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PAO transfer Speculation


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sounds very unrealistic.

jean? no idea about him.

amanatidis i doubt will leave stuttgart for PAO.

Seitaridis will probly not stay

Epalle sucks. 1 good performance justifies nothing. CONSISTENCY is what we need

as long as soum is coach zutaoutas will start

and give some credit to Munch. By far the most underrated on the team and a great player.

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i am talking about CORE PLAYERS!

guys who will be with the club for a while, munch is an older guy, he is great but will not be a long term player.......

jean is a great player, i have seen him play 3 times and would be great in greece!!

epalle, has played well since the rangers game, maybe if you watched the way he plays you would realize that he has the tools to be a good winger, great footwork, speed, and can cross with left and right easily!

and why would amanatidis stay in germany, they never play him this year, and when they do it is a s a sub!!!!!!!!!!

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I disagree about Epalle. He is consistent, just consistently bad... But since the Rangers game I have to hand it to him, he has been consistenly good. I think it's up for him from here on out...Maric is the one who is inconsistent and who I think should leave in January. Zuta isn't the best but he shows brilliance at times then disappears. I'd keep him just not start him...I think that bringing in Amanatidis and Tavlaridis would make us favorites for the protathlima but I think we'd have quite a bit of competition for both, especially Stelio. Arsene Wenger's been playing him a lot in the Carling and FA cup this year and I think that he feels that Stelio has a future with the club. Plus he went on trial at Lille and impressed so I don't think it'd be straight forward....Amanatidis may be easier to snatch up because they're having a hard time hanging on to their stars: Kuranyi etc... so buying him wouldn't be the hardest task

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i think his name is stathis tavlardis....i think he would be a very good pick up as he is the cure to the left-defense problem, but chances are it wont happen....if he goes to lille i will be bitterly dissapointed, but if he stays w/ arsenal then thats very good for him..i hope he come back to pao, but the chances are kinda slim....

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2 good performances wont convince me for epalle. remember when zoutaou played great in the summer and sanmartean? and then what? crap. actually what seems best is the rotation soum is starting to realize- we have a lot of crap midfield (except for basinas and michaelsen) and he is rotating them through according to form and it is beginning to work more.

amanatidis would be great he may come to PAO but also many other teams will want him. last year i watched many stuttgart games and he was doing good and scoring.

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I know that his name is Stathis but peeps call him Stelios too for short in London...I've just kinda latched onto the latter...

Yea, I agree Drako that Shum is doing some sort of rotation but I think he realizes that the midfield is crap right now and he's doing whatever he can until the transfer window opens. I also agree that 2 good performances isn't enough to judge a player but there's nothing wrong with being hopeful. Games like that build a player's confidence and at times it can set a player's career off. Look at guys like James McFadden of Scotland and Everton. Nobody knew who the hell he was then he had a hell of a game against Lithuania and scored in the first leg of the playoff against Holland and suddenly Everton's manager appeared to be a genius for plucking him out of Motherwell...

Plus it doesn't really matter anyway because Epalle's still backup to Michaelsen. Same thing could happen to Sapanis as well. He's not played at all this year then he comes off the bench in Glasgow and plays well. Since then he's been incredible...No guarantees that these two will make it because of 2 games but it's a start is what I'm saying

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sapa hasnt really been incredible - he is just a good solid player good replacement for emergencies or random starts. i think the rotation is doing good but- it only works in Leoforo. away and derbies we should put are strongest teams and give rests during the home games i feel. I doubt well get around to buying someone worthwhile this window- it would be perfect to take Karagkouni back for a while. no reason not to really. For the ethiniki's sake as well. Our ethniki is filled with players abroad with no playing experience- charisteas, vryzas (serie b ), kara, dellas, dabizas, we need them in form to beat spain again. (i know its off topic a bit)

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I believe that panathinaikos should stick with bringing up youngsters..........I believe with Chelsea's Manager Claudio Ranieri Who Wherever He Goes, The Clubs Teams Core Is Always Of The Clubs Country.,......This Is The Only Way We Can Get A Team Which Can Compete With Europes Best.........

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Doesn't surprise me if this is true. Kanu's gonna leave in the summer, Wiltord's gonna leave to PSG, that leaves them with Henry, Bergkamp, Aladerie(sp?) and I think that's about it. Bergkamp can't be staying for long and as good as Aladerie's going to be he's not ready to start yet...I desperately hope Kosta stays...I have a feeling that Tavlaridis could have something to do with this...just a hunch

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okkkkkkkk so lets look at this shale we.... firstly we cant get Karagounis as he has been loaned to Perugia....

http://www.soccerage.com/en/13/s3679.html :*&%:

secondly we cant buy Stathis Tavlaridis beacause he has joined Lille for the rest of the damn season...

http://www.soccerage.com/en/13/s3717.html :*&%:

Finnaly Dabizas has joined Leicester City which isnt that bad but would have liked pao to get him...

http://www.nationwide.co.uk/football/commo...sp?ID=66763&W=0 :tdown:

So my question is who the hell are we gonna buy this transfer window!!!! :huh:

All the good names that were mentioned are starting to go, and pao doesnt seem to b getting of their asses...

lets hope some good news develops soon.... and jcl_jcl2002 i really do like the idea of rading Aeks team and helping them out abit :P Lakis seems like a good player and so does tsiartes.... :tup:

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Guest Protathlitis

The Andrew Bourakis is ok he went to my high school in Australia i used to play with him, he left school to go to the dortmund youth squad but got injured then came back home and was tutored by the great South Melbourne Hellas player boutsianis.

mabye he has potential but remember hes only going to the pao academy and thousands go through but never make it.

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what high school did he go to?

im from melbourne as well!

btw hollywood, antzas been loaned out to Doxa Drama, which correct me if im wrong Divie 3 in greece! and for sum reason, i dun think it would really have worked antzas coming to us! :tdown:

and ironically, all three moves, karagounis, tavlaridis and dabizas may not have been good news in our camp, but its definately great for the national team. Huge Boost, lets hope they get plenty of games under the belts to see them fire at Portugal!

Also, question, what is happening with the youngsters everyone wants from Paniliakos. By that i mean Vyntra, Tsigka, Taralidis!?? ;)

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Just railing off the topic a lil here (sorry) and refering to the recent move for Bourakis of Sth Melbourne and how he now joins the PAO Academy, i thought it is worth a mention of just how good our Youth are doing, working hard, sweating it out for a chance to play in the big league, "sta salonia tis europis".

We just recently defeated the Youth team of Manchester Utd 1-0 in a tournament in Naples if i am correct (i know its in Italy). This was the first match of the group stages which also features Salernitana and Parma.

In the second game we drew with Salernitana 1-1, unfortunately we were robbed of victory by poor refering. Both goals scored in the tournament are accredited to Christos Oxizoglou.

Tomorrow is the final group game against Parma.

Well Done Lads! Keep it Up!! Hopefully we are able to unearth some real gems from this youth team that will help us capture a title or a european!

:tup: :tup: :tup:

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