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PAOK TV-Radio Coverage (including streams)


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Since nobody wants to give PAOK a TV contract for their home games, it appears that PAOK decided to go the Pay-per-View route.

Starting with the Sunday's game against Panaitolikos the TV coverage will be on PAOK TV worldwide for the price of 4.99 Euro.

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It will be the same as the games PAOK TV was showing last season, which means it will be through their site: http://tv.paokfc.gr/

According to their press release the production will be a professional coverage with 9 cameras. The price for the Panaitolikos is 4.99 Euro. I expect 8.99 Euro for the derbies. Hopefully they will eventually offer a package subscription for the whole season. 

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Here is a full announcement by PAE PAOK concerning the PAOK TV broadcasts:

Το πρωτάθλημα της Super League ξεκινά κι ο ΠΑΟΚ παίζει εντός έδρας. Και ποδοσφαιρικά και τηλεοπτικά. Ο αγώνας ΠΑΟΚ-Παναιτωλικός θα είναι ο πρώτος στην ιστορία του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου που θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά από συλλογική ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα, το tv.paokfc.gr με την επιλογή του Pay Per View.

Ο νταμπλούχος ΠΑΟΚ, άλλωστε, είναι ο μόνος σύλλογος που είχε φροντίσει να είναι έτοιμος για τη μετάβαση σε μια εποχή αμεσότητας στη σχέση με τον κόσμο του. Το PAOK TV προσφέρει στους φίλους του Δικεφάλου τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσουν την αγαπημένη τους ομάδα, να συμμετέχουν ενεργά στη συνεχή προσπάθειά ισχυροποίησής της και στη διαμόρφωση των κανόνων του ανταγωνισμού.

Το ΠΑΟΚ-Παναιτωλικός είναι το πρώτο βήμα σε ένα νέο, κοινό ταξίδι. Μια full HD τηλεοπτική μετάδοση με εννιά κάμερες, pregame και postgame ενημέρωση έρχεται στις οθόνες σας όπου κι αν βρίσκεστε. Στο σπίτι, το γραφείο ή ακόμα και στις διακοπές σας.

Η αναμέτρηση θα μεταδοθεί σε όλο τον κόσμο αποκλειστικά από τοtv.paokfc.gr στην τιμή των 4,99 ευρώ μέσα από μια πολύ απλή και ασφαλή διαδικασία που ολοκληρώνεται σε τέσσερα βήματα.

A) Επιλέγετε το Live Event του αγώνα

B) Επιλέγετε την επιλογή Pay Per View

Γ) Ολοκληρώνετε την πληρωμή (Paypal, πιστωτική κάρτα)

Δ) Απολαμβάνετε την πιο επιτυχημένη ομάδα της Ελλάδας την τελευταία τριετία στην οθόνη σας.

Για την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των φίλων του ΠΑΟΚ, η διαδικασία αγοράς και πληρωμής για τον αγώνα ΠΑΟΚ-Παναιτωλικός θ’ ανοίξει την Τετάρτη(21.08) στις 09:00 και παράλληλα θα λειτουργεί call center (+30 2310954099).

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I totally didn't realize that the entire production would be done by them. That's...wild stuff. Makes sense since there obviously isn't a signal to rebroadcast.

You do realize it'll be Kolkas again, right?


Also: I have little faith that their servers will be able to handle this.

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I am sure they will contract somebody to do the production and provide the servers.

I hope they find somebody else to do the play by play. Kolkas does not cut it for me. Maybe he'll do the half-time show.

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Η τιμή οφείλω να πω είναι υψηλότερη από αυτό που θα ήθελα. Όπως είπε και ο Χρήστος ελπίζω να βγει κάποιο "διαρκείας" και να έχουμε μία καλύτερη τιμή.

Παρόλο αυτά, συμφωνώ με τα μπούνια. Η Νόβα μας έδωσε συμβόλαιο μικρότερο από τον Παναθηναϊκό. Ύβρις. Μόνοι μας προχωράμε όπως πάντα. Φέτος η χρονιά θα είναι πολύ πολύ δύσκολη. Τα χτυπήματα πολλαπλά ήδη πριν ξεκινήσουν τα παιχνίδια. Οφείλουμε να στηρίξουμε την ομάδα και την ΠΑΕ με όποιον τρόπο μπορούμε!

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@Blackhawk how much did (a) ERT originally offer (b) change their offer to and (c) NOVA offer ?  Why are we even dealing with NOVA ?  I thought we were going with ERT but I guess the election of a new prime minister made the difference.  Only in Greece.

I wonder how much we will lose by going it alone.  Will the revenues collected cover the costs of broadcasting ?

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Great question. I do not believe the team has enough in-house capacity to do this, but there are doubtlessly turnkey operations these days that will do much of the work for them. Just as there are likely cameramen that can be hired ad-hoc as needed.

They definitely need a subscription model for this, but I wouldn't be surprised if they hold off from going that route due to a possibility of coming up with a deal at some point. This could all be an elaborate move to show the networks that they can go their own way; essentially calling their bluff.


Anyway, just paid for it myself. Make that 1,001 people.

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8 hours ago, Bananas said:

@Blackhawk how much did (a) ERT originally offer (b) change their offer to and (c) NOVA offer ?  Why are we even dealing with NOVA ?  I thought we were going with ERT but I guess the election of a new prime minister made the difference.  Only in Greece.

I wonder how much we will lose by going it alone.  Will the revenues collected cover the costs of broadcasting ?

There are no concrete answers. Just media reports. ERT apparently offered 3-year deal worth  23 mil. Basically 7.5 mil per season. As for NOVA last season they were paying PAOK 6.5 mil, but for the upcoming season offered only 4.7 mil. Basically a pay cut despite the fact that they gave Panathinaikos 5.5 mil and are paying AEK over 6 mil.

I have a feeling that this move to go the PAOK TV way is to put pressure on the traditional broadcasters, and as pash notes above I would not be surprised if eventually there is deal reached with one of them. I think the first two home games have been selected to act as the testing stage for this project.

Also I just heard on the radio that 8,000 people signed up for the game on Sunday, and that PAE PAOK will be happy if that number reaches 20,000.

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To match that 7.5mm, the team would have to sell 1.5mm views at a price of 5 EUR across our ten home games (7 regular league 3 playoffs). Making serious cash off of this is basically a fantasy.

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pash there are 13 home games and 5 home playoff games. Also if we continue this past the test stage (after the Panionios game) I think the big games will cost more than  4.99.

There is no way they will make 7.5 mil with this venture. That's for sure. Probably not even the money NOVA was offering. Let's not forget that there are also expanses running this whole project. This was just a move to show everyone that we are independent and that we will not play their games.

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Μάγκες φυσικά και πολύ καλά έκανε η ΠΑΕ ΠΑΟΚ! Δεν είμαστε οι φτωχοί επαρχιώτες πια. Πέρυσι μας δίνανε 6,5 μύρια και φέτος μετά από νταμπλ μας δίνουν 4,7; Είναι δυνατόν; Καραγουστάρω με αυτή την κίνηση. Και είμαι σίγουρος ότι έχουν μία καλή ιδέα του τι παίζει αφού εδώ και δύο χρόνια αγοράζουμε παιχνίδια εμείς του εξωτερικού.

Το τι νούμερα θα πιάσουμε είναι άγνωστο, αλλά όπως και να έχει αυτή η κίνηση με κάνει περήφανο. Μπαίνουμε σε ένα πρωτάθλημα το οποίο όλοι θα κάνουν το παν για να πάει στον Πειραιά και το ξέρουμε. Ανοιχτό πόλεμο και συσπείρωση απ' όλο τον ΠΑΟΚτσήδικο λαό. Και όταν παίζει ΠΑΟΚ - Ολυμπιακός, να πληρώσουν και 100,000 γαύροι για να δούνε τον αγώνα!

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Well if the stream explodes we could be looking at additional revenue from adverts during half time and sponsors, plus paok will be in control of all their games, meaning that they could negotiate directly with any foreign countries tv stations interested in picking up their games, which means more direct revenue to paok, without some other 2nd party eating it up. So potentially there could be more money in for paok, however that's a lot of what ifs and there will be a lot of trail and error to get it up to that level.

But this definitely needs a season ticket.

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Σωστά, υπάρχουν πολλά ΑΝ, αλλά το θέμα είναι πως ο Σαββίδης έχει σκοπό να μείνει και να παλέψει γι' αυτά. Δε νομίζω ότι έχουμε να φοβηθούμε τίποτα και σίγουρα θα βγούμε κερδισμένοι από αυτό!

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First - three quick questions and then my useless opinion:

(1) If PAOK plays away at OSFP (or any team that signed with Nova) does that mean the game is broadcast on Nova?

(2) Does PAOK still have the ability to broadcast said game on PAOKtv - at least to those outside of Greece?

(3) If OSFP plays at PAOK - does this mean OSFP fans can only watch on PAOKtv? 

My thoughts:

PAOKtv has been a thing for ~2 years now. You can't argue PAOK appears to operate in a financially responsible manner. They have 2 years of data on how many viewers PAOKtv gets for their home games. They should be able to predict their "floor" for online viewership and (reliably?) estimate 'new' viewership without a TV deal.

I fully expect PAOK understands their own cost to broadcast.  I do not believe team Savvidis would have done this if they thought they would lose money every game. If they can average 75k viewers/home game, that's $5.6MM (not including expenses of course - and I don't believe the Nova argument of $100k per broadcast). This also does not count any potential foreign viewership of away games - if that's a possibility - nor does it count direct ad revenue during the broadcast, or foreign licensing of the broadcast like @Nilaul mentioned. 

Consider the home games with OSFP-PAO-AEK-Aris will probably get much bigger numbers. Say each of those games average 150k viewers (worldwide that is VERY achievable imho) - that's $2.94MM for just those 4 games. Assuming 75k for the other 11 - that's still $7.11MM for 15 games. 

I think this can be a very lucrative model if handled appropriately. I'm fascinated to see how it turns out. 

Edited by teke817
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45 minutes ago, teke817 said:

First - three quick questions and then my useless opinion:

(1) If PAOK plays away at OSFP (or any team that signed with Nova) does that mean the game is broadcast on Nova?

(2) Does PAOK still have the ability to broadcast said game on PAOKtv - at least to those outside of Greece?

(3) If OSFP plays at PAOK - does this mean OSFP fans can only watch on PAOKtv? 

1 - Yes on NOVA only

2 - No. Outside of Greece the game will be on Sport Plus

3 - Yes, the more the better so we can make more money

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Just read that the other teams who were without a contract have agreed with ERT, which means just PAOK is without TV coverage.

I am honestly so happy to a fan of this club, in that in some aspects it represents who I am as a person. I will not settle and I will not be forced into doing something that I do not want to do. I will make my environment a product of my actions and not vice versa.

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1 hour ago, Athens4 said:

Just read that the other teams who were without a contract have agreed with ERT, which means just PAOK is without TV coverage.

PAOK has a great TV coverage with PAOK TV. And the best thing is that it will unbiased against our team as opposed to the complexed commentators on NOVA and ERT.

BTW, OFI is the only team without TV coverage.

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