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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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With the way things are going I can see us playing 5-3-1-1 turned into 3-5-2 in attack. Papadopoulos is out through suspension, and Karelis is injured. We will see the same players such as Maniatis, Diamantakos and Bakasetas being called up. I'd like to see a 4-2-3-1 but it can't happen as our midfielders can't do the job. I wonder how Mitroglou will do, also Fortounis. I think we will go for the draw and try and scrape through a 1-0 win. That is the best way you can do it with a team like ours. 

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Looks as though Mystakidis will get his first call up to the Pirates, to cover Karelis. Kolovos has done an ACL as well. Koutroubis will cover Kyriakos, although Tass Avlonitis has top form abroad and may get called in too.

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Hi everyone,


That's the 11 men I'd pick to start against Belgium


Karnezis Manolas Sokratis Torosidis Stafylidis Samaris Maniatis Fortounis Mantalos Mystakidis / Gianniotas Mitroglou


I'd actually prefer Retsos to be called so in about by the end of the campaign he can take over Maniatis in the midfield.


Possible call-ups

Glykos, Mparkas / Kapino, Tzavellas, Oikonomou, Siovas, Retsos, Tachtsidis, Lazaros, Kone, Siopis, Vellios, Tziois, Mpakasetas, Manthatis, Zeca (ffs..) 

Does anyone know when Villafanez will be able to take the citizenship ? He'll be an upgrade for sure.

I'll try to stick around.


Also, there's the Xtratime forum where I'm the only Greek guy, feel free to join in order to have some conversation about the national team there.

Edited by Boxou
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10 hours ago, Boxou said:

Hi everyone,


That's the 11 men I'd pick to start against Belgium


Karnezis Manolas Sokratis Torosidis Stafylidis Samaris Maniatis Fortounis Mantalos Mystakidis / Gianniotas Mitroglou


I'd actually prefer Retsos to be called so in about by the end of the campaign he can take over Maniatis in the midfield.


Possible call-ups

Glykos, Mparkas / Kapino, Tzavellas, Oikonomou, Siovas, Retsos, Tachtsidis, Lazaros, Kone, Siopis, Vellios, Tziois, Mpakasetas, Manthatis, Zeca (ffs..) 

Does anyone know when Villafanez will be able to take the citizenship ? He'll be an upgrade for sure.

I'll try to stick around.


Also, there's the Xtratime forum where I'm the only Greek guy, feel free to join in order to have some conversation about the national team there.


I believe most of your possible call ups in the midfield are more suitable than Maniatis.

I think picking Stafylidis up front and Tzavellas on the back is the safest option, considering we re playing an offensive powerhouse. 

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I think we lack cohesion in midfield, or at least that's what I had noticed in the first 4 games of the qualification. Starting Maniatis while he wasn't even allowed to train in Olympiacos is one of the prime reasons, yet Samaris and Tachtsidis were performing below average and opponents simply dominated us in that aspect of the game. I do hope Siopis and Retsos will be given the chance but they'll be a liability against Belgium. Maniatis signed with Atromitos and he already has some games under his belt, I think he could do better now. 

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Staf Fortounis Gianniota

        Maniatis Samaris

Tzavella Sokratis Manolas Torosidis



this is what I'd do as starting 11.

against lesser opponents wouldn't mind blooding siopis, he's looked solid all year and only 22!

klonaridis also looking really nice and is a true left wing.

Edited by georgelaz
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On 05/03/2017 at 7:37 AM, georgelaz said:


Staf Fortounis Gianniota

        Maniatis Samaris

Tzavella Sokratis Manolas Torosidis



this is what I'd do as starting 11.

against lesser opponents wouldn't mind blooding siopis, he's looked solid all year and only 22!

klonaridis also looking really nice and is a true left wing.

We will most likely see that line up against Belgium with Mantalos starting instead of Gianniotas. But to be smart we should be playing 5-3-2, our defence is our strength. We haven't got enough options in attack. Especially now that Karelis is injured. Bakasetas and Diamantakos are options but what are they going to do in a big match like this. 

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we will go a 4-5-1 I reckon












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After recent Greek results I don't understand how a Panionios player can't be called in the squad, but a player of AEK can.

Panionios made it in the play offs last season as well, currently being the only challenge for Olympiakos. 

When it comes to big matches this season:

Won Olympiakos.

Drew Panathinaikos

Won Xanthi

Drew Aek


I seriously don't understand how a player of AEK , a team with no Europe for the last 3 years has anything better to offer than a solid key player of Panionios.

To be more specific, I am talking about Bakasetas instead of Siopis. 

Stafylidis being used at Bundesliga as a Winger/Wingerback/Left Midfielder as well, gives us more options (only option in my humble opinion) on the Left Wing.

Gianniotas on form as well. Of course can't use Siopis for a big match but he deserves the call up.

4-5-1 would be my formation as well against Belgium


Gianniotas -Samaris - Tachtsidis - Stafylidis




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Even if he gets called up what does he really bring to the team? is he really an upgrade or is his temper liable to cost us a match? I'm not sure why Skibbe has a hard on for this guy. I do agree we need some new guys and a change in this line up as it has performed like s%$#! up until now but I don't think Zeca is the answer or change we need.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 17/02/2017 at 9:05 PM, RED SHERIFF said:

mentioning Manthiatis Maniatis Kolovos Mystakidis in the same paragraph as their players indicates that any result here is impossible..


Anything better than 3-0 loss will be a miracle..

I believe in miracles...

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I believe Mantalos should go CAM against Bosnia. He is wasted on the wing. Stafylidis will be a key player for us. He has improved. I always thought he was good, I just think he can be a bit of a liability in big matches. He is only 23. He can be even better.

As far as Lykogiannis, he should be given a chance in friendlies. He is not starting material for this team. I would have liked to see a Tachtsidis-Siopis midfield combo. Our biggest problem is keeping possession, and taking control of the midfield. We have seen Samaris, Maniatis, Tziolis and Tachtsidis been given chances as nothing seems to work. 

Androutsos should play in the Bosnia match, maybe come on in the 65th minute. I also think Zeca won't benefit us that much. There is literally no one else worthy enough to be in the midfield. Papadopoulos is a CB for me.

Our other problem is that our defenders are the worst passers. Manolas and Sokratis misplaced passes a couple of times in the Belgium match. Tzavellas offered nothing but long balls forward to no one. Torosidis is not the player he used to be. But these players are very good defenders and that's it. They can't contribute much in going forward. They can only mark, win headers and tackle. 

Next thing is Fortounis better pick up his game or else we will suffer. He is very good he is just not showing like he was last season. Mitroglou is in the best form, as we need Fortounis to give him passes to score from. Tachtsidis is vital to this team. He is big, confident and very positive to the midfield. But his slowness is a problem and can get lazy at times and that annoys me because he is very good. Mitroglou has improved in this aspect. 

A player that will benefit this team is Manthatis. He is physical and skillful and also has good speed. Gianniotas should be given more opportunities. Also back to the defence Oikonomou and Siovas are very average they would have to have their game of their lives if they were to play against teams like Belgium to to keep a clean sheet even that would not be enough. We are lucky to have very fast and strong CBs like Manolas and Sokratis. Papadopoulos has the best strength and the best headers in the team. He is like Dellas. In the next match I believe we should have Fortounis come off the bench in the 70th minute as a winger. He has got a decent cross in him. Does anyone know if Karelis is back for the match against Bosnia? If he is it will be a huge boost. Also when we have a full team we are very dangerous. One thing that should be done is have Tziolis off this team. He is not good enough. Papadopoulos is a better defensive midfielder even though his position is CB.

Edited by Dean97
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Best lineup against Bosnia-Herzegovina 

-------------------------------- Kapino ----------------------------------
Torosidis ----- Papastathopoulos ----- Manolas ----- Stafyalidis 
------- Fourtounis ----- Siopis ---------- Mantalos ------ Zeca ------
------------------ Mitroglou --------------- Gianniotas --------------- 

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Lave, I would go:


Toro (c)         Manolas          Sokratis (vc)         Stafy

Gianniotas             Siopis           Zeca            Fortounis          



Edited by ausgreek
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Ausgreek looks the more realistic one, but I like the idea of playing Gianniotas as ST. If Karelis was fit I would play him and Mantalos as strikers and Tachtsidis behind them as CAM in a friendly match. The reason being Mantalos and Karelis have good speed and Tachtsidis is decent in the air so when a cross comes in Tachtsidis will be there in time to header it in. Also from a counter attack Mantalos and Karelis can chase through balls because of their speed which will allow them to take more shots on goal. That's a tactic I would do. Also Mitroglou can play just behind the 2 fast strikers because he is good at holding up the ball. Also Fortounis should be tried out on the wing. He has good crosses.

Tzavellas and Maniatis should be just bench options and should be put on if we need to slow the game down or put an extra man in defence. Players like Tachtsidis, Mantalos, Fortounis, Karelis, Siopis or even Pelkas should be on the same field due to their knowledge of the game and the massive amount of creativity that they have. 

Zeca, Maniatis,Tziolis, Oikonomou and Vellios would disrupt any free flowing attacking football. We would just see long balls to no one.

Also I read somewhere that Skibbe is looking at calling up Risvanis. I don't know what to think of it. My first thought was it's a good Idea because he is a promising player but we have good enough depth in that position.


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no cause two of mitroglous biggest assets are his heading + poaching. He's a pure striker.

If we play him as a cf his lack of pace won't allow him to utilize that.

our true best lineup


     Fortounis             Fetfa

          Tachtsi Samaris

Staf Sok (C) Kpaps   Man   Toro


Subs -

Karelis CF

Mantalos CAM

Holebas LW


notable backups

Kapino, tzavella, kone, siovas, gianniota, zeca, siopis

This is obviously a pipe dream.

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I would like to see Kolovos ahead of Kone in the next lot of matches. Tachtsidis not being available hurt the squad, he has never had a poor match every time he is given a shot. He is hard for defences to handle.

I would also like to see what Manthatis has to offer ahead of Bakasetas.

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dzeko in top form. 33 goals most ever by a Roma player beating out Totti. We have our hands full against Bosnia who will have a chip on their shoulder going into Zenica.

hopefully this works in our favour as they'll play emotional and we'll play cerebral and absorb their attacks.

lol we might be one of the most frustrating sides to play against. Dzeko pulling Sokratis's pants down. Tzavellas getting his mustache pulled by Mertens.

Gives an aura of Euro 2004 where we frustrated the likes of Ronaldo and Henry.

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