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Olympiakos vs. Liverpool


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Yo stop talking about Steven Gerrad i mean we all know by now he is injured but he is not Liverpool

Olympiakos needs to focus on there game and the 11 players on the pitch and the subs that will come in

they do that all will be well in a Packed Kariskaki that will give them an advantage

anywayz till then lets focus on Aris i believe we play them this week and we need to show our strength


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you should be very happy gerrard is injured..

Why? OSFP supporters are not, generally speaking, proponents of the win at any cost theory, so dear to the supporters of clubs known to

- have pursued victory with the help of Mantzavelakis' famous valitsa or flower arrangements whose beauty was enhanced with a few strategically placed 1000 drachma bills, or

- have managed the heroic feat of holding, at home, Everton to a 0-0 tie, after their supporters did all they could the night before to deprive the Everton players of sleep.

As far OSFP's chances, Gerrard or not, are concerned, the following item (from Tegopoulina) is worth reading at least once:

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  Why? OSFP supporters are not, generally speaking, proponents of the win at any cost theory, so dear to the supporters of clubs known to

  - have pursued victory with the help of Mantzavelakis' famous valitsa or flower arrangements whose beauty was enhanced with a few strategically placed 1000 drachma bills, or

  - have managed the heroic feat of holding, at home, Everton to a 0-0 tie, after their supporters did all they could the night before to deprive the Everton players of sleep.

  As far OSFP's chances, Gerrard or not, are concerned, the following item (from Tegopoulina) is worth reading at least once:

  So, the question is this:

  Assuming that Liverpool is better than Kallithea and that all other things are equal (even though they are not) how will last Sunday's OSFP fare?

I love hearing the Thryno-excuses about Wembley....

Consider this... Even if you have given sleeping pills to all Liverpool players you would still being uncapable of accomplishin what PAO did that year.... ;) :LOL:

P.S. How convenient for the Thrynos fans to forget facts as the CCSKA bottles of water in basketball, and many other similar events of disgrace.... ;)

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I love hearing the Thryno-excuses about Wembley....

What excuses? There was a statement about supporters doing all they could to keep the opponents from playing as well as they could.

The statement is either true or false (or you do not know).

The fans of the team in question either welcomed or regretted such means. As I remember, they were beyond themselves with admiration for the clever ploy and, in my opinion, it shows what they cared about and what they were made of.

I do not know whom you choose to meet and consort with but I have NEVER met an OSFP fan, within or without the stadium, wishing that OSFP win not by playing well but by facing weakened opponents.

Necrophilia may be popular with the necromancers of the Greek refereeing but is not, thank God, an OSFP supporters's practice and we prefer to play opponents at full strength.

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i mean these comments about gerad being hurt and that Olympiakos should be happy is very childish way of thinking

i mean gerrad as good as he may be is not liverpool, the key is Olympiakos focusing on there play and the team liverpool itself

it doesn't matter who is in the pitch they should treat ever team with respect, but not fear, and with confidence.

Olympiakos fans i know its tough rite now i mean the bashing we are taking were one year removed from our title and u would think we haven't won it say in 8 years!

so i am asking all of the thrilos supporters to try to defend thereselves as best they can b/c in the end we will all be celebrating our 33 championship and maybe our 21st cup

Go Olympiakos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gerrard was an important guy in the team of last year, when Mickey Owen ruled the Merseyside. his role is now taken by Xabi Alonso and Gerrard plays a pretty much attacking role. with his injury, perhaps it's time to put the "Big Three" up front... Luis Garcia as the AM C, Cisse and Baros as S C... and if Rafa starts the game like this, they'll reak havoc in that Gauro defence... and whoever said Liverpool isn't as good as last year's must have a life-threatening mental disorder!


Cisse (0-1)

Rivaldo (1-1)

Baros (1-2)

Schurrer own goal(1-3)...

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I love it how everybody thinks so highly of Liverpool i know there the former 4 time European champions but there 20 years removed from that spot and granted this is a good Liverpool team but not great, Olympiakos has tremedous respect for them but will be going in looking for the win so i see a better result then 1-3, i ain't going to predict the score b/c i am biased since i am an Olympiakos supporter but i am hoping for the best result possible here

Good luck Olympiakos

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The simple fact is liverpool is inconsistant, you can and you cannot beat them. Better Hope they are on an off day, cause if their on any team will struggle with them.

For me the key is Luis Garcia, contain him, and liverpool can slowly collapse into thier own mistake riddled game.

If liverpool plays well, i see a 3-1, if not i will stick to a draw 2-2.

But you guys have to finish your chances, or else your screwed.

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But you guys have to finish your chances, or else your screwed.

I agree completly.

Okay, so we miss some golden chances with Deportivo to secure our first away win in ages. Okay, we miss a boatload of chances against Kalithea in our opener for the prwtathlhma. Yesterday, we miss a boatload AGAIN , especially in the 1st half against Aris . Now im in the very worried stage, we CANNOT blow chances like we have thus far against a Liverpool, because it can and probably will return to bite us in the arse.

Personally, I hope bajevic throws in Giovanni to the mix, I'am confident he will rise to such an occasion, along with Okkas with a 4-4-2, and a Georgatos,Pantos on the wings. Because as we saw yesterday, having Okkas and Georgiadis on the wings, isnt that good of an idea. As pantos has shown he can work well with gio, whilst keeping mavro at the RB Position.

Most important of all will be our defense and its cohesion.

This game is HUGE.

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Nice to know that Pao fans are pitching in for there Greek adversary to do well but who needs it from you guys

Have fun with PSV i mite add unlike u i hope Pao does well for the sake of Greek football moving on

There won't be any embarrasment on the field this is Bajevic team and under Bajevic we have faired well in this competition, not great but competitive and respectable

I am thankful we left Aris with 3 points and no injuries granted we should have scored more but we had control of the game.

but this team will not play just to stay close they will play for the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Pao fans should be worried about PSV then our game against Liverpool

Good luck Olympiakos

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I agree completly.

Okay, so we miss some golden chances with Deportivo to secure our first away win in ages. Okay, we miss a boatload of chances against Kalithea in our opener for the prwtathlhma. Yesterday, we miss a boatload AGAIN , especially in the 1st half against Aris . Now im in the very worried stage, we CANNOT blow chances like we have thus far against a Liverpool, because it can and probably will return to bite us in the arse.

Personally, I hope bajevic throws in Giovanni to the mix, I'am confident he will rise to such an occasion, along with Okkas with a 4-4-2, and a Georgatos,Pantos on the wings. Because as we saw yesterday, having Okkas and Georgiadis on the wings, isnt that good of an idea. As pantos has shown he can work well with gio, whilst keeping mavro at the RB Position.

Most important of all will be our defense and its cohesion.

This game is HUGE.

Excuse me but where exactly did you see golden chances against Deportivo? As far as I know it was only one which came from the 'kavouria' of Molina!!!!

And a boatload of chances against Aris? Where you watching a different match? I can name them for you...

1. Katsiki OKKAS unable to score in front of Lymbe after Rivaldo's pass

2. Rivaldo missing the ball on an empty net when the Aris defender cought the ball first and send it to a corner.

3. Stoltidis shot in the 2nd half went wide...

Are these a boatload of chances? Even the goal came from a Snooker attack... :P

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In the game saturday for Liverpool vs Norwich which they won 3-0 Cisse was injured towards the tailend of the game and looks as if he is in doubt for the game against Olympiakos.

so the question is will liverpool go with 2 strikers even though cisse wil be out??

and also since Steven Gerrad is out which weakens there midfield

anywayz this may sound like good news for Olympiakos but there are always players coming of the bench looking for a chance to make a name for himself so that is why Olympiakos should only be concern about themselves and how they can find the weaknesses of Liverpool for sucess

Good luck Olympiakos#1

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