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From "Palto" to "Thorikto"...


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Some PAO fans just can't see, or do not want to admit the "rezili" that PAO has become with Tzigger:

Last year all the faithful pro management fanatics, were aiming their hatred towards Antoni...

This year it was Basinas fault...for losing the "Protathlima".

Now again in total blindness, they call Mixalh "the palto, prodoth"... :LOL:

Also Munch was too old, to resign... :D

Kapsis was NOT good enough for PAO... since we have so many quality backs...

like Morris, who will depart as soon as a better deal comes from abroad.

Conceicao better be twice as good as Mixalh since he signed for 2x what "palto" did!!! :rolleyes:

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Right on, brother! Couldn't have said it better.

Because someone has money, and I even grant you, he may be a PAO fan, he doesn't mean he's competent to lead a great team like our PAO.

I look what players we lost, we gave up, and feel sad. Players that were Panathes.... However, if one doesn't feel wanted he can't stay. Players have short careers, most of them anyway. Money is an issue, but PAO hasn't been smart in keeping the good players.

Besides, I always said that a team that wants to be a powerhouse in Europe doesn't do what PAO has done in the last several years..... So, we play crappy & scrappy football, change coaches, bring 1-2 "big" names to quiet the fans, and continue the same bullsh*t.

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We lost the anchor of our team. I think mixhali did have any choice as tzigger though because there was no interest in him overseas, he would return begging to pao.

Unfortunatley money talks and bullshit walks..........................

Enough is enough, tzigger must leave this club......................................

This is the biggest rezili this club has ever faced in its history................

The damaged has been done................

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I feel sorry for those of you who feel shame over this. Yes Tzigger is a pussy but please have some dignity. If not for yourselves, have some dignity for PAO.

Mikhali was HONOURED wearing the green shirt. It wasn't PAO's honour to have him. He has now gone and I bet anyone here that he will be thrown out of Oly with Klotsies, from the very gavrous who are now so happy about having one over us.

Any takers?

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Being an AEK fan, I am happy that your team continues to really screw itself to the wall in many aspects of the game... many of them you have mentioned above and some others that you have not... As a GREEK SOCCER fan I must say that I am sad at the way PAO has done some things in the past and continues to do them because a team that, in my mind and many others, should be a powerhouse in Europe - continues to annually shoot itself in the foot. Again, as a GREEK SOCCER fan I still look forward to your success in Europe and the time your team's management gets its act together...

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I feel sorry for those of you who feel shame over this. Yes Tzigger is a pussy but please have some dignity. If not for yourselves, have some dignity for PAO.

I feel NO shame my friend. Dignity? Talk to your owner about that... ;)

I did nothing wrong and neither did any PAO fans, at least the ones that realize like you said, what a p... Tzigger is.

However as PAO fans we must see what every other fan in Greece already knows.

We have been held hostages of the capricious style of little vardokolaki long enough!!!

Do NOT let your LOVE for the team blind you.

Tzigger is NOT your friend, he uses PAO to wash his family's dirty money.

As far as Mixalh, he will be missed, but NOT nearly as much as the many other great Greeks that have already gone.

Obviously for Flavios $$$ we could have Bassina and Konstantinou.

I hope he will perform like both of those together :)

Will this be Manolis' year ?

With some health I hope he can be his good old self again. :tup:

We now need him more than ever.

Until the next BIG transfer comes :LOL:


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Am i suprised about this?? Hell no i predicted this over 6 months ago, and to me this is jst another example of adonis!!!! Management has managed to screw the players and more importantly the fans once again!!!!

im ###### sick of this s%$#!!!! they have no Dignity or respect for the club!!! and what really makes my blood boil is some of the stupid fans (wnt mention any names) we have here who jst dnt want to face reality and stick up for management as if it were family members!!! You guys do realise its about 50% of all pao fans who still support management and belive there propaganda!! and this in its self is enough for management to keep doing what they do best and that is sell out our best players, and buy washed up cheapies!!!! These fans need to get out of this world that they have built up for them selves where Pao is God and Oly is the devil and ###### wake up!!!! These ignorant fans are the reason why management are still around!!!

lets look at the excuses in an un-bais view, about Kostantinou:

*First excuse that they might use is that Pao couldnt offored his contract? Wrong Cosgayano is getting much more then Kostantinou was and he is a washed up 31 year old!!!!

*Second excuse is that Kostantinou F***ed someones doughter within the club?? So what, this is football not Doctor Phill? whats that got to do with pao as a football club??? ohhhh i forgot this is the mad excuse not to re-sighn him jst like last year with adoni!!! i wonder whats next, pap is a aek fan in heart and thats why will let him go??? or Manoli hates greeks deep down and we jst cant have that in the club??? please man

*Third excuse is that its kostantinou fault because he signed the contract and he had the last say?? once again WAKE UP this is the real world where people look after them selves and no one else!!! i dnt know where people belive that someone would throw away an extra 200k- 400K a year for the "fans" or "the green shirt" :LOL: Seariously if anyone belives that then there in there own world, i feel sorry for you...

Conclusion, Pao management had the last say about Kostantinou!!! management let him go to our "mortal enemys" with out a fight and ur trying to tell me that its his faul?? they didnt even try to offer him a new contract after they found out that not many overseas clubs were intrested in him!!! All they managed to do was, strenghen olys attack and weaken our own attack, congrats :tdown:

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Red Blow With Konstantinou-Toure

And if the 22-year-old footballer from the Ivory Coast, who was transferred from Ukrainian Metalurg Donetsk for 1,200,000 euros, was Trod Sollied’s personal choice, the transfer of Konstantinou was the President’s gift to Red fans.

Sokratis Kokkalis showed once more that apart from a President he is also a fan and this is why he brought a great offender in Olympiacos, who will surely help the team achieve the goals set for Greece and abroad.

To bad our president isnt a fan :tdown:

However, news from Panathinaikos’ fans speak of emotions of rage and disappointment by the former offender’s stance, who made them fill Leoforos in 2001 just to see control the ball.

These are the idiot fans im talking about, instead of being angry with Management there angry with him... small minded fools :tdown:

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ignorant fans are the reason why management are still around!!!

Although they will NOT leave. We the fans have some power to make them change their attitude...

people belive that someone would throw away an extra 200k- 400K a year for the "fans" or "the green shirt"  Seariously if anyone belives that then there in there own world


Players will go where they are rewarded, monetarily and emotionally.

The worst thing that could evolve from this, would be, our "prez" dividing the fans into pro and against VarDEN-DINOyianni.

They have a history of trying to create divisions amongst the fan base, when there is turmoil, to avoid "facing the music"

Most recently they tried to divide the "organomenous" from the "anexartitous".

Giving only tickets to PALEFIP and ignoring the hard core clubs.

DO NOT LET the bastard divide us

WE are PAO!!! :tup:

They are businessmen :tdown:


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im ###### sick of this s%$#!!!! they have no Dignity or respect for the club!!! and what really makes my blood boil is some of the stupid fans (wnt mention any names) we have here who jst dnt want to face reality and stick up for management as if it were family members!!! You guys do realise its about 50% of all pao fans who still support management and belive there propaganda!! and this in its self is enough for management to keep doing what they do best and that is sell out our best players, and buy washed up cheapies!!!! These fans need to get out of this world that they have built up for them selves where Pao is God and Oly is the devil and ###### wake up!!!! These ignorant fans are the reason why management are still around!!!

Listen Hollywood...reality has set in and im really pissed off that Mihalis has gone to Olympiakos and im also pissed off at managements handling of the situation. but not everything management does is that bad - this is just an example that has in fact blown up in there face

but wat would u have said if mihalis went to a team in germany or spain or italy - a mid team table that wasnt in europe or a big team!

its still not a bad team - we managed to replace adonis with Galinovic and he was great! basinas with congaysao and i hope he proveshis worth

Life goes on and so does PAO, players liek Mihalis will come and go and even though this is a huge blow im sure we can recover from this. As long as they dun sign a cheap ass player to replace him

I think this will blow up in Tziggers face and he knows he has to sign a huge name player as a striker and stopper (i just remembered we also have Kotsios) otherwise not only is he going to have tens of thousands fans calling for his blood but he is going to lose big time when the team plays in an empty OAKA! And nuthin is worse than that

mind u - this team has to be good enuff to get thru to CL otherwise itll just make things worse

time will tell if he will learn - otherwise FORZA LARISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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Panathinaikos paid ?16m for Konstantinou's services when they signed him from Iraklis FC in the summer of 2001, and he repaid them with 34 goals in 94 Alpha Ethniki

Did we really cough up that much money??? what the hell did Iraklis do with it?? thats massive!!!

im pretty sure thats incorrect.....i think it was more like 6-7 million and we also sent them 4 players....
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The thing is, u n i both know that the replacement will be some cheap polish/croatian striker no ones heard off, or some old washed up italian whos 30+ years old...

Question is why do u hope/belive that will get someone decent???

I hope and half believe in it bc its within Tziggers best interest for the team and business point of view to do so. Can u imagine PAO playing in front of less than 10,000 in a 70,000 stadium. Thats wat his facing if he doesnt take action now! Plus the team is suffering and will be bc oly is getting stronger and weve taken a step back today! and he knows it and its gonna hurt even more if we face them as it is round 1!

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how are the geys 2 steps ahead......come on guys its bad with management but not that bad....

The best siginging so far for the geys is Konstantinou. And yes hes a great player but hes not powerful enough to give them a clear edge in the prota8lima. if that were true why in his 4 years we only got one title?

Papas is the only signing that worries me. He is the most impressive youth player in my mind very dangerous and smart passes.....Kapsis is good but hes aging.. Toure? yeah whatever he doesnt compare to Conceicao.

We did make potentially great signings......If Seric and Conceicao dont turn out to be duds then they will be great players. Especially Conceicao, all though im angry with him for wasting our time if he does put some effort he will change PAOs midfield and the hole Basinas made last year will be filled... for strikers yeah Konstantinou is gone but Papa's form is going to come back and him and Gkekas will be deadly....with Mantzios and Olisadebe comign back we are great with strikers. Theodoridis is also a good player and Tziolis is upcoming....and who knows maybethis is the year Sanmartean does something?

im still dazzled why we are going after sub-par right wing when its such an important position because its very weak.....and we are going after a more pricey striker when we just dont need one at all really.....

we realy dont have any attacking mids other than Eki, and Sanmartean injured boy.....Wooter isnt too great....



perfect signings....

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This is bullshyt, enough is enough...I Myself as a Pao supporter would boycott all Pao games until that m#$%! leaves, I know passionate supporters dont want to miss their beloved club play, but sometimes you have to make a sacrifce, we are now the laughing stock in Greece!


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I know Tzigger is an incompetent manager and a big fat pussy. I also know that his family are using PAO for many different reasons, it's what keeps their name in the news and PAO is what identifies them. But they have to remember that they also have to do well. Their name is damaged every year when players leave us and when Kokalis scores one over them. It's to their own shame that this happens.

Anyway, where is PAPPOU? He is the one who always defends the Vardinnogianides. I wonder what he has to say? But I can guess. He will say that Milkhalis was a palto and he is happy he has gone and .....

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paidia we make ourselfs sick over all this m*****e. Tha katsoume edo na milame gia malakes like vardinogiannides ,,,,theyre f..cked theyre idiots..kai kai kai......and in the end what happens??????? nothings changed they will always remain,,,,and whilst they remain nothing will change. So whats the point of crying over spilt milk,,,THERE IS NO ASPRI MERA WITH THESE GUYS ARE IN CONTROL,,,GET OVER IT. u THINK MIXALAKI IS UPSET THAT WE ARE UPSET THAT HES LEFT ?????UMMMMMMM NO,,,,TO HELL TO ALL THESE KU.NTS ALL THEVYVE GIVEN IS STENAXORIA,,,KAI KSENEROMA FOR FAR TOO ...LONG...

STA @@ mou ,,,ill follow pao,,,,but i dont expect much from them

asto na pai to oniro,,,,gmo tin trellla mou gmoo

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a narrow-minded management... :angry:

an idiotic agent... :tdown:

a disappointing transfer... :(

I'm sorry to say but that could be "Bye Bye Protathlyma" for this season! If Michalis scores against PAO in the first game, then it's definitely "Bye Bye"...

with so enthusiastic fans and such loyal footballers... a great team PAO is but this management is simply inadequate for such a big club... not in terms of cash... but in terms of thinking and brain... SILLY!!!

ok, what's your next move? signing Epalle back with the addition of Feutchyn??? :angry:

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this situation leaves a real bitter taste in many peoples mouth. Wheres the reply,,,V??????????????????????pios tha feris tora re koufale????????????????????????????????? ti antepithesi BAM metagrafi tha apantisis tora??? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: enas agnostos vlaxo from the mountains walking their gidia na fane xorta.

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