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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2023


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Tsaousis requesting to be let free because the team wants him to ride the bench. I definitely don't blame him. Possible destinations include Panaitolikos and Lech Poznan.

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As i dont trust this pae paok as far as I can throw them. 

I reckon Augusto is sold, they faking injury to buy time to announce replacement. 

Some PAOK jounros have started imagime a midlfield of Ozdoef & Maximovic... bro what about augusto? Do you know something we dont know? 

Are you protecting the uselessness of the PAE? 

Imagine now with giaxis & vrakas as your midfielders you announce augusto is sold too... 

Lets not forget Ivan closed the PAE PAOK boutique in city centre and leased out the building to a third party... 


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I remember the last few years I’ve been saying that we are in a free fall. Some people said here that it wasn’t that bad. If we fail to make the group stages and we have another poor season , I can see a lot of heads being taken. I can see a mass exodus of players eventually leading to a 5/6 finish in the league

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I am not confident we will make the group stages and that would be disastrous.  Overall the quality of the squad has not really improved.  At most we have replaced like for like and only time will time if Ekong and Samatta are close to the level of Ingason and Oliveira.

There purse strings have definitely been tightened and Savvidis is not spending as much.  A couple of years ago it was down to FFP rules but not I'm not so sure it's just down to that now.  At least we are infinitely better off financially compared to the years before Savvidis came to the club.    Regardless, I checked in my back pocket and couldn't find any billionaires who also happen to be PAOK fans.  @PAOKSYDshould we get in touch with Gina Rinehart?

As for Boto leaving, to be honest all of our technical directors have been meh at best with the exception of Lubos Michel who helped bring together most of the squad that won the league.  A referee ... would you believe it.  It shouldn't be that hard to scout for solid players in leagues that are ranked below Greece or 2nd division players from stronger leagues.

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Absolutely not! No way should PAOK be depended on some crooked politicians, and definitively not the party that tried to relegate you to the lower divisions.

Savvidis was quite clear when he announced that the team needs to become self sufficient. The sooner that is achieved, the better for some investors to come in and purchase the team from Savvidis.

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During Syriza you were also robbed of double by paper AEK. The only good thing Syriza did was to create a law for that allowed PAOK to write off the debt without paying the accumulated excessive interest.

Didn't really matter who was in power when North Macedonia became the name of Skopje. It's the US, NATO and the EU that forced that agreement down out throats. It would have happened even if KKE was in power. If I remember correctly Mitsotakis promised to abolish the North Macedonia agreement if and when he becomes the prime minister. So far I don't see him having the balls to talk back to his puppet masters.

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We turned down even the 2nd offer by Nantes for Augusto. Worth 5 mil this time. Apparently we are holding out for 7 mil. Either way I think Augusto will be sold sooner or later. Hopefully we will have a replacement ready right away.

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We bought DA for 3 mil. His Value according to transfermarkt 4.5 mil.

I think we sell him after he served his ban in order to start clean in France. 5,5 would be a fair deal.

He is not irriplaceble. And collects too many stupid yellows (mainly on the half of the opponent) imo.

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Everyone is replaceable! We must not forget that. Augusto is nothing particularly special (though I will grant that I am historically more skeptical than most about this guy).

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