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Olympiakos v Iraklis


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hopefully we can forget about last weekened for a couple of hours with a good performance v Iraklis at Karaiskaki which will be waiting for us with open arms

Iraklis is a team in shambles

very young team and u can tell with their inconsistency

they started the season with 2 straight wins then had a losing streak of 4 than won a couple more now back to its losing ways

a team that had pretty high expectations

signori (not sure if he still alive) has been horrible for the club

Makarian is out i believe as coach

Olympiakos should win this game for a couple of reasons

bad performance v Kallithea, wanting to forget about Panionios, and their way better than Iraklis and must impose its will

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blah blah blah bying this buying that

do you even know what he is talking about? or do you just always react like that when you see the word "buying" somewhere?

he means epale.

this match could go either way. especially with all the trouble in the team. except the awaited punishment there has been some missunderstandings between rivaldo, schurrer and bajevic again.

these things have to stop. rivaldo is a great player, schurrer too. but just because the didnt know bajevic before and because they came from big teams it doesnt mean they can do what they want.

but still i believe we can make it. this match will serve as a way to start forgetting about the past. if okkas scores again it could even be like a new start for him.

osfp-iraklis 3-1

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My prediction........Home gipedo advantage means wins 2late goals

'81 OLY Rivaldo

'89 OLY Okkas(As a Cypriot I say Okkas)


L- Abaris

Within a month the lead returns to us!!

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Dear CH-Thrylos, can you be so kind and tell me what Rivaldo said?? Was it after the bad Cup game or about the riots??

If a Brazilian and an Argentinian agree about something (the bitter rivals usually) there must be some truth about it

I do not know much about Schurer, but Rivaldo never was a "stuck - up" primadona. He is no politician and sometimes speaks his mind when he sould not, like after the AEK 0:0

He was right than saying that one can not be champion by winning only at home and ceding a draw outside

I believe that all parties concerned regrets very much the lost points against Aegaleo

One good game and a win can do wonders for the team, players and coach alike, and some sad fans like me


Let us hope for the best, as far as can be expected after this disaster

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Dear CH-Thrylos,  can you be so kind and tell me what Rivaldo said??  Was it after the bad Cup game or about the riots??

He didnt say anything, just the media up to it"s usual tricks trying to break up Olympiakos, and fans themselves trying to jump in on the fun of rumor ville.

As for what actually happened ? : http://www.sportime.gr/html/ent/314/ent.51314.asp


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Dear CH-Thrylos, can you be so kind and tell me what Rivaldo said?? Was it after the bad Cup game or about the riots??

the main problem is not only what he said. it is also the fact that our south american players have caused several incidents, according to the media.

this started during the training camp in austria:

1. some of the latin are late to come for dinner because the time had changed a lot of times. the didnt know when they were supposed to be there and came late. there was a small fight between gio, neri and dusan.

2. there is a rumour about an incident in the team bus befor a match. i think it was before the kallithea match. i dont know who was involved though.

3. schurrer had some problems with his holidays over christmas i think, because he didnt get more days of.

4. schurrers complains about osfp's tactics in some games.

5. rivaldo and schurrer dont go for a walk with the team before the kallithea match on wednesday, because it wasnt in the teams program that evening. the say sorry to their team mates and that they are not disrespecting them, but no word of excuse is said to bajevic.

6. rivaldo makes an interview, which as i read he probably made it without osfp's approval, and was talking about bajevic, and that he doesnt have a problem with him. but he made some side blows about the way he is used on the field.

some of these things might have been made bigger than they are through the media, but it seems as if the whole situation in the team is not the best. i wonder where this will lead us.

about the match. it seems as if okkas got a cold and it will be decided today if he will play or not.

Talk about making a fool of ur self

when i read what u wrote i thought WTF is he on about?? read b4 u react...


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okkas is fine and he participated normally in the training today. hopefully he will score again and will not just hit the posts again for 15 games.

osfp will have a prominent guest at the stadium. maradonna will be there tomorrow. first he will visit the stadium and will be given an osfp shirt and then he will follow the match. :nw:

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okkas is fine and he participated normally in the training today. hopefully he will score again and will not just hit the posts again for 15 games.

osfp will have a prominent guest at the stadium. maradonna will be there tomorrow. first he will visit the stadium and will be given an osfp shirt and then he will follow the match.  :nw:

i knew it. OSPP arent done yet. Maraona didnt come just for a holiday and many many many many many many many many many many souvlakia....

Maradona will be given a jersey that game and presented to OSFP as their first winter signing. He signed contract until next december, he is getting paid 1.5 million euros, and for every goal a pound of cocaine from kokkalis private stash, along with many many many many many sovlakia. Here is the article.


ok i was kidding. but seriously now why doesnt he go PAO.....He will be more welcomed by the argintinean flags and there is a great sxara right outside leoforo with amazing souvlakia :P

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Guest Protathlitis

many many many many many sovlakia

hehe, I saw a picture of him in the paper today; what is it with this ex-greats thinking they can do anything off the field like eating continuously since retiring without gaining weight? I see that Romario making a disgrace of himself too.

They should act like Pele; with class. I bet Ribo will take to life after football with a bit of class too. :nw:

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." I bet Ribo will take to life after football with a bit of class too."


You can be sure of that He has areal gim in his house in Mogi Mirin (near Sao paulo) and he does not drink neither take drugs ..and always took care of his nutrition

What surprised me was what Rivaldo said about Maradona (that he impressed him morethan Pele)

The last thing I expected to hear him saying.. And I thought that I know everything about him, hmmmm

I am sure Maradona comes to see Oly mainly because of him.

I remember Maradona said in an interview in a Spanish newspaper some years ago that Rivaldo is the player whom he enjoy most watching ( Well, he said the same later about Ronaldinho Gaucho) SO Maradona have goos taste at least in one field....

I hope that Rivaldo will not get too tense while playing in the presence of one of his idols.

And as to his position in the field, I also wondered what he is doing on the right side, but this is an old issue.. Usually in the wings play the quickest players , and in the middle play the ones that can give precise deep passes and eventually advance and make spaces for the "9" (Rivaldo and Alex of Fenerbahce are this type of player)

His best matches were when he had more freedom of movement, and it is a little strange to see such a left -leg player playing on the right. But, as Rivaldo himself said - it is the Coach's decision and he respects it.

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It is a privelege to host and see such soccer class in Karaiskaki with Maradona, I hope he enjpys the atmosphere and the match itself.

NOW, ...........AEK got thumped by good ol Kalamaria (thank you GOD), you know what that means !


It'll by interesting to see how we come out to play and in what kind of mental shape we are in, hopefully the band aids wont slide off :whistle:


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Yes, Rivaldo is a class act now, and always will be. Maradona will love our gipedo and if we take care of him, and win big, my god Olympiakos will prove itself to be a world-class organization because people will listen to Maradona.

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this will be our line up:






there is a chance that mavrogennidis will take pantos' place.

the rest the 20 players are: giannou, castillio, d'acol, maric, rezic, vallas, kostoulas, okkas.

we should win this. iraklis has also some problems. lets do this. 3-1 osfp.

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Maradona will be given a jersey that game and presented to OSFP as their first winter signing. He signed contract until next december, he is getting paid 1.5 million euros, and for every goal a pound of cocaine from kokkalis private stash, along with many many many many many sovlakia. Here is the article.

maybe they will feed him all the souvlakia from the stand around karaiskaki to convince him to send his son to us. ;)

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Maradona will be given a jersey that game and presented to OSFP as their first winter signing. He signed contract until next december, he is getting paid 1.5 million euros, and for every goal a pound of cocaine from kokkalis private stash, along with many many many many many sovlakia. Here is the article.

maybe they will feed him all the souvlakia from the stand around karaiskaki to convince him to send his son to us. ;)

If I'm not mistaken his son was rejected by St. Johnstone after trialing with them.
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