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Kafe & Kapsis


Should they have been released?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they have been released?

    • [*]Kafes should be released
    • [*]Kapsis should be released
    • [*]Both should be released
    • [*]Neither should have been released, they both had a future with Oly

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Today Kapsis was also released from the roster. What are your opinions on these moves. Personally I'm pretty angry at both moves!

Kafes is a wonderful passer of the ball and has great vision.

Kapsis when fit is still, imo, the best centre-back in Greece, or at least the best Greek centre-back.

Kafes' confidence took a mighty blow at the hands of Sollied this past season and I honestly think if he was given time he'd rekindle his great form from 2 years ago when he was arguably our best player. Kapsis has been injured for so long, you cant expect him to be brilliant after 2 games back. He needed time to find his rhythm again. I'm appalled at the handling of both situations. They both wanted out but in reality they were forced out, a player needs to be appreciated to have confidence and to perform and these players weren't. I'm really gutted, especially regarding Kapsis. :tdown:

Can I have your opinions please?


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I'm with you file. Kapsis never got an opportunity to play on regular basis. Injuries have pleaged him for 2 seasons. Kafes is known to be a good passer and a lethal shooter, sure he can be inconsistant at times. What he showed us in the UEFA Champions League is he can be a good finisher if he's on top form. He was suppose to be a regular starter just like Kapsis. :(

Now if you want to release certain players, I would get rid of Anatolakis, Georgatos and Babaginda. :ph34r:

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Loosing Kafes is not a good move, he has unique strengths for a greek midfielder and could be part of a really great Olympiakos squad.

Unfortunately his PR didn't work as well as it does for some other of our midfielders.

Let's hope that he continues to a good european club, I wouldn't like to ssee him palying for AEK or PAO.

As for Kapsis, it is a mystery but it didn't work for both sides right from the start. I think it's fair that he is given a chance to try somewhere else, maybe he's got something to offer.

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:huh: Kapsis use to be a great defender what happened??


to be honest for whatever reason kapsis and olympiakos didnt work from the start. rumour has it being of aek he didnt get along with older players but who knows. so i think its sad but on the other hand its better he plays someplace else and regains his form because he still has one good season in him! at ofsp its not happening.

kafes has somehow lost it and didnt have a good game since more than a year.

so to a certain extent its understandable what olympiakos is doing. both are high decorated primmadonnas that don t perform. but on the other hand they are nt players and to just waive them is somewhat strange. and even if skimming the roster is the aim, it seems ridiculous when olympiakos has butina and lemmens sitting on big contracts and not even close to playing.

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Kafes should have stayed on... his still a good average player to have on your team, i mean if he didnt fit in the first 11, surely he would be an excellent sub/back up?? his also 30 years old which by ur standards isnt really that old...

Kapsis, let him go... his 33 years old, plauged with injuries and hasnt been the same since euro 2004... the way i see it, he had a big contract and wasnt worth the money...

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Both consistedly underperformed in the last 2 years. Kafes had some bright moments but in the whole his performance was not spectacular. In many games he was simply non existent. Unfortunately he didn't manage to become what Olympiakos expected from him. Maybe in the hands of Bajevic he would but not under Sollied or Lemonis... I don't know.

Kapsis was a failure right from the start. Injuries, problems with other players, we 'll never know. And now he is too old to expect a revival from him.

So at last it was wise for us to let them go. We have too many underperforming players in our roster and a mediocre (at most..) coach like Lemonis couldn't manage them. The potential doesn't suffice when performances are absent, you know.

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I respect everyone's comments but I still have to disagree with some of you. Being injured, like Kapsis has been, doesn't classify as failiure in my book. In the 05/06 season he was our best defender in CL and I disagree with the comments saying he's too old to find his feet. Its not like he has an knee ligament injury, all he needs is 2 months playing time. He was the only centre-back on our roster that understood (1) the concept of dropping when the other centre-back attacks the ball, (2) pressuring a strong striker and limiting his space (2) limiting space in behind himself against a quick striker. He has footballing knowledge and if he's a defender that is still good enough for the Ethniki squad then he's def good enough for Olympiakos.

As for Kafes he was arguably the player of the year for Oly in the 05/06 season. He did the unattractive things well and everyone knows about his passing ability. How many times did he release strikers. But he doesnt have a physical presence, which can be a weakness unless used correctly. Sollied played him as a defensive central midfielder (in a midfield 3) alongside Stoltidi. Sorry but not many players can adpat to a position like that which relies on physicality. By doing that Sollied immediately sacrificed his best attributes. Castillo is great on the wings and up front play him at defensive centre mid, or centre-back, etc and see how he copes! ;) Personally I'm sorry to see them go, hopefully they both go to AEK or whoever and re-establish themselves as the top players that they are.

If anyone should be released its Lemens while Georgatos & Borja should be transfer listed, but imo Kafes and Kapsis should have stayed.

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i agree that both should have their place in the olympiakos roster. but:

kafes himself wanted out and olympaikos didnt disagree. because whenever he played he was horrible in the last months. fans were against him, too.he signed a new contract at the beginning of the season and now also quotes the pressure at olympiakos as a problem.

kapsis and olympiakos simply didnt work from the star. many of his "injuries" were lame excuses, i.e. when he wasnt able to train with olympiakos but wanted to PLAY for the ethniki!!! here is a guy who came excuses every other week, why he was out of action. lord knows why he did it that way, because at aek he was a model athlete. so something with him and olympiakos didnt work. i mean sollied wanted to use him as a right back against pao once and kapsis refused saying that pantos is better. he himself confirms this. so in all reality we see a player that doesnt really want to play for olympiakos. for whatever reasons. he has a costly contract and olympiakos had lots of patience with him. to be fair.

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i agree that both should have their place in the olympiakos roster. but:

kafes himself wanted out and olympaikos didnt disagree. because whenever he played he was horrible in the last months. fans were against him, too.he signed a new contract at the beginning of the season and now also quotes the pressure at olympiakos as a problem.

kapsis and olympiakos simply didnt work from the star. many of his "injuries" were lame excuses, i.e. when he wasnt able to train with olympiakos but wanted to PLAY for the ethniki!!! here is a guy who came excuses every other week, why he was out of action. lord knows why he did it that way, because at aek he was a model athlete. so something with him and olympiakos didnt work. i mean sollied wanted to use him as a right back against pao once and kapsis refused saying that pantos is better. he himself confirms this. so in all reality we see a player that doesnt really want to play for olympiakos. for whatever reasons. he has a costly contract and olympiakos had lots of patience with him. to be fair.

File mou I agree, maybe the situations became untenable but the point I'm making is that the whole situation was handled incorrectly and should not have been allowed to reach that point.

The fans had no right to turn against Kafes because he's been a loyal servant and not performing in a few games when out of position isn't a good enough reason to turn against him when he's played well for 2 years! As for Kapsis, you said that he wasn't welcomed for being a former AEK player. Well if thats the case then Anatolakis, Georgatos, or whoever the 'old' players were should have been rounded up and told "stamata tis m*****es". They accepted Konstantinou and Nikopolidi but not Kapsis? Ma ti m*****a einai auti? This is yet another example of how the die-hard Elliniki nootropia can F*** ourselves over. Pretty pathetic really and if Kapsis was forced out for those reasons then Olympiakos don't really deserve respect.

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I believe that the reason they left is that management needs to get rid of players and stay with a normal roster number.I believe than even more players will be getting out the door now or summer time.Kafes i believe that he could stay and help the team but he is not in the same shape as he was in Paok.He had some good monents and many bad moments.As for Kapsis i am sorry Ethnikisti but he hasnt done anything to justify the money he is getting.Maybe he wasn t liked,many injuries i dont know but his contribution was 0.I just hope that after everything is set and done we will have some new Greek talent in our team that can help us for the years ahead.

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I think somewhere I read about Kafes' weight...I don't remember the exact number but he was way too heavy for a football player! Maybe this one explains part of his physical weakness. The rest is probably the typical laziness and lack of professionalism of the average Greek player.

I didn't say that Kapsis didn't have the right prospects to become the leader of our defense. However, those prospects remained just on paper. Regardless of the reasons, this is the only fact we know of. Too expensive to keep him for decorative purposes.

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About bloody time Kafes and Kapsis got kicked out :tup:

Boulit,Pandos,Anatolakhs,Gewrgatos,Lemens,Babagita,Taralidhs and Bojha are all on the DON'T COME MONDAY LIST :LOL: :LOL:

Also LEMONHS will be replaced in JUNE :1eye:

We need young players like Torosidh :D

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He was the only centre-back on our roster that understood (1) the concept of dropping when the other centre-back attacks the ball, (2) pressuring a strong striker and limiting his space (3) limiting space in behind himself against a quick striker. He has footballing knowledge and if he's a defender that is still good enough for the Ethniki squad then he's def good enough for Olympiakos.

couldn't have said it better.. it's a crime to let go Kapsis while you guys still have Anatolakidiotis.. :ph34r:

I never liked the way Kafes played ever since his Salonika days. So I don't care about him one bit.. :P

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I'm always seemingly swimming against the tide of opinions on this forum, but some have made reasonable claims against Kapsis and supported the decision of releasing him.

I have never been a big fan of his. He never struck me as a competent footballer.

Sure he did have some good performances for both AEK and the Ethniki when given specific roles as a marker, but he always appeared to me as a very uncomfortable ball player and seriously, a liability at the back.

I analysed particular aspects of footballers differently than others. Thats why I never felt assured with Kapsis.

I recall two major errors he made that led directly to goals.

i) when he first joined Oly in a preseason match he tired to pull off a stupid backheel in front of our goal.

ii) and this one potentially could have changed history and that was the bumbling error he did during Euro '04 against Spain when the ball was taken by Raul and Morientes finished off.

Kapsis' days for Greece should be over. Anyone with football sense and an eye on the present and future should slam shut the door on his aspirations of wearing the blue and white shirt again.

His age, his injuries and in my mind his lack of footballing ability count against him.

Thanks for the memories. I wish him well at APOEL, but I hope I don't see him playing for Greece ever again.

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i think he lost his spot in the NT period once he joined APOEL, i mean i cant see an international player representing greece while playing his league games in cyprus...

also add to the fact that his 34 years old!!, injury prone and way past his peak... i think he should announce his retirement from the International game, that way he goes out on his own terms...

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