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well according to the article you posted nothing is official...

its just a rumour. interestingly at present only betis and olympiakos fight for ze. leverkusen removed its bid because it didnt have the money. betis is offering much less cash than olympiakos. also betis doesnt play in the cl. so it does look good, but that ze roberto hasnt announced his decision until now, really shows he doesnt really want to come greece. doesnt it?

i mean hes been looking for a team since after the world cup. olympiakos was among the first teams to make an fantastic offer but he wants something better. olympiakos seems to be his last resort as he fears to lose his spot in the selecao if he plays in the greek superleague.

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AEKARA mou, that link does indicate that he's leaning towards an agreement in which he is about to return to Greece to sign a 2 year - 2.5 million euro by tomorrow morning. Some of my Greek friends in Sweden called me to inform me about his breaking news. I would never start a topic like this just to be an "attention seeker". :D I post it so that all Greek soocer fans can read this. :tup:

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well according to the article you posted nothing is official...

its just a rumour. interestingly at present only betis and olympiakos fight for ze. leverkusen removed its bid because it didnt have the money. betis is offering much less cash than olympiakos. also betis doesnt play in the cl. so it does look good, but that ze roberto hasnt announced his decision until now, really shows he doesnt really want to come greece. doesnt it?

No it doesnt! We wanted Rivaldo for a whole year before he signed, look at him now. Ze is a superstar, known as the King of Crosses in Germany he's won a number of championships, has CL experience and had an excellent world cup! He's a big player, and big players bide their time before making decisions. Since the world cup, Olympiakos, Bordeaux, Besiktas, Leverkusen, and Betis have all made bids, while Milan, Marseille, and Lyon have expressed an official interest. Not to mention the rumours that Juve and Liverpool were keeping tabs on him. When there is this much interest you wait.
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When there is this much interest you wait.

at present he has two offers! one from olympiakos and one from betis that offers significantly less money and means no cl.

he wanted to go to milan and announced his decision, yet milan didnt want him anymore. he said after the world cup he will decide, meanwhile more than a month has passed and he has not answered thrylos. if you are saying he really wants to come to olympiakos, you must be joking.

rivaldo you refer to, was in between saudi arabia and olympiakos. now he knows greece and is happy but at first he tried to go everywhere else and failed. greek football is one of the last options for most name players...

@darkhorse: of all greek sport sites balla.gr may be one of least reliable sources! still i too believe ze roberto will come to greece. mainly because he has no comparable offer in sight.

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rivaldo you refer to, was in between saudi arabia and olympiakos. now he knows greece and is happy but at first he tried to go everywhere else and failed.

Not true! He turned down Bolton flat out for us and even said no to LIVERPOOL!!! Houllier made an official approach but they couldnt agree economic terms. Sure, if they had offered the same amount as Olympiakos he may have prefered the Prem which to an extent proves your point but Greek football, and in particular Olympiakos, is on the up. Even if he reluctantly signs but gives everything he has I'm sure the Olympiakos fans will be pleased.

Am I witnessing sour grapes on your part by any chance, because Olympiakos are about to sign a Brazilian international while AEK are getting Benfica rejects and getting tuned down by players like Dalla Bona who would prefer to play in Serie B?

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rivaldo you refer to, was in between saudi arabia and olympiakos. now he knows greece and is happy but at first he tried to go everywhere else and failed.

Not true! He turned down Bolton flat out for us and even said no to LIVERPOOL!!! Houllier made an official approach but they couldnt agree economic terms. Sure, if they had offered the same amount as Olympiakos he may have prefered the Prem which to an extent proves your point but Greek football, and in particular Olympiakos, is on the up. Even if he reluctantly signs but gives everything he has I'm sure the Olympiakos fans will be pleased.

Am I witnessing sour grapes on your part by any chance, because Olympiakos are about to sign a Brazilian international while AEK are getting Benfica rejects and getting tuned down by players like Dalla Bona who would prefer to play in Serie B?

I dont mean to get involved but the reason why Rivaldo turned down Bolton was because Bolton wanted to give him a Trial b4 they made an official offer.. Rivaldo turned it down because he saw it as an insault however 2 years of not playing regular football justifys Boltons reasons... Never heard of the Liverpool intrest however like u said the contract they offerd wasnt good enough for him considering this would be his last one, so he wanted to get the most out of it i guess...

Then Rivaldo was left with 2 options and there were Olympiakos or the middle east??? Both teams offerd "awsome contracts" however like most people would predict; Oly was the better option given they have CL and a much more better country to live in = GREECE!!

As for Ze; i agree with aekrossoponti; to me it seems that he is waiting untill the last last minute to get a better offer (not financially but mayb club related) from a club in a bigger league... If he was really intrested in moving to oly; trust me he wouldnt wait a month + to sighn the dotted line...

Anyways im sure u guys will get him which will b really really good for the leauge! :tup:

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Even if he reluctantly signs but gives everything he has I'm sure the Olympiakos fans will be pleased.

Am I witnessing sour grapes on your part by any chance, because Olympiakos are about to sign a Brazilian international while AEK are getting Benfica rejects and getting tuned down by players like Dalla Bona who would prefer to play in Serie B?[/color][/b]  :LOL:

i dont remember the whole rivaldo story but he was offered to werder bremen who didnt want to pay him the money he asked. i dont know what the liverpool thing was and how much they offered was but olympiakos also had his buddy giovanni on the squad. maybe liverpool were as interested in him as they are now in kapetanos...

i am not bashing ze roberto in anyway and hope he signs for olympiakos. hopefully he plays great and olympiakos win the cl. all i am saying, nothing is official to date!

as for sour grapes, i was pleased della bonna didnt come. firstly because i dont rate him highly and secondly because any foreign player who doesnt want to come to a team should stay were he is. aek and its history is bigger than any idiot kicking a ball (ze roberto included) and we shouldnt beg nobody to come play for us. as for metagraphes, we made one great signing with lagos that in my eyes even ze roberto can t top. you would have to get salpigidis to make me jealous. i dont care much for foreign players to be honest and ze roberto even in germany never sparked much enthusiasm from mebut given his name and the wc performance its a good move for the sake of the greek leagues prestige in europe.

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Hollywood is spot on.

If Ze Roberto actually wanted to sign for Thrinos he would have done it already and not be holding out for better offers, exactly like what Saviola did. Not saying he wont come, but OSFP is clearly not his top choice, if so he would come to Greece and talk it out after this whole month saga...

I dont read anywhere that its official, i recently heard something somewhere (forgot sorry) about Leverkusen being in the race...

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rivaldo you refer to, was in between saudi arabia and olympiakos. now he knows greece and is happy but at first he tried to go everywhere else and failed.

Not true! He turned down Bolton flat out for us and even said no to LIVERPOOL!!! Houllier made an official approach but they couldnt agree economic terms. Sure, if they had offered the same amount as Olympiakos he may have prefered the Prem which to an extent proves your point but Greek football, and in particular Olympiakos, is on the up. Even if he reluctantly signs but gives everything he has I'm sure the Olympiakos fans will be pleased.

Am I witnessing sour grapes on your part by any chance, because Olympiakos are about to sign a Brazilian international while AEK are getting Benfica rejects and getting tuned down by players like Dalla Bona who would prefer to play in Serie B?

I dont mean to get involved but the reason why Rivaldo turned down Bolton was because Bolton wanted to give him a Trial b4 they made an official offer.. Rivaldo turned it down because he saw it as an insault however 2 years of not playing regular football justifys Boltons reasons... Never heard of the Liverpool intrest however like u said the contract they offerd wasnt good enough for him considering this would be his last one, so he wanted to get the most out of it i guess...

Then Rivaldo was left with 2 options and there were Olympiakos or the middle east??? Both teams offerd "awsome contracts" however like most people would predict; Oly was the better option given they have CL and a much more better country to live in = GREECE!!

As for Ze; i agree with aekrossoponti; to me it seems that he is waiting untill the last last minute to get a better offer (not financially but mayb club related) from a club in a bigger league... If he was really intrested in moving to oly; trust me he wouldnt wait a month + to sighn the dotted line...

Anyways im sure u guys will get him which will b really really good for the leauge! :tup:

on the money!!!

i do think Ze would rather go elsewhere, but i think he'll end up with the gavrous, since there wont be any other offers...

& it would be a very good & well needed signing

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I promise you people Ze Roberto will sign with Olympiakos tommorrow morning (Greek time), then you can thank me for this. ;)

papers/media have been saying that every day for a month....

logia polla

when he steps foot in Venizelos ill beleive it...

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Great!! Now I feel like a jack***!  :angry: Ze Roberto was suppose to sign with the team anytime soon and he still is holding out with the club! WTF does he want? Olympiakos are losing his patients!!  :tdown:

:xxx:  :xxx:  :xxx:

Ela re paidia, lets be a little serious. The greek league is a joke. How can OFSP or any other team in Greece expect a player like Ze to sign. Just because you throw money at him it doesn't mean anything.

The guy just finished playing in the WC for Brazil not Togo and he just left a top flight German team. Yes we would all like players of his calaber to come to greece but we all know that signings like this are a longshot. The moment a new team showed any interest in ZE or Saviola for that matter all the papers said that OFSP or PAO were second in line. It just goes to show how little influence our teams have. Ze will sign if there is no other team out there that will be willing to take him.

The Greek league needs at least five years of substantial improvement domestically and in Europe before we can actually begin to consider players like Ze.

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