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How about this for a change of pace...Mnuchin's confirmation hearing has just finished. I thought this was an interesting point he made.




He said that as Treasury secretary—whose remit includes tax collection—he would like to reverse those cuts and improve customer service, adding later that modernizing the agency would be “one of my great priorities.”

I get that people love to hate on the IRS...but people don't seem to get that it's congress that creates the tax law that these guys then have to enforce. Add to that the fact that they aren't given the funding or support they need to do their jobs expeditiously, and you have a quagmire. I'm pretty sure John Oliver had a great long-form thing on this very topic from this past year which I'll dig up and link to a bit later.

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I'm in the market, so can you tell me when the peak will be so I can see everything and sit on cash?

We never learn, it seems. Unregulated capitalism leads to extremes and implosion. Also, the strength of a country's economy isn't measured by its over all gold holdings or GDP but by the strength of its middle class.  Further, what makes the middle class strong is not an accident but specific policies and the law.

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Oh, sure, it'll be a "historic day tomorrow"....  Like the worst approval rating (32%) of any incoming president....

I could add names of autocrats here and the "historic" days they came to power, but let's give the guy a chance, you know, like the Repubs gave Obama...


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17 minutes ago, tantra129 said:

I made my prediction in another thread. 

I see a correction happening sometime between end of January to mid March. 

That's what lots of Trump supporters are saying.  He gonna correct things!

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But, guys, the bottom 40% has nothing to invest, so the market fluctuations aren't directly connected to its well being. So, the market "corrected" bigly (or is it, big league) in 2008 but ever since 90% of the wealth has been captured by the top 5%.

By the way, if you put your money in the market under which presidents (Democrats or Republicans) you'd do so much better since the 1930s?  It's not even close...  

(generously, I'm not including Hoover and his Great Depression)

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So Trump now has the nuclear launch codes.  I'll be getting in my spaceship and staying at my mansion on the moon for the next 4 years.

But seriously, I want to see how Americans vote at the next election once Trump fails to deliver for the middle class.  It will also be interesting to see how Trump copes with not being able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.  Maybe he thinks running the U.S. is like running a business but once in the position I think he'll gain some respect for the responsibility that is public office.

The Dems should quit with the whiny juvenile protests and get on with developing actual real policies (and leadership that isn't tainted) that will make people want to vote for them in 4 years.

Good lord, how could you lose an election to Trump.  Oh Hillary, shame shame shame.

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I honestly think he is capable of screwing things up on a level that would make Dubya look like a member of Mensa.



White House Website Instantly Scrubbed of Climate Change, Civil Rights, Immigration, and Healthcare Pages

As some have noted, the new site is poorly written and researched, as well as underdeveloped, so it's possible that these scrubs are an oversight—plus, it's standard protocol for incoming administrations to delete all existing materials on the official site. But given Trump's divisive and inflammatory stances, it feels like the first step toward a distinctively less great America. 

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4 hours ago, ELLAS75 said:

The party continues in DC! Hopefully this country will follow Americas lead and get rid of Mr. Sunny ways and bring in someone with the knowledge and a successful person with a business accuement to run this fledgling economy. Bravo America!


Behind all your rhetoric, is there any substance? Is there any kind of reason or thought process that you would share with us, so that the ones here that are worried can share your supreme confidence in this man?

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1 hour ago, ELLAS75 said:

It's a hopefull time for America, trump will help all, the African Americans forgotten by the last black president. They will have jobs and contribute to society. They will have safety In democratic run cities like Chicago & Baltimore that are a filthy mess you can't argue that. Also no more BS deals like giving the Iranian regime billions so they can "peacefully" enrich uranium. Open your eyes Tzatziki. It's a GREAT time for America!

All bark no bite, god help us all, this orangutan has got you believing your above statement? He will deregulate everything, cut taxes for the rich, sell out our future environmentally, give license to imbeciles like the crack pot bigot in the video above, and god knows what else. My eyes are quite open @ELLAS75 This m#$%! is a "Uge" ticking time bomb of F***ery waiting to pop.

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5 hours ago, aek66 said:

what does that have to do with trump?

Racists and bigots have been empowered by Trump's election win. We see it in this forum as well.

When facts seize to be facts, when objective truth is disputed this becomes a free-for-all country. You can thank Trump once again.

From the BBC: Trump inauguration: President disputes crowd photos
President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonestly reporting that there were empty spaces on the National Mall at his inauguration.


Trump's inauguration (left) and Obama's in 2009


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Of course he's energized the deplorables. The KKK, the bigots, the extreme right, and the Russians all endorsed him. In normal times, doing or saying 1/10th of what Trump's behavior would have been more than enough to disqualify any serious candidate. So, yeah, it matters how he got to the presidency. We shouldn't normalize his deplorable behavior simply because he managed to win the White House.

I'm not saying all Trump voters are deplorables. Many mean well, are decent people; they're just misguided as to their assessment of and expectations from DJT.

Imagine how he would be behaving today, same with the Repubs and several of members here, if HRC won because she had asked the Russians to find and release Trump's emails, and his tax records, while the FBI director announced the week before the election that he has found damning evidence of Trump University, his ties to Russia, tax evasion, etc.

For all her faults, we knew how bad HRC was. And, the worst was a mudslinging campaign for 30 years, with the help of Russians in the last 2 years. But, I fear we do not know the worst of Trump. If this is cause for celebration, then more people should have shown for DJT inauguration.

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1 hour ago, ThrylosG7 said:

Did anyone hear Madonnas speech at the womens rally ??? Really do women have it that bad ??? Is America really that socially dysfunctional - I have many friends in America - male and female - I dont hear this s%$#! from anyof them - if you flew in from outer space - and heard her speech you would think that the USA is on the brink of civil war or complete social anarchy ...

Plus its funny coming from her considering everything she has done for publicity ...

She's just grumpy because she doesn't want to grow old gracefully.

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If anyone came from outer space they would think America is experiencing a "huge carnage".... if they listened to the gasbag in chief, who right at his inauguration described a third world country. Did he not? how come you missed that but you noticed what Madonna had to say.... puleaze

Of course, the real carnage was what Obama inherited from Bush and the Repubs.... but according to the orange primate O was "the worst president"... give me a F***in break.

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Let's see if Trump can actually deliver on his pledge (does he even believe it ?) to look after the middle class.  It'll be interesting if even Republicans are on side on that one.

Politically incorrect question: If Trump was assassinated would both Republicans and Democrats Congressman throw a party ?

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4 hours ago, Bananas said:

Let's see if Trump can actually deliver on his pledge (does he even believe it ?) to look after the middle class.  It'll be interesting if even Republicans are on side on that one.

Politically incorrect question: If Trump was assassinated would both Republicans and Democrats Congressman throw a party ?

I'm really puzzled by statements like that. Please don't take it in a bad way, but it's wishful thinking. What evidence or reason do you have that Trump will change his nature? It's been over 2 months since he was elected president. Has he acted presidential? How about his hand-picked government appointees? (need I list them?) Billionaires, business execs, Wall Street (including the corrupt people who were in bed with HRC), and other who are anti-labor, anti-education, anti-environment, anti-healthcare, etc

Right after his inauguration, he picked a fight with the media for saying the crowd was thin... His spokesman also said they had the largest crowd ever, in the history of ..whatever. Trump is lying, because we have photographic proof. But, why do you think he has the need to lie about something like that?.....  Because he appeals to his rabid base that believes everything he says.

The answer to your question is, probably yes. Though some Dems may want to watch a train wreck....

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13 hours ago, aek66 said:

so, posters who disagree with certain social platforms of the democratic party are racists and bigots?

This is not about disagreement. Anybody that supports a far-right racist and bigoted person get elected or supports his government IS a racist AND a bigot.  This is similar to helping somebody murder somebody else. The person that helps is an accessory to murder. No ands, ifs or buts. You pretend to be a grown up, so take responsibility of your actions. You support a racist (13 Examples of Trump being racist) so we should call a spade a spade.

Referring to to racists and bigots in here by using the term is the proper thing to do --- no holds barred.


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38 minutes ago, tantra129 said:


Even Chris Wallace of Fox News said today that he was there and saw thin crowds.

Trump is a pathological liar. I've lost count how many times he's argued that he never said something when there are videos of him saying so.  I'm trying to figure out why someone would be doing this when there's ample evidence that he's lying. Are they totally disconnected from reality.  Or, maybe Trump took George Costanza's advice:


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Watch this drone Kellyann Conway defending the cult leader.  She said the White House is putting out there "alternative facts" as if reality could be equally based on facts and falsehoods. Alternative facts are lies.

Pathetic pathological liars.

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6 minutes ago, aek66 said:

you have no idea what i do and how i have helped people you claim i discriminate against. 

Unless you want to disclose this information.... I don't give a damn. All I go by is what I read in here, what people say and how they defends their arguments. The rest is excuses that you use to help you sleep at night.

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6 hours ago, Hudson said:

I'm really puzzled by statements like that. Please don't take it in a bad way, but it's wishful thinking. What evidence or reason do you have that Trump will change his nature? It's been over 2 months since he was elected president. Has he acted presidential? How about his hand-picked government appointees? (need I list them?) Billionaires, business execs, Wall Street (including the corrupt people who were in bed with HRC), and other who are anti-labor, anti-education, anti-environment, anti-healthcare, etc

Right after his inauguration, he picked a fight with the media for saying the crowd was thin... His spokesman also said they had the largest crowd ever, in the history of ..whatever. Trump is lying, because we have photographic proof. But, why do you think he has the need to lie about something like that?.....  Because he appeals to his rabid base that believes everything he says.

The answer to your question is, probably yes. Though some Dems may want to watch a train wreck....

You say it's wishful thinking.  I agree, of the highest order.  Note that I'm not a Trump supporter, but was never keen on Hillary either.  The metaphor I used for those two often was of a baboon vs a witch.

Evidence Trump will change his spots ?  None whatsoever.  All I'm saying is if he doesn't deliver, he'll be out at the next election.  If he does deliver (how can this even be achieved today given the way the world works economically ?) then he's a chance at a second term, crazy as that sounds.  His rabid base is not enough to get him over the line.  He also needed swing voters and he got them this time because they didn't believe the witch anymore.

Realistically ?  He's winging it and has no real plan.  He's aggressive, vindictive and will probably go down as the worst president in decades.  BUT, Trump has proven all his doubters wrong (regardless of that fact that his tactics are considered "distasteful" which is ironic considering this is politics after all) so lets just wait and see.

It's already gotten farcical with Trump acting like a child over the attendance numbers at the inauguration.  Good lord ...

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2 hours ago, Bananas said:

...  He's aggressive, vindictive and will probably go down as the worst president in decades.  BUT, Trump has proven all his doubters wrong (regardless of that fact that his tactics are considered "distasteful" which is ironic considering this is politics after all) so lets just wait and see.

It's already gotten farcical with Trump acting like a child over the attendance numbers at the inauguration.  Good lord ...

I agree with you. But, I'm pondering whether his style (never mind his substance for a while) is what most Americans think is appropriate for a president of the US and the leader of the free world.  Most people don't know or understand the details of policies, but they have a sense what's appropriate for this high office.

No matter what you thought of Reagan, he was very presidential. Same with Obama.  I just don't know if Trump's pettiness, juvenile behavior, and blatant lying would make him even more unpopular and, thus, ineffective.  I think coming in the way he did, and with the lowest approval rating of any president means that he doesn't have much political capital to spend. Many people voted against Hillary, others stayed home, and many Republicans held their nose voting for Trump. So only a small, hardcore element is behind Trump.

The mainstream media gave Trump lots of uncritical exposure, while he has been viciously attacking them. Now, they're watching every move of his and aren't shy in challenging him. I mean, they now call the "alternative facts" what they are, lies!


Chris Wallace similarly challenged Priebus on “Fox News Sunday.” Wallace said Trump had made statements that were “flat wrong” and that there needed to be discussion about “the president’s honesty.” Wallace showed photos of the crowd at Barack Obama’s first inauguration and compared the number of attendees to the crowd gathered at Trump’s. There’s no question that fewer people attended this year. 

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