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Hooliganism in Greece

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u actually believe these things ?

im not saying that we dont cause violenec but is every fight u hear of OSFP related?

actually this is true thrillosmtl, no bullshit at all, at least for kallithea match.

i was at the kallithea game and i had no idea where the busstop to go back to syntagma/anywhere but shitty kallithea so i followed the masses i just figured they were going too....it went through a small dark neighborhood alley with on the other end was a highway/traffic so i assumed it was towards the sta8mo, i followed the crowd.... and ahead of me i hear yelling, and see flares lit up and thrown and all the PAO fans running towards them chasing the gavroi, with bike chains, debris, breaking branches off trees even...... i even got a small video clip of people running towards them. And yes, the OSFP fans did run away on their bikes because then everyone ran back to their own mixanakia and went to chase them.....i saw this.

also dont blame this on the fans of either team......these are kids. they do stupid things. most of these kids were 14-19 years with a few scattered losers in their 30s who thought this was really important.....im sure all hooligans in greece are the same PAO or OSFP or AEK/PAOK.

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u actually believe these things ?

im not saying that we dont cause violenec but is every fight u hear of OSFP related?

actually this is true thrillosmtl, no bullshit at all, at least for kallithea match.

i was at the kallithea game and i had no idea where the busstop to go back to syntagma/anywhere but shitty kallithea so i followed the masses i just figured they were going too....it went through a small dark neighborhood alley with on the other end was a highway/traffic so i assumed it was towards the sta8mo, i followed the crowd.... and ahead of me i hear yelling, and see flares lit up and thrown and all the PAO fans running towards them chasing the gavroi, with bike chains, debris, breaking branches off trees even...... i even got a small video clip of people running towards them. And yes, the OSFP fans did run away on their bikes because then everyone ran back to their own mixanakia and went to chase them.....i saw this.

also dont blame this on the fans of either team......these are kids. they do stupid things. most of these kids were 14-19 years with a few scattered losers in their 30s who thought this was really important.....im sure all hooligans in greece are the same PAO or OSFP or AEK/PAOK.

wow i hope u didnt get hurt.

these are just idiots

to mee any clowns who cause violence are not fans of my team

we might as well call them mafia gangster

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it is time they punished oly again like last year!

i say deduct atleast 3 points everytime this happens forget about playing games without fans that is not the right way

this is still not going to solve the problem

so what if they lose 3 points

they wont care they will still cause violence just to feel special regardless if the team is last with -30 points

and if u remove 3 points each time.. this will just make them harder

What is wrong with JAILTIME to solve the issue ?

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every incident cannot be held responsible to the club!!! these are KIDS, being stupid KIDS. The club cannot be responsible for their behavior simply because while fighting they yell PAO ole or Thrinos gera, or wear jackets with a shamrock......thats ridiculous, and immoral. There is and should be a line. Outside the stadium its a problem of Dimos Kallitheas or whatever. Everything outside the stadium the club cant be responsible because they didnt issue them tickets to be there, like in a stadium.

So if fans attack a fan club or something stupid like that, understand the law supports FC DIKAIOSYNI and doesnt give a ###### about if they are OSFP or PAO or what colour their kaskol is. It shouldnt matter. If people get rowdy or ambush each other what the ###### could the club do about it? Its not their business just because they do it in the name of their club! I hate seeing people post bullshit like this, saying PAO or Thrinos should be fined or dectuted points because of things that happen in peoples personal lives....the clubs cannot be held responsible by law and should be neither the league for this behavior. There should be no arguement about it whatsoever. It should never happen, even in extreme circumstances:

if the club cannot do anything possible to prevent this then they must never be held responsible for it. The only thing i think these clubs could do is register their fans as "citizens" and have their own police force to monitor them, and thats totally ridiculous.

The police should be doing a better job of introducing these kids to jailtime like ThrillosMTL said, or use more painful riot control. I bet if there were rubber bullets more people would gladly NOT challenge the police. If the cops would catch some guys instead of getting their ass kicked maybe that would help too.

Look at America...many more of those protests could have gone crazy--- oh but rubber bullets, gas, and getting trampled by horses and flanked by police only to wind up with your ass kicked and behind bars makes it a lot less worth it.

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It is simple. In Greece everybody knows someone that has acces to police and politicians. The police does their best and captures the freaks, but the next day they are out because they know someone important that can let them free.

Police after all this years is sick and tired of chasing them and then having to let them unpunised so these days they prefer to scare them off instead of hunting them down...


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One of the important initiatives that Thacheric Britain accomplished was to eliminate hooliganism, by doing the simplest thing possible. Arresting violent fans, JAILING them (without paying to get out the next day and all that s%$#!), releasing them after completion of their sentence on parole and making them do a lot of social service. After that no major trouble was ever caused (at least inside the stadiums)

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Hooliganism may not be dead, but at least there are much less incidences taking place during football matches. There are no bars separating the fans from the players and frankly I haven't heard of any major incidences during my time in the UK (last eight years). I don't say that nothing ever happens, but the change from mid 80s until today has been dramatic. Nevertheless, the English fans are renowned for causing trouble when abroad.

Now outside the stadiums in the outskirts of Liverpool I don't know what happens, if you know more than me, maybe you can enlighten us.

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it is time they punished oly again like last year!

i say deduct atleast 3 points everytime this happens forget about playing games without fans that is not the right way

why only 3?why not make it 10 or 20.the only problem is everybody in greece that means pao(parhenopipitses)-aek-paok-ofi when the fans are using any kind of problems ###### the teams.not only osfp.if you have the same punishment for all then i am cool.fotovolides-aisxra pano-epeisodia-vrisies-otidipote mi sosto adeiaze ta gipeda kai vale tous upeuthinous filaki.etsi isos na ftiaksei i katastasi.
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dam u Pao fans have gone so ###### low

i mean u now blame us for hooliganism

and u want to get 3 points deducted so pao can still be close to thyrlos

if u want i can give u 3 points and still won't matter we will have a 4 point lead

fact is u want to play like this so can i

i will find some of the crap your supporters do and well fight fire with fire

u losersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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dam u Pao fans have gone so ###### low

i mean u now blame us for hooliganism

and u want to get 3 points deducted so pao can still be close to thyrlos

if u want i can give u 3 points and still won't matter we will have a 4 point lead

fact is u want to play like this so can i

i will find some of the crap your supporters do and well fight fire with fire

u losersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

losers??? are you talking to us or are you talking about your euro campaign...
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hooliganism is still aroung in many parts of the world , way worse than in Greece, plus you think every incident gets reported, most dont..............by the way you guys should watch green street hooligans...great movie about hooligans came out like three weeks ago................

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dam u Pao fans have gone so ###### low

i mean u now blame us for hooliganism

and u want to get 3 points deducted so pao can still be close to thyrlos

if u want i can give u 3 points and still won't matter we will have a 4 point lead

fact is u want to play like this so can i

i will find some of the crap your supporters do and well fight fire with fire

u losersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

that was one poster that said that.

READ the threads.

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dam u Pao fans have gone so ###### low

i mean u now blame us for hooliganism

and u want to get 3 points deducted so pao can still be close to thyrlos

if u want i can give u 3 points and still won't matter we will have a 4 point lead

fact is u want to play like this so can i

i will find some of the crap your supporters do and well fight fire with fire

u losersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

that was one poster that said that.

READ the threads.

Sometimes you guys over react!!!!

for example oly 11 blaminig all pao fans for this topic?? and the guy who started the topic blaming oly for fan violence....

relax guys

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Guest Protathlitis

Hooliganism in Greece, almost monopolised by OSFP fans

Im glad you Gay13 fans can finally admit this :LOL: :LOL:

seriously go to a gate13 website if you think that, they will jump on your throat if you say they are not a strong group of hooligans

I agree they are just Kotes but Im glad you can finally admit it :LOL: :LOL: :P

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Since I started this thread I would like to make a few things clear to you. I never said deduct points from OSFP for troublemaking outside the stadiums. That would be lame and wouldn't make for a competitive championship. I am sure the person who mentioned it was being sarcastic. I wanted to start a thread on hooliganism by bringing OSFP violence as an example to tease you skatogauroi. Obviously, I am fully aware that supporters from other teams (most teams) can be violent, especially within masses (h dunamh tou oxlou)

Oso gia tis kotes pou anaferetai o poustathlitis, diladi re file eisai magkas ama pas kai sthseis se kapoion enedra 10 pros 1? Eisai magkas ama spas karekles, petas kadronia kai timwreitai h omada sou? Esy eisai h kota, o stenomualos, o opados tou kwlou (kai apogonos tou stolou gia na mhn ksexniomaste)!

Filika panta

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Guest Protathlitis

Oso gia tis kotes pou anaferetai o poustathlitis, diladi re file eisai magkas ama pas kai sthseis se kapoion enedra 10 pros 1?

hahaha funny how you can say that when you have NO idea whatsoever

I fund it ###### hilarious that you think OSFP fans use 'impolite tactics' and that if they do they are the only ones. paok or your own kota fans are real honorable :blink: put kids under 15 in hospital why dont you after youve attacked him from behind. bravo sas

ooust kotopoula

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you see dimitris even you can not keep the conversation straight.you guys remember whatever you feel like and you start saying about hooligans.if anything is to happen in greece about it ,it must be an effort from everyone and not target some groups and leave others unpunished.as ginoume agglia........

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crazy, I keep a conversation as straight as you want, trust me! A moderator moved the thread from the Panathinaikos forum here. Then I asked in the PAO forum what happened to the hooliganism thread and the moderator pasted my posts from that thread, here. Don't know why really.

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