted to see pao sell some of their best players in the past, because i often thought that with just a few well chosen additions your team would have become very strong. and after selling these players often there were no equal replacements for the available and good youth players out of your academy didnt manage it to get into the first team like in the past.

like panos wrote though, it might have sounded like they want to invest in the future, but if they will really do this will be seen during the next years.

@slick: calm down dude kai ksekola. instead of always picking out a post so that you can attack an osfp supporter it would be more productive in the forum if you would manage it sometimes to also write something that has to do with the topic.

For me what you type in these forums is just garbage... keep ur crap in the gauro forum!!!!

since the championship is nearing, such things are going to happen more often. and not just in your holy pao forum. so the same thing can be said from both sides. but we have been through this so often, that it becomes tiresome.
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Wellt the truth is that Pao that day dicided to turn the page and got rid of everyone from that team because they failed to win that chapionship while they were so damn close. (Rizoupoli)

If you look at things in a more or less way of replasing that super team:

All of you forget that most Pao players thought that they were as big as superstars wining or not the Chapionship that day.

Lyberopoulos contract was ending and he said that he is going to look first for himself and then for Pao. so we let him go (he was my favorite player to but he deseved it) (We got Papadopoulo)

Karagounis had already arranged his move to Inter. (we got Gonzales)

Fyssas got a contract abroad and Pao found somebody better in his position(Munch) (Now we have Serich)

Nikopolidsi ability was never looked with a lot of respect and he was 34 by the way. (Galinovich, ebede)

Seitaridis got a good deal for abroad and left. We now have Vyndra who is more of a ballanced player.

Kyraikos things he is Hylander himself. His nose got really big to respect his own signing as everybody else does at Pao. (we haven't replaced him yet but Kotsios is replacing him at the moment)

Basinas knew that he was the backbone in the team, last yera it was obvius that he couldn't get the waight and wanted to play somewere else. (We got Conseisao, Biscan)

Kostadinou was proved as unsuccesfuul and he had said He would notgo like Nikopolidi...(Olisadebe is back/ we already have Manzio and Geka waiting)

So we should not be so unhappy after all. Teams and their players do change you know...

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I understand the players who want to go abroad and play in better leagues, even though they sit on the bench and their teams don't play in the CL!. But, 1. our Greek league sucks--isn't about time we fix it? 2. I don't think the Greek teams know or are willing to do what it takes to become euro powerhouses. :(

What you need is: 1. proper professional culture within the team (company), 2. retain/acquire players of proven quality. 3. Incompetent people shouldn't interfere. Unfortunately, most of the teams in Greece are considered not professional corporations but private chiefdoms of people who have no REAL experience in football. How many of the team owners really know the sport? Have they played? Have they coached, do they understand, do they have the eye to see talent? I'm afraid the answer is "no!" :tdown:

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