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Friendly: Greece - Spain


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unexceptable to be up 2-1 your suppost to dictate the rest of the flow of the game instead they thought well were up so we will sit back and defend and get spain lubing up there motors and strike twice, wrong attitude, push forward , we saw a bit of it in the 1st half and it was beautiful, could of gone to the half up 3-1 or even dare i say 4-1

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for once its not the head of the fish that smells...

he had and has to work with the material we have...

as u said... young blood...

let him do the team p******... what is the problem... i still think he can make it...

but with poromena pedia....

like in b ball... in 86. the inspirational dream team of hellas.. now, why they are poromeni (the young) and keep up to good international standards... because we can make it? too bad football is not played with 5 players naoum...

ade na teliossi kie i kipros gabip to gabip mou...

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We know by now that all greek teams have many really stupid fans,did u guys believed Salonika will be different?If you can not respect your former captain,now president of Paok and your NT then what are we talking about here.At least now i hear that they forgot about there clubs differences and are chanting ELLADARA-OMADARA :gr:

stupid fans is one thing misbehaving, im talking about creating a supportive atmosphere for the players - thessaloniki did the worst job ive seen for ANY country....

I have NEVER seen games where its all OSFP chants, PAO, AEK, OFI, PANAXAIKH whatever replacing all the Ellas chants ...... Its not about "misbehaving" fans its about making a SUPPORTIVE, GREEK atmosphere. Thessaloniki they dont do that, PAOKtzides write graffitti on the wall saying G*** thn Ellas (the country that accepted them in?!??) chant it, have no respect or support for the national team (until they score oh then its different) Booing a particular player ok weve seen, we can deal, the whole NEARLY EVERY SINGLE CHANT being for PAOK or G*** thn A8HNA/PIREAS is pathetic...

As for not respecting Zagorakis - pull your head out of your ass. Im talking about management, being president having responsibility of a stadium. This not his playing career, as a player and a person he has my respect but there is no excuse not to do your job, and simply "oh he was a great player and captain" has not one thing in the entire world to do with his responsibilities NOW as President, a MANAGER.

As stadium and club manager HE is responsible for not having this field in playing condition for an international friendly, and one week before the season starts - thats simply pathetic. Try that in your job, see how that goes.

The game should have been in Patra or Peloponissos - At least people there are patriotic, and relaxed and not affiliated with a local team, and they have a great stadium.... Thessaloniki they would sing for PAOK and not so much as hum the national anthem... :tdown:

anyways GAME:

CRAP 2nd Half, the defense is awful, and the fact that we insist on never making changes to it has become so ridiculous for so long......

Kapsis - Seriously???

Vyntra - not bad tackler, probably the DUMBEST player with the ball - i remember there was a steal mid field, wide open opportunity to break and...he sits there....sits there.....waits more (whole range of options fading quickly, spanish team catches up, fast break over) then kicks it out to nobody (almost all his "passes" were long balls to nobody (and Hertha seriously interested in this moron?) and he also tossed away the ball in the last minute which set up the goal......totally useless.

Nikopolidis - no major f ups this time, but still dont trust him. he had some good saves but when it counts against Norway I really wouldnt bet on him

Xalkias - ok, smarter than Nikopolidis but not as agile.....

Patsa- great defensive player, very lousy with the ball, threw the ball away to nobody and couldnt complete his passes the majority of the time, but defensive effort was great.....

Gkoumas - hes a bit old, but hell plug up a hole

Dellas - not bad, but our defense is seriously aging and slow

Tavlaridis - pretty solid...no real complaints that i remember

Basinas - useless, i thought he was supposed to be alot better than that! distribution on field was terrible

Katsouranis - future captain IMO, really good job, great team player, clean player, hard working, goal was money

Karagkounis - did pretty well, great assist, good effort and won fouls as always but his set peices are still rubbish

Tziolis - nothing to report...

Salpiggidis - not bad, made decent runs, couldnt finish, i thought he played just fine

Papadopoulos - time to retire? i havent seen anything remotely interesting from Papadopoulos in 3 years, except for that one goal-stint under Malesani....he really lost his playing IQ, he doesnt have it anymore....Amanatidis should have played instead

Gkekas - no complaints, hes the best Greek striker with no arguement, great goal, suberb 1-2 combo with Katsouranis....players like him and Kats are what are going to bring us to another level

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what a joke! again, otto fails to realize that against technical-minded teams like Spain -- and I'd even venture to say Turkey -- your best defense is a good attacking offense that pressures up through the midfield. otto seems to do the exact opposite -- he pulls his best offensive players back or takes them out altogether and just lets the other team pound away.... the guy is a one-trick pony.... charisteas, giannakopoulos and nikopolides must have dirt on him or something.... again, what a joke!

Excellent Point.

I also like to point out that teams that typically have a lot of offensive skills usually aren't the best defensively. This is why Otto has to start thinking about beating teams like Turkey and Spain 3-2 instead of always 1-0..

I didn't see the game but it sounds like Greece's strategy changed in the 2nd half and crossing half wasn't important. Did Otto just want the back up keeper to get a lot of action....who knows.

I just hope they are ready for Norway next month.

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nikopolidis chalkias vyntra papadopoulos goumas kapsis antzas and even dellas are not good enough to play international football.

eleftheropoulos tavlaridis papastathopoulos and ninis should be given a chance


Although Chalkias wasn't half bad ( I don't think those 2 goals were his fault), and Antzas made some good tackles, the rest, I agree, are no longer acceptable.

I was dissapointed tonight because they made stupid mistakes and squandered a good lead. I have mixed feelings about Salpi too; he shows pep on the field, but he is overly aggressive.

Basinas, I don't think, was able to string together a succesfull pass all night! The only real talent on that team, in my opinion, are Gekas (obviously), Katsouranis, Kyrgiakos, Samaras, maybe Karagounis, and Seitaridis. The performance of the rest are too inconsistent, they can't be trusted.

I have a feeling we will lose in Oslo...

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Are boys gave a great performance, the seconed half was a bit boring, the 2 goal was great from katsou, sadly we lost in the end, anyway Norway defeated the Argentinians 2-1, it's going to be tough to get a point in Norway.

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really who cares how





played they have no future on the nt

from what I heard the starters looked ok

Kyrgiakos??? hurt


Dellas - Kyrgiakos pairing that worked so well vs Turkey scares the s%$#! out of me

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nikopolidis chalkias vyntra papadopoulos goumas kapsis antzas and even dellas are not good enough to play international football.

eleftheropoulos tavlaridis papastathopoulos and ninis should be given a chance

that might have been the dumbest thing ive ever heard

okay maybe vyntras and goumas should not play international football

but what are you talking about with dellas kapsis nikopolidis papa antzas and xalkias

i think that dellas and kapsis are a bit old but they still have a few years left in them

give them a ###### break

eleftheropoulos should not be called up. ninis is too young. you have a point about tav. and i think papstathopoulos is too young as well. id go with mitroglou before him .

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People have to stop complaining about Otto and give the man the chance, to at least, defend the Euro 2004 title. The man has given us more excitement in his stint as coach than any other coach in Greece's history.

Also, remember this was only a friendly. Last time I checked friendlies were games that coaches used to try new formations, players, etc. It would have been nice to win, but we didn't. I don't care if we loose every friendly 10-0, as long as we gain results when it counts.

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People have to stop complaining about Otto and give the man the chance, to at least, defend the Euro 2004 title. The man has given us more excitement in his stint as coach than any other coach in Greece's history.

Also, remember this was only a friendly. Last time I checked friendlies were games that coaches used to try new formations, players, etc. It would have been nice to win, but we didn't. I don't care if we loose every friendly 10-0, as long as we gain results when it counts.

Agree 100% with your post.I know many people would like to see Otto leave but first of all dont forget who brought us here (2004 title and first place in our group for the next one)and second who is going to replace him NOW.Not who i or you would like but who at this moment can take over??
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People have to stop complaining about Otto and give the man the chance, to at least, defend the Euro 2004 title. The man has given us more excitement in his stint as coach than any other coach in Greece's history.

Also, remember this was only a friendly. Last time I checked friendlies were games that coaches used to try new formations, players, etc. It would have been nice to win, but we didn't. I don't care if we loose every friendly 10-0, as long as we gain results when it counts.

Agree 100% with your post.I know many people would like to see Otto leave but first of all dont forget who brought us here (2004 title and first place in our group for the next one)and second who is going to replace him NOW.Not who i or you would like but who at this moment can take over??
Yeah no problems.

Let me know when you guys get back to this reality.

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"Image is Everything"

There was a commercial a few years back with Andre Agassi saying "Image is Everything". While an overstatement, "Image" is a big part of defining one's self.

Once again we proved through our football (and not only) organizational inability that we have no idea how to project a positive image to the world and to ourselves.

I could not stand watching the game on such disgraceful pitch. Horrible field, and horrible fans. Booing a worthy representative of the National Team denotes that Greek football has become the refuse of the lowest life forms. Shame!

Shame to the organizers of this fiesta. Shame to the fans of this circus, shame to those who maintain such fields, and shame to those who approve them for domestic and international play. Shame to all who will make excuses for this mess. Shame to those who will justify the booing. Shame to those who will not lift a finger to ensure that we will ostracize such fields, fans, and organizers.

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People have to stop complaining about Otto and give the man the chance, to at least, defend the Euro 2004 title. The man has given us more excitement in his stint as coach than any other coach in Greece's history.

:nw: :tup: :nw:

look @ our politicians (boulis (fat) and boubis (slim))... how long they will remain in their throne... even when they dont win the elections???

i see no changes... doltse vita...


ps. need new blood... poromena pedia... wanting 2 play football, not colobarades.. remember the mondial when was it? 1994? ALKETAS PANAGOULIAS FOR EVER....

10 - 0 aggregate... and with a cocaMARADONA ha ha ha...

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With the game in hand we wasted an opportunity to build for Norway. The Spanish on the other hand were pros to the very end and were rewarded with a last minute victory. we gave up.

Paps, Tziolis, Goumas, Vyntra were wasted changes. I would have preferred to see the younger players who have heart rather than these wasted talents.

2nd and 3rd goals was just pathetic and lazy display.

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People have to stop complaining about Otto and give the man the chance, to at least, defend the Euro 2004 title. The man has given us more excitement in his stint as coach than any other coach in Greece's history.

Also, remember this was only a friendly. Last time I checked friendlies were games that coaches used to try new formations, players, etc. It would have been nice to win, but we didn't. I don't care if we loose every friendly 10-0, as long as we gain results when it counts.

Agree 100% with your post.I know many people would like to see Otto leave but first of all dont forget who brought us here (2004 title and first place in our group for the next one)and second who is going to replace him NOW.Not who i or you would like but who at this moment can take over??
Yeah no problems.

Let me know when you guys get back to this reality.

Give me a name that is going to replace Otto at this moment and a will come back to reallity.If there is going to be a change,it should be for better and not getting someone like, Alefantos lets say for a coach.
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first goal adonakis was out for vrouves... :tdown:


the second one... ok.. could happen... telos padon... :whistle:

and the third one... well it was VLAKIA (in other words mas pidixan all our defence...)

and the guy next to him on the right just looks the ball get inside... THE GAME IS NOT OVER TILL THE #### has blown the #### wistle naoum.... klassiki m*****a tou ellina....

Posted Image

its true that the field was covered with magic mushrooms...

the goals we scored were niiiiice... where r the days that every greek wanted to be a hero... therefore did everything alone for nothing.. at least now the pass the ball around in order to score... but as usual the national team has GAVROITIDA....

LEAVE THE COATCH ALONE he is a german dog... he will prevail the greek mentality...(he already did it once)....

players dont want to come to oly who is the undisputed champion of greece (and willing to invest) and u think that someone else is gonna accept to be our nat coatch? not even with a billion dollars... first defeat his out (yeap we have expectation since the biggest marketin scam EVER (all the bets of 2004 were LOST and if someone did bet on greece 100 to 1 na PLEASE TELL). im a bit short on money these days...

thanx 4 vids...

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