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Panathinaikos - Panthrakikos


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They are expecting 40000 fans! Reportedly, HTC will change the lineup to include Mattos, Ninis, Christodoulopoulos and probably Goumas. Let's hope for a convincing win to go into the Inter game with high morale.

BTW, I don't like that players cary suspensions due to cards from a previous season. Cleyton will miss the second game because he had 7 yellow cards last season. I can understand maybe carrying red card suspensions, but for yellow cards it would be better to clean the slate and start each season fresh.

Oh, BTW #2, some reports say Mattos-Tziolis will be the DMs I don't really mind but I can hear the :band: already if anything goes wrong :)

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im sure its on ertsat, 1900 GR

I love you PAO_OR-DEATH but eventually i am going to murder you one of these days. :P If not sure 1000% for a channel or time please check here http://sports.phantis.com/soccer/games/TV_..._schedules.html

or you can check on top of the screen where it says TV Schedules. :D

PS.Where do you live again??Australia???I might need you for something because i have some stupid blonde moments regarding time zones. :)

PS2.Pao-Panthrakikos 4-0.

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wats wrong w Gilberto? Tziolis is playing??? If Gil is injured it should be Simao, hes impressed quite a bit and is only getting better.

I read that HTC wants to rest or "protect" some players for the Tuesday game.

I don't think any of these reporters know and they are just guessing to fill their columns. Many reports I read mentioned Nilsson maybe straring or Sariegi next to Goumas. Today I see that Nilsson, Sariegi, and Moon are out of the 18.

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Well, here is the lineup:






(I assume Simao and not Gilberto will play CB, but we'll see).

On the bench (lest someone starts yelling "put Cleyton in" :P ): Tzorvas, Melissis, Vintra, Hristodoulopoulos, Tziolis, Petropoulos, Roukavina.

Seeing the linuep I say if we don't score more than two today we need to look to the supernatural for help :P

BTW, the game is on ET1 (and not on NET) in Greece

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You know I hate to correct you, dear Cyber, but Cleyton is banned. I like the lineup btw. I really need to watch this game very carefully, because after that penalty in the AEK game and Diogo scoring 2 mins after a late tackle that should have meant an instant second yellow, I 'm getting curious...

Edit: Nikos was quicker.

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yeah, Salpi had a clean look at goal and did the most difficult thing by going airborn.

Obviously, besides winning, I am watching for several things today. First I am looking to see how steady Galinovic is. I noticed in the past few games that he can't stop the ball which usually bounces away from his hands.

Next, I am looking to see how well the defense plays the offside trap with two new CBs today. And obviously to see if we finally unleash our fullbacks to be a bit more aggressive.

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OK, two points:

1) Mattos is out of form -the crystal ball never lies- but he's got the quality and I like the Gilberto-Mattos duo - sometimes class matters.

2) I prefer the Simao-Goumas duo as well. It's not that they are so much better than Sarriegi and Vyntra (though they are a little better I think) but they have a huge plus: they are first on the ball. Against Inter we can't afford to let them receive the ball and then see what we can do. They 'll kill us. Even if you miss the ball a few times you should always try to be first on the ball - textbook stuff for CBs.

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