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16 teams, everyone plays each other twice. No play offs, no play outs, no nothing. Groups? This is the league not the cup.

If they proceed with this absurd idea, I will cease to watch even the little amount of Greek football that I still have time for.

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Well the plan is to have a 12 team league starting in 2019-2020, so I find it bizarre that the idiot is proposing a 20 team competition to precede it. The only reason I can see is that elections must be coming up and he is trying to appease all the possible voters in the cities that will benefit from expanded league. The guy has no clue.

As long as the league is not trustworthy and is corrupted it won't matter how many teams are in the league. The average fan is not stupid. They want the titles and the games to be decided fairly and on the field. Something that has not been happening for a long time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beggars shouldn't be choosers. Since he was talking with PAO (as are/were Kace and Mystakidis) it's obvious that you had some interest in the player. 

The reason they want Kace and Mystakidis is because the transfer limitation levied on PAO due to not getting a license would not be enforced, since they were already on their roster. The thing is that they need to complete the deal before June 30. 

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That idiot Vasiliadis is now changing his tune and is now proposing a 16-team league for next season but it will include play-offs and play-outs.

He is dangling a supposed 70 mil carrot in front of everyone that he says he has secured from TV revenue.

Superleague that should really be the one that should be making any decisions on the future of the league has been quiet so far, but apparently they are meeting next Monday to elect a new league president.

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Sure anything is possible in Greece.

If you are PAO you get to stay in Superleague and have limits on transfers.

If you are Iraklis (or any other small team) you get relegated for the same things. 

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2 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

That idiot Vasiliadis is now changing his tune and is now proposing a 16-team league for next season but it will include play-offs and play-outs.

He is dangling a supposed 70 mil carrot in front of everyone that he says he has secured from TV revenue.

Superleague that should really be the one that should be making any decisions on the future of the league has been quiet so far, but apparently they are meeting next Monday to elect a new league president.

Far out... I guess people don’t ask questions in Greece hey... it’s just so fickle 

In regards to SL, will that be another club president?

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jvc if Panathinaikos relegates, he will bring more interest to the Football League or Football League II. See the positive side.

Iraklis, Aris, and AEK went already, but still the level is not improved. They need a really BIG team to help those divisions grow and move forward.

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5 hours ago, jvc said:

That's not first priority....first on the list is to help your team get over the hump. Staying at the top flight,  will insure the millions of PAO fans,  stay tuned and subscribe to view PAOK first make the CL,   and then win the domestic championship!    It's a win win scenario. That being said....we're giving you one year to finally accomplish your goals.   After that,   it's game on.   Now if you don't make it,  make sure you balance your books when chasing us....because PANATHINAIKOS will not show you mercy!  Remember karma is a bitch,   and you have that coming to you.  That being said,  I'm hoping for PAOK to qualify for the big show,  that will make the SL stronger....I know we you know deep down that Panathinaikos will eventually get their s%$#! together....looks like that road starts at the end of the month....but we know that this is Greece unfortunately.....if PAOK doesn't make this year,   PANATHINIAKARA will make you pay for a very long time.   

Karma is a bitch and we have it coming to us ?  Ha ha, not even close.  We would need to pay referees for the next 25 years to even come close.  Maybe more.  To have cans thrown at our managers heads each time we meet.  Not even close my friend.  Not even close.  Relegation may have taught you humility.

As for our players, I agree they shouldn't be at PAO.  I wouldn't give them to PAO for free (no offense).

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12 hours ago, jvc said:

Yes Iraklis should be relegated,   along with the small clubs....they bring no money to the table,  and have a very small fan base.  

Jesus wept JVC... You really are an insufferable hypocrite. Why don't oly, aek and pao just go and play each other all year round and enjoy your love affair together?  POK is an irremovable stain on your history and i would be utterly ashamed of it, had my club done similar. 

This the level of arrogance you show when the mask slips is the attitude that enables and feeds the corruption, mismanagement, division, mistrust etc not just within Greek football but wider society. We were told in Scotland that there would be "Armageddon" if the new rangers had to start in the bottom tier. Guess what? the opposite happened and the other teams got stronger and attendances went up across the country.

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6 minutes ago, jvc said:

PAO is not ashamed my friend....we're paying off all debts....and bringing millions to the SL....you mentioned Rangers?   The league got stronger?  Maybe in Scotland that's the case....but in Greece the opposite has happened.   PAO has been nonexistent the past 7 seasons....has PAOK raised the level of the league?  The league is reaching reaching lows with PAO being nonexistent....all time lows in attendance.   The CL spot is almost gone for good.  Fan violence and corruption is at a all time high....you guys have done great without PAO....WELL YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE! Last one coming up this summer.   You have proven....without PAO you can't raise the level.   Make the Champions league and bring the league higher....prove your team has it in them. 

Did you even read my post? The reason that the leagues in Scotland got stronger and attendances went up was because some justice was served. The new rangers had to start in the lowest league, money was distributed better, they brought a new attention to lower leagues etc. There was alsochink of hope that things might change. 

I will quote myself again so you can read what i wrote.

"the level of arrogance you show when the mask slips is the attitude that enables and feeds the corruption, mismanagement, division, mistrust etc not just within Greek football but wider society."

People don't trust the super league and EPO, they are sick and tired of the corruption and favoritism shown to Oly and PAO because you have more fans, richer, more powerful, corrupt owners. Why don't you understand this?

The league is a mess because of the way your owners have have manipulated the system and rigged the game. You have the audacity to sit there and demand the rest of Greek football bends over backwards, changes the rules etc and be thankful for all your millions of fans? Get real you clown.

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PAOK did raise the level. We brought some fine players thanks to the money invested by our owner. But it takes two to tango or more to do the Kalamatiano as we speak of Greece. AEX helped thanks to the s%$#! they created and overcame. The rest did nothing. The football is gia klamata. All 1-0 or 0-0 games.

With our fanbase we did a more than splendid effort filling the kerkides of the "guests". And still no club besides POK and PAOK had an avarage attendence of >4K.

What more could we have done? 

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6 minutes ago, jvc said:

I see....your justice is for PAO to be relegated!   ARIS, AEK,  and Olympiakos....we're set after that.

That's not what i meant and you know it. A start would be treating all teams the same and not based on how much revenue they make, number of fans etc. Maybe that will be help gain back some trust and stability. Can't believe that this is even a discussion point tbh :S

Do you honestly believe that the super league is in a mess because PAO are crap?  HAHA that's unreal.


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20 hours ago, Alphonse said:

In regards to SL, will that be another club president?

it will be another puppet controlled by who is running the show at that moment.

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Guys don't you get it? jvc wants special treatment for his club. They brake all the rules, but don't want to pay the consequences. And then you wonder why the league standards get lower and lower.

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Can we just get one thing straight... wtf does the tv deal have to do with treating teams fairly???  I am talking about corruption, perceived bias, cheating, match fixing, having owners threatening referees at half time, paying off referees, threatening them and their families lives. Relegating ‘small’ teams  but then when PAO does the same, POK try to change the rules to ensure that it doesn’t happen. People are sick and tired of the corruption, mismanagement of the whole set up and many Seem to have given up caring as it became pointles. If you are over the age of 8 then I struggle  to believe you don’t understand that.  

Trying to understand your point of view about the tv money... So you are happy when their is corruption and bias in Greece, because if someone, or a certain club has money and power then they deserve special treatment?

Anyway it seems pointless talking to you about this as you seem to think PAO deserve special treatment and I don’t. I will never change my opinion on that as I believe in fairness. 

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Bingo. I'm also not sure why we - PAOK fans - should care about some poll saying they're super duper popular. Should be irrelevant. By any reasonable standard, all teams in Greece are small fish.

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1 hour ago, jvc said:

WTF are you talking about?  PAO needs to be punished for this with demotion?  

That's what the rules called for. Your team voted for those rules when they were put in the books. 

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@jvc the only PAO is paying any debts at all is because they are being forced to.  If they weren't threatened by UEFA and EPO they wouldn't pay a dime.

As for PAOK or any club for that matter making the CL the world has changed in the last 15 years or so.  Every greek team will get a beat down in the CL.  The gap between the big clubs has increased too much.  The days of competing or beating Juves etc are gone.

Don't compare PAOK making the CL now as equivalent to what was achieved back in the days.  Different days.  You can't compare.

In the meantime, PAO should focus on paying off their debts ... even if it's only because they're forced to do it.

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