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With all due respect to Vieirnha but either he comes this season or he better doesn't come at all.

He signed a new contract until summer 2018, do we really need a 32 1/2 year old winger by that time? We all saw how things went with Salpi when he returned, we don't need that again and again.

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He's prolonged his career at Wolfsburg by showing he can play RB and he's done well. By the time he's done there it's possible that he would've lost some of his mobility and pace, but technically he would still be a beast, you don't lose that, Concencaio is a good example

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Something I'm not completely clear on - if there is a clause (like the above mentioned 15mm), is it just a matter of whoever is the first to offer that sum, gets the player? Or is there still an opportunity for other teams to make bigger offers? I guess it's a no-brainer that making more money is welcome, but I can't think of these clauses ever being referenced in cases where clubs are competing for a player.

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Something I'm not completely clear on - if there is a clause (like the above mentioned 15mm), is it just a matter of whoever is the first to offer that sum, gets the player? Or is there still an opportunity for other teams to make bigger offers? I guess it's a no-brainer that making more money is welcome, but I can't think of these clauses ever being referenced in cases where clubs are competing for a player.


The selling club is obliged to accept the offer if it matches the clause. If another club would offer more money that would't make any difference, but of course that would be welcomed by the selling club. Being the first club to match a clause doesn't give any advantage. It's then up to the player to choose from the offers and make his decision.

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Aggelos Anastasiadis signed as the new head coach of AE Larisa.


I still rate him as a manager, in terms of his tactical nous and how to set up a team.  Unfortunately his personality gets in the way.  If we only had Greek players in PAOK that happened to also be religious, this guy could win us a league.

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Salpi might be joining Anastasiadis at AEL, or may end up in Switzerland (rumors). Not sure which would more suit him at this point. Guy's a warrior though.

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Larisa has the biggest anti-PAOK fans (The Monsters) out there. Not even gavroi come close. They stormed the offices where Kougias and Anastasiadis were negotiating the terms and let their views know they are against him coming to AEL. Following that they released a statement that they don't want a "Mbaoktzi and a senior citizen" coaching their team. 

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That article was written by a person with anti-PAOK complex.


They have no reason to hate us. The fans had no intention to kill Blionas. Both sides were launching flares during the game, as was common in those days. The one that hit Blionas accidentally deflected from a pole and hit him. If there was somebody to blame, it would be the security that allowed these things into the stadium to begin with. 


The organized AEL fans use this incident to show their hatred for PAOK.


I don't know if it was ever proven 100%, but it was reported that Blionas was a PAOK fan.

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Of course they abuse it for whatever complex they have, that guy wasn't a football fan at all according to the article. It's typical Greek behavior, one mistake by a single individual and everything he's related to will get eternal hate.

Still, I don't approve of what some of OUR fans did there. Enough with the PAOKtsilikia, that's just too much.

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