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El–GS-R5: Chelsea FC - PAOK (29-Nov-18, 22:00 EET)


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Εγώ πάντως πιστεύω ότι το ματσάκι θα πήγαινε καλούτσικα αν δεν παίρναμε κόκκινη κάρτα. Μου άρεσε η ενδεκάδα αλλά μας κρέμασε ο Χατσερίντι, ξανά. Το μόνο που μπορούμε να ελπίζουμε είναι να μείνει το σκορ ως έχει. 2-0 είναι οκ.

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No need to risk re-injuring Varela. Save him and pelkas for Monday. Game was lost from the beginning. Hopefully we can keep it at 2 goal difference. We are already down by 1 goal against BATE and VIDI in goal difference. 

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The goal difference vs Chelsea is essentially meaningless. The first four tie-breakers are all based on head-to-head results, and we are up 4-1 vs BATE. All that really matters is us beating BATE and Vidi losing outright vs Chelsea.

Wernbloom also looks like garbage back there. As evidenced by his inability to pass or defend tonight. If he's not in the midfield, then I don't see a point in playing him as CB.

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Εμένα πάντως μου άρεσε η ενδεκάδα. Εκτός φυσικά του Χατσερίντι ο οποίος μάλλον δεν πρέπει να ξαναπαίξει και να βρούμε κεντρικό αμυντικό τον Γενάρη.

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3 minutes ago, Yiankos said:

Εμένα πάντως μου άρεσε η ενδεκάδα. Εκτός φυσικά του Χατσερίντι ο οποίος μάλλον δεν πρέπει να ξαναπαίξει και να βρούμε κεντρικό αμυντικό τον Γενάρη.

Τι ακριβος σου αρεσε??? Σακχοφ αντι για Βισεσςαρ?  Ελ Καωτοθρι αντι για Ουαρντα?  Βερνμπλουμ αντι για Κανας?  Χατζεριδι αντι για Βαρελλα??? Τι σ'αρεσε ρε ΥΙΑΝΚΟΟΟΟΟΟΟΟΟΟ???????? ΘΑ ΜΑΣ ΤΡΕΛΑΝΕΙΣ!!!!!!!!

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4-0... Κρίμα.

Μόνο Χατσερίντι αντί για Βαρέλα δεν μου άρεσε. Οι υπόλοιποι δεν ήταν άσχημοι. Το αποτέλεσμα θα ήταν το ίδιο. Ειδικά από τη στιγμή που μείναμε με 10 παίκτες.

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39 minutes ago, BostonThanatos said:

If we started with Varella instead of Khatseridi, Warda instead of El Kaddouri and Canas instead of Wernbloom...this would have been a great match......shame on Lucescu for being a bonehead.

100% agreed. Another EL game with a terrible squad selection. Further reinforced by illogical subs (save for Warda, who again showed his value).

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1. If Canas would start do you think we would be able to keep the ball in our possession and avoid the 4-0 loss?

2. What Warda did succeed besides keeping some ball? I remember once he gave possession and Loftus-Cheek almost scored. I also remember a couple poor passes that could have become an opportunity for us, but didn't.

I am not saying that El Kaddouri or Pontus did something more, I am just saying that the result would be the same no matter who would play. Would you start Biseswar, or Warda, or Pelkas, or Limnios? As far as I am concerned the result would be the same since Khacheridi left the team with 10 players.

Jaba did play very well. As he did in the first game against Chelsea. What I don't see him having is consistency. That's why I don't think there are really starters and backups in our wings. Biseswar, Warda, Jaba, Limnios, El Kaddouri, they all have something that the others are lacking, they are not consistent and you really don't know what to expect from them. Limnios might have an awesome game and then play badly, same for many of them, even Biseswar that I like a lot. The only thing we could say is that El Kaddouri got more chances than Warda overall in the year, but again, I trust the coach and Warda doesn't have the mentality. He went on twice to start complaining to the ref for a penalty and a throw-in that none of them did happen. Same as he started a "fight" in the first game against Chelsea, etc. If Lucescu wants more stability I am fine with that. And probably he wanted taller players to make sure we don't concede from set pieces. And I don't blame him for that.

In any case, a very bad result, which we don't know if it would happen if Khacheridi wasn't stupid and slow.

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1 hour ago, BostonThanatos said:

Lucescu clearly doesn't give a s%$#! about Europe.  Or the thousands of fans who travelled so far to watch their team.  He can eat a dick.  I'm so glad I cancelled my trip to London for this match.  

I understand your frustration and I agree, PAOK is Europe, and there has to be respect to the fans and to the team's history.

However, we are fighting against Olympiakos in the league and they are very strong. I am not talking about their on-the-field team. To me, if we didn't have foreign referees for the derbies, we would be at least -3 points behind Olympiakos. If we would have foreign referees and VAR in all games of the league, we would be at least +10 points ahead and pretty much have sealed the title. We only played a little above one third of the season. If Olympiakos makes the rules, it is very easy for them to steal the title from us. The +6 is nothing for the magicians of Pireaus. Unfortunately, Lucescu has to make decisions like these. I don't like them, but again, I am not going to blame him because he has to bring the title in April.

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Το χειρότερο είναι ότι καθόμουν με τους Άγγλους. Ματος και Χατσεριδης δεν κάνουν γι’αυτο το επίπεδο. Ο πρώτος είναι για το πρωτάθλημα μόνο (όχι ότι είναι ανίκανος, απλά δεν έχει τα πνευμονία και την ταχύτητα). Ο δεύτερος δεν πρέπει να ξαναπαίξει. Μόνο ο Σαββιδης τον ήθελε επειδή είναι πόντιος.

Φοβερη κερκίδα και ξενέρωσα πολύ που δεν μπορούσα να τραγουδήσω! 

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Got back to Scotland this morning and in the office ?. It seems weird to think that last night I was walking through London with thousands of PAOK fans giving git big licks and now reality has hit my with an almighty slap in the face!

To be honest i thought we played OK in spells last night, all things considering, but ultimately once we we're down to 10 any chance we had was gone. a really kick in the balls for the thousands of PAOK fans that traveled from all over to be there. I didn't expect us to get anything last night anyway but it was just so frustrating with the game lost after 7 mins.

It was an absolute pleasure meeting @Athens4 yesterday and i can happily confirm that all my organs are still intact!

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