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Giorgos Samaras ‒ (retired)


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came off the bench when the score was still 0-0 and played his part he also scored in the penalty shoot out in the semi final vs dundee united, his spot kick forced the penalties into sudden death had he missed celtic would have been out. fully deserves his winners medal.

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came off the bench when the score was still 0-0 and played his part he also scored in the penalty shoot out in the semi final vs dundee united, his spot kick forced the penalties into sudden death had he missed celtic would have been out. fully deserves his winners medal.

Yes he played his part... he had 2 touches (both good chances and he missed them both!). He's a lazy bum and an embarassment to Greek football. He's scored 1 goal in his last 14 games playing against teams like St Mirren and Motherwell. Edited by DUDE
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his form dipped after he came back from international duty injured, every striker goes through barren spells, he plays infront of 60000 fans every home game for a big club and is winning things, if you consider that an embarassment to greek football then i wonder what you make of players like nikopolidis and antzas and all the violence in greek club football and the consistent failure of greek clubs in europe. are basinas, haristeas and gekas(i'm not attacking geka i feel he's been unlucky just using him to make a point) who hardly play for their club but play for the NT an embarassment ? tzorvas sitting on the pao bench but is still percieved as the second best keeper in greece.

and you call samaras who's just added the league cup to the protathlima he won last year an embarassment to greek football

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his form dipped after he came back from international duty injured, every striker goes through barren spells,

Dipped? Form is temporary, class is permanent. He's gone through a couple of spells in his career when he was on good-ish form, i.e. he showed promise in his final season at Heerenveen, he had a good first couple of months at Man City, and he started the first 2 months well this season, in the end though his laziness and limitations always win the day. <_<

he plays infront of 60000 fans every home game for a big club and is winning things,

Playing the way he is let's see how long that lasts.

if you consider that an embarassment to greek football then i wonder what you make of players like nikopolidis and antzas and all the violence in greek club football and the consistent failure of greek clubs in europe. are basinas, haristeas and gekas(i'm not attacking geka i feel he's been unlucky just using him to make a point) who hardly play for their club but play for the NT an embarassment ? tzorvas sitting on the pao bench but is still percieved as the second best keeper in greece. 

Nikopolidis has won a goalkeeper of tournament award and has a Euro 2004 medal. Yes he's made calamities, but he's also acheived things that have made him a legend in Greek football. His name will be spoken about throughout the ages. Same goes with Haristeas whose goals fired us to the title, and Basinas who is a Panathinaikos legend. He's not only been a wonderful player in Greece over the years at all levels, league and CL, but he was loved by Mallorca fans for his performances in La Liga. Gekas has been top goalscorer in Greece and Germany and will prove himself once again. Even Antzas, who I think is a terrible defender, has played in a CL quarter-final for Olympiakos. What has Samaras acheived? Samaras wished he could have the career these guys have had.

and you call samaras who's just added the league cup to the protathlima he won last year an embarassment to greek football

Yes, because he's arrogant, lazy and highly-rated by Greek fans, yet he's laughed at by foreign fans. P.S. he played a minor role in the league last year and his sole contribution in the cup final was to come off the bench and waster 2 big chances. Jonathan Greening was in the Man Utd treble winning squad too! :LOL:

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Basinas who is a Panathinaikos legend. He's not only been a wonderful player in Greece over the years at all levels, league and CL, but he was loved by Mallorca fans for his performances in La Liga.

What has Samaras acheived? Samaras wished he could have the career these guys have had.[/b][/color]

Yes, because he's arrogant, lazy and highly-rated by Greek fans, yet he's laughed at by foreign fans. P.S. he played a minor role in the league last year and his sole contribution in the cup final was to come off the bench and waster 2 big chances. Jonathan Greening was in the Man Utd treble winning squad too! :LOL:

basinas is lazy and was not loved by mallorca fans hence no contract extention.

jonathan greening never played, samaras does.

as for his contribution in the final here is a quote from his strike partner mcdonald

it was hard not to play with a bigger guy when you get used to playing like that as they normally look after the high balls especially and I work off that, but we went with pace instead of height.

"It was a bit more comfortable when Sammy (Samaras) came on, but I thought it worked with me and Aiden for a first time thing and you could see what the gaffer was trying to do."

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...tic/7946607.stm (full article)

strachan went for a cautious 4-5-1 in the final instead of celtic's usuall 4-4-2

as for what he's achieved spl winner 2008 scottish league cup winner 2009

what greek player achieved more at club level(abroad) at his age ? i can only think of haristeas winning the german league and cup double with bremen in 2004(even though he was more of a bench player)

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Guys stop arguing about Samaras. Well done to the bloke for winning the cup this year, he play his part along the way. DUDE I know where you're coming from but Samaras being highly rated, even if he isnt that good, is hardly going to ruin the reputation of Greek football. js1000, come on mate, dont get carried away with the blokes ability. Have you actually spoken to anyone in the uk that doesnt think he's crap, or maybe average at best? You say name me one Greek player that's acheived as much as he has abroad at his young age, but in reality he hasn't done anything. He played a bit-part role last year and this year he won the scottish cup, it means nothing. From an individual perspective he's flopped at every foreign club he's been too. So although I think DUDE's a little too harsh, you're at the other extreme. By European standards Samaras is at the level that is between "average to crap", we have to deal with that.

You also need to chill out on Basinas mate cos the man is a Greek legend. He's not lazy, he's gotten older and his energy levels have dropped; and yes he was loved by Mallorca fans. He played 75 games in 2 years for them and by many pundits/fans was considered one of the best holding midfielders in the league in his first year. All things come to an end though and 2 years down the line it was his time to leave, he was a great player though (in the mould of Campo or Tugay).

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js1000, come on mate, dont get carried away with the blokes ability. From an individual perspective he's flopped at every foreign club he's been too.

So although I think DUDE's a little too harsh, you're at the other extreme.

2 points firstly at what point did i say he was world class, all i said was well done for winning silverware.

secondly, he's been at 3 foreign clubs. i don't think he flopped at heerenveen(hence a big money move to man city) and he's currently celtic's joint top scorer with mcdonald this season and bagged 2 trophies since he joined, i hardly think you could call that a flop.

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He scored a cracking solo goal against Tottenham in the Wembley Tournament on the 26th of July. He took the ball from inside his own half and out sprinted the Tott defenders to crack the ball home for a slight angle. The finish was superb but at times his touch was not as confident, but great goal.

Check it out...its on the goal4replay site.

Things were a little more different last night however as Celtic lost 0-1 at home to Dynamo Moscow in the 3rd round UEFA CL first leg. Samaras was used as a 60 minute sub and had a great chance with about 5 mins of the match remaining but he headed straight at the keeper.

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Giorgos Samaras handed Celtic a ticket to the playoff round of the CL.

The game was 1-0 to Glasgow Celtic - which equalised the 1-0 win by Dinamo in Scotland - until the 90' when Samaras scored for the final 2-0.

It's not just the brilliant individual goal that he scored, he was brilliant in general. The game was quite even when he came on, but once he was introduced with about 10 mins to go there was only going to be one winner: Celtic. He was dominated Dinamo's defence. If he played like that every week he'd be class
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i've always rated samaras and have been dissapointed with the level of criticism he gets on here, to answer drako's point as to why celtic didn't start him i feel this may be the case throughout the season unfortunatly as mcdonald will always start regardless of his form and the new manager(mowbray) paid big money(in scottish terms) for fortune a player that he's worked with before, so fortune is also likely to always start also, what ever samaras does he won't be given 10 or so games in a row like the other 2 will and if samars does suffer a barren spell or a dip in form he'll be straight out the other 2 will be given more time should they suffer a dip

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i've always rated samaras and have been dissapointed with the level of criticism he gets on here, to answer drako's point as to why celtic didn't start him i feel this may be the case throughout the season unfortunatly as mcdonald will always start regardless of his form and the new manager(mowbray) paid big money(in scottish terms) for fortune a player that he's worked with before, so fortune is also likely to always start also, what ever samaras does he won't be given 10 or so games in a row like the other 2 will and if samars does suffer a barren spell or a dip in form he'll be straight out the other 2 will be given more time should they suffer a dip

To be fair he was dropped by Strachan so it has nothing to do with Mowbary having favourites. Samaras isn't a bad player and when he plays well he's very good but too often he's invisible. He'll be hot for 2 games and cold for 10. It's not a coincidence that every managed he's played under (Pearce, Sven G.E, Strachan, Rehaggel, and Mowbary) have dropped him from the starting line up. He simply isn't consistent enough and he's never played well against very strong opposition. Name me one game against an excellent side when you can say he was very good. Edited by Euro2004
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Very well taken goal. Excellent technique to control off the chest and a pinpoint shot into the bottom corner. Now if he could do that for the ethniki once in awhile, we'd be set B) .

It would be nice if he got a real sniff from Rehagel
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It's not a coincidence that every managed he's played under (Pearce, Sven G.E, Strachan, Rehaggel, and Mowbary) have dropped him from the starting line up. He simly isn't consistent enough

its not a coincidence that all these managers barring rehagel have flopped and been sacked its impossible to be consistent when you're in and out the side, i remember robbie fowler under houllier constantly being dropped and substituted and people said he's inconsistent while he used to sit on the bench watching heskey play game after game without scoring(he went 31 games without scoring before scoring the winner vs sunderland and houllier said thats why i kept faith in him) if samaras is given game time say 10 or so games in a row you'll then see consistency.

he scored a great goal at wembley vs tottenham and did well vs dinamo will be interesting to see if he starts against aberdeen

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its not a coincidence that all these managers barring rehagel have flopped and been sacked its impossible to be consistent when you're in and out the side, i remember robbie fowler under houllier constantly being dropped and substituted and people said he's inconsistent while he used to sit on the bench watching heskey play game after game without scoring(he went 31 games without scoring before scoring the winner vs sunderland and houllier said thats why i kept faith in him) if samaras is given game time say 10 or so games in a row you'll then see consistency.

he scored a great goal at wembley vs tottenham and did well vs dinamo will be interesting to see if he starts against aberdeen

Strachan was very successful at Celtic. Sven was also successful at Man City (look what happened to them when he left!). Mowbary got his team playing great football winning promotion before going down with pride. There was little he could do with the West Brom squad. If he'd flopped he wouldn't have been given the Celtic job.

We've had these conversations before on these boards. Some people love Samaras others don't. I'm trying to base my opinions on the facts and the fact is he's been consistenly dropped throughout his career because of his inconsistency amd poor work rate

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its not a coincidence that all these managers barring rehagel have flopped and been sacked its impossible to be consistent when you're in and out the side, i remember robbie fowler under houllier constantly being dropped and substituted and people said he's inconsistent while he used to sit on the bench watching heskey play game after game without scoring(he went 31 games without scoring before scoring the winner vs sunderland and houllier said thats why i kept faith in him) if samaras is given game time say 10 or so games in a row you'll then see consistency.

he scored a great goal at wembley vs tottenham and did well vs dinamo will be interesting to see if he starts against aberdeen

Good post, js.
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he scored a great goal at wembley vs tottenham and did well vs dinamo will be interesting to see if he starts against aberdeen

samaras had the best pre season of all celtics strikers, fortune has been abysmal, i've just seen celtics starting line up v aberdeen and mcdonald and fortune are upfront. samaras is on the bench

@euro2004: so yes managers do have favourites, and its impossible to have any consistency when you are not given the chance

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samaras had the best pre season of all celtics strikers, fortune has been abysmal, i've just seen celtics starting line up v aberdeen and mcdonald and fortune are upfront. samaras is on the bench

@euro2004: so yes managers do have favourites, and its impossible to have any consistency when you are not given the chance

I'm not anti-Samaras. I don't think he's completely shite like some other posters here think, and I don't deny that managers have their favourites. But Samaras has had a fair chance wherever he's been. Unfortunately though he's failed to maintain any level of consistency Edited by Euro2004
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It was reported today that West Ham are interested in Samaras. Unfortunately Charlie Nicholas (former Celtic and Arsenal legend) was on the panel and joked "i hope so!". When asked whether that means he doesn't rate Samaras, Nicholas laughed and said "I'd drive him (to West Ham) myself".

That's kind of harsh in my opinion. Samaras may be inconsistent and lazy but he was their 2nd top scorer last season and was out for 2 months (statistically their top scorer) and Fortune and McDonald are hardly world-beaters.

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