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2019-20 UEFA Europa League Season


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could be a very very good tourny for Oly because Fortounis slowly coming back into form. Semado will be in the line up and I'm not sure but I if Emre Mor is able to play I have a feeling he'll be very very good for Oly.

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‘The Greeks did win their last game at the Emirates back in 2015 but they lost 4-2 at Spurs in the Champions League earlier in the season, and I expect their return visit to north London to end in another defeat.’

Mr. Owen, keep our name out of your mouth if you have nothing nice to say please, or it will be our pleasure to shut it for you.







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5 hours ago, Tzatziki said:


‘The Greeks did win their last game at the Emirates back in 2015 but they lost 4-2 at Spurs in the Champions League earlier in the season, and I expect their return visit to north London to end in another defeat.’

Mr. Owen, keep our name out of your mouth if you have nothing nice to say please, or it will be our pleasure to shut it for you.







Typical English running there mouths! How long since England won at the international level lol. Anyways so happy Olympiacos are progressing and that Arsenal are EXO!

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He basically said this was gonna be a slam dunk for Arsenal and that the result was in the bag for them, he even mentioned our previous win at Arsenal and brushed it off as if it was some one off or something... no respect, what a bozo.





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Παρότι αρειανός δεν μπορώ να μη συγχαρώ τον Ολυμπιακό για την τεράστια νίκη του. Πανάξια πρόκριση, κατάφερε και ισοπέδωσε την Άρσεναλ. Μπλόκαρε αριστουργηματικά τα ατού της και την υποχρέωσε σε μια ποδοσφαιρική φλυαρία με τον ίδιο να δημιουργεί τις κλασσικές ευκαιρίες για το γκολ.

Νομίζω πως αυτή τη στιγμή συνυπάρχουν ταυτόχρονα στην ομάδα και μεγάλοι παίκτες και μεγάλος προπονητής. Γιατί στην δική του μαεστρία πιστώνεται η φετινή καλή απόδοση του Ολυμπιακού. Το έδειξε με τους χειρισμούς του στην απουσία του Φορτούνη, και χθες με αυτήν του Σεμέδο. Εντάξει, βοήθησε και η τύχη, αλλά ετούτη δεν σε βοηθά, αν δεν βοηθήσεις ο ίδιος τον εαυτό σου.

Εχθές ο πορτογάλλος αμυνόταν πανέξυπντα με 5-4-1 (5-3-2 στην παράταση) κρατώντας την Άρσεναλ αρκετά μέτρα έξω από την περιοχή κι γύριζε το σχήμα σε 3-4-3 όταν έβγαινε στην επίθεση βγάζοντας 1 κει 2 κρυφούς επιθετικούς. Ετούτο το σχήμα καθήλωσε την αγγλική ομάδα, και ξεδίπλωνε επιθετικά τον Ολυμπιακό. Στην Ελλάδα μπορεί να μην περπατά, γιατί ο Ολυμπιακός είναι ο ρυθμιστής του αγώνα, αλλά στην Ευρώπη θαρρώ πως μπορεί και τον πάει μακριά. Πολύ μακριά. Του εύχομαι ολόψυχα να πάει και μαζί του κι όλη την Ελλάδα, ώστε να το χαρούμε όλοι μας. Μπράβο.

Edited by almand
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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I agree with the man, if you're going to play in an empty stadium, it would be better to simply not play at all until it is safe to have the fans attend. The players, staff, employees etc are all still at risk...

Νούνο: «Τι νόημα έχει να παίξουμε κεκλεισμένων των θυρών; Γιατί δεν σταματάει το ποδόσφαιρο;»


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It sounds good but reality if, if the players are fine it would be a massive stack up of games. We go to the shops we go for coffee's etc... same thing, does not mean everyone will get this virus 

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soft read. shame because olympiakos were really dominating up to that point. the red was against run of play. Was very happy nabbed a goal. The away goal wolves scored was flukey deflection. 

Tsimikas and Camara did a fantastic job shutting down Adama to inaccurate crosses. I was worried about him.

Omar was solid and a pretty dominant shove on Podence haha

El Arabi should've stay on. He's a constant goal scoring threat.

Masouras was good to me should've stayed on because he has stamina, creative abilities, defensive abilities. He hit a cross bar as well (was offside anyways).

Bouchalakis has very good ball skills. Was responsible for the deflection goal though. Boucha did plenty of very nice clearances when Wolves were piling on the pressures and Boucha's clearances were great and had potential for counter attacks at times.

Oly were the better team and to be honest Wolves worried me more then Arsenal. They have a chip on their shoulder to prove something and have an identity. 

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