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AEK - PAO (cup leg 1)

Kotsolis 8 (great keeping, I think he is very good, I still think that Skazni shouldn't have put him in in this particular match...The goal is not his fault)

Rubakis 6 (I think he was quite good)

Goumas 8 (I think he was our best player and he generally stopped Lybe, apart from the goal where he was away)

Morris 7 (quite good. Latest games he has performed much better)

Vyntra 3 (another poor performance I think the goal came form his mistake)

Skatchel 0 (I think this guy is absolutely useless. Nowhere to be seen, no passing, no marking absolutely a zero!!! I wouldn't bother gettibng him in the first 18 ever again)

Basinas 3 (quite bad as always, could not make a single pass)

Andric 5 (I think he was the best from the midfielders. Done some descent marking)

Bides 4 (crap, too much fuss for nothing!!!)

Gonzalez 4 (again bad shape, bad choices, placed out of position by the KOTA Skazni!!!!)

Michalaki 7 (quite good, dangerous, triel a lot)


Papadopoulos 3 (Ton kapsame ayton!!!)

Wooter 5 (I think he would have been mutch better than Skatchel even if he had one leg!!!)

Maric N/A (came in late)

Skazni 0 = KOTA!!!!!!!!!

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AEK - PAO (cup leg 1)

Kotsolis 8 (great keeping, I think he is very good, I still think that Skazni shouldn't have put him in in this particular match...The goal is not his fault)

Rubakis 6 (I think he was quite good)

Goumas 8 (I think he was our best player and he generally stopped Lybe, apart from the goal where he was away)

Morris 7 (quite good. Latest games he has performed much better)

Vyntra 3 (another poor performance I think the goal came form his mistake)

Skatchel 0 (I think this guy is absolutely useless. Nowhere to be seen, no passing, no marking absolutely a zero!!! I wouldn't bother gettibng him in the first 18 ever again)

Basinas 3 (quite bad as always, could not make a single pass)

Andric 5 (I think he was the best from the midfielders. Done some descent marking)

Bides 4 (crap, too much fuss for nothing!!!)

Gonzalez 4 (again bad shape, bad choices, placed out of position by the KOTA Skazni!!!!)

Michalaki 7 (quite good, dangerous, triel a lot)


Papadopoulos 3 (Ton kapsame ayton!!!)

Wooter 5 (I think he would have been mutch better than Skatchel even if he had one leg!!!)

Maric N/A (came in late)

Skazni 0 = KOTA!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you except for the following:

Andric: Considering that he has not played to much so far i would give him a 7

Bides : This guy was all over the place. There was not an inch of grass in the field that he didn't step on!! Running, marking, lots of passion. 7!

Michalis: Along with Goumas the best players! 8

Skacel: -5

Skazni: -100 :LOL:

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Bides I dont know you but ur becoming very grafikos..


Bidis is the new Figo, ok?

I agree.

Everyone has his opinion, you cannot be the supervisor here and personally attack... When they criticise your dear boy.....

Evergreen is the supervisor!

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Pao problem is they need a player to control the ball in the mid field Basinas and Gonzalez are not doing the job.. Wooter and Bides will help maybe they should try them in the middle.. This has always been pao problem.. Something has to change.. Playing with one striker is no good at all. Mihali needs help.. Pap, Olisadebe and Gkekas have to perform or the Greens are going know where... Xanthi will provide a tough test!! Hopefully we can overcome..

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vs Xanthi

1) Galinovic : 0

2) Vyntra : 0

3) Morris: 7 -only player worthy of wearing our colours today.

4) Goumas : 0

5) Roubakis : 0

6) Andric : 0

7) Basinas: 0

8) Gonzalez : 5 - tried but had no followers.

9) Konstantinou : 0

10) Bides: 0

11) Wooter : 0

12) Papadopoulos: 5 - tried

13) Olisadebe : 0

14) Konstantinidis : 0

Scasny : 0

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Evergreen got the main idea but I will somehow give some more realistic ratings...

Galinovic 4 (Although none of the goals were his fault he was quite unstable letting the Xanthi players get headers in the small box without him coming out to block the ball)

Roubakis 1 (all over the place)

Goumas 3 (same bu I think he was the best from defence)

Morris 3 (again all over the place)

Vyntra 2 (crap!!!)

Wooter 3 (I think he was the only one trying in the first half)

Basinas 0 (No comment... All Basinas-lovers must seriously think and re-think their views)

Andric 4 (I think he was the best from the midfielders...)

Bides 1 (He would have god a 0 but I give him 1 just for the pass to Eki, also bides-lovers I am really anxious to hear your views now? ;) )

Gonzo 5 (did you see the diference in the 2nd half when he played in the midfield?)

Michalaki 4 (all alone on his own as usual)


LAMOIO 0 (No comment)

Papadopoulos 5 (better than usual, dangerous ,he wasn't awarded a clear penalty!!!)

Olisadebe 2 (didn't do anything, I don't blame him)...

Skazni 0 (as always!!!)

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Kotsolis: 7 (poly kalos... den fteei gia ta goal, esose merika alla pou tha mas katastrefan pio poly)

Morris: 6 (one of the best player)

Goumas: 4 (exei pesei poly o arxigos mas)

Vyntra: 3 (crap... tou vazo 3 mono gia tin sentra pou ekane kai mpike goal)

Svouras: 3 (sto proto imixrono itan kalos, sto deutero ekane tpt???)

Bidis: 6 (para poly kalos, kratouse tin deksia meria poly kala... den afine na katevenei o Vyntra kato... gia mena kakos egine allagi)

Basinas: 0 (axristos, xalia)

Gonzalez: 3 (prospathise alla mexri ekei)

Adric: 7 (meta ton Morris... kakos pou vgike.......)

Pap: 4 (xmmm etsi ki etsi)

Mixalakis: 5 (ti na kanei to palikari monos tou mprosta... den eixe voitheies apo pouthena... apo ton Basina na perimenei or apo ton Vyntra??)


Gkekas: 5 (nice psalidaki.... FA---NIS GKE---KAS OEOEOEOE)

Wooter: 0 (malak!es tis xalimas)

Skazni: (foveros proponitis... milame molis kanei allages oi omada ksipnaei kai pernei ta pano tis... meine Skaznaki mou glyke... mi fygeis!!!) -100 STO DIAOLO!!

xaname kai ekane mono 2 allages....... AXXX THEE MOU... OXI ALLO!

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ta dika mou (aek-pao);

Kotsolis: 7 - played well in spite of the 3 which were unstoppable.

Morris: 7 - played hard.

Goumas: 5 - I think he needs a rest.

Vyntra: 4,5 - other than his good cross, he lacked discipline at the back.

Svouras: no rate - was he playing? didnt track him.

Bidis: 6,5 - -played fine and did his part.

Basinas: 3 - for getting married cause he's still in his honeymoon. Shouldnt have played.

Gonzalez: 5,5 - lost his steam and didn't do much at the 2nd half.

Adric: 7 - played well and was solid.

Pap: 5,5, - trying too much on his own, should have been subbed. he looked like a dirty rugby player. yeah the pitch was slippery.

Mixalakis: 7.5 - for the only goal, played hard.


Gkekas: 6,5 - for the scissors.

Wooter: 3 - felt he didnt want to be there. regular play.


Skazni: 4 - If he has too many players use them all!, should have subbed pap for sanmartean, equi for byko.

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You are all being very generous friends... Everybody could see yesturday that the problem wasn't so much from the midfield upwards but it was clearly our DEFENSE... I think they were all disgraceful apart from Kotsolis....

Kotsolis 6 (had some nice saves. I wouldn't give him any blame for the goals)

Lamoio 0 (A simple 0!!!!!!!)

Goumas 1 (Tragic!!!)

Morris 2 (A step above tragic!!!!)

Vyntra 0 (awful game, full of mistakes, nerves, all goals came from his side)

Bides 3 (crap!!!)

Basinas 4 (better than usual but stil crap!!!!)

Andric 5 (again he is our only descent hard working midfielder)

Gonzalez 6 (He did have a pretty good game)

Papadopoulos 7 (I think he had a good game especially when he was playing LEFT)

Michalaki 7 (tried he wasn't bad)


Gekas 6 (he started well but for some reason this idiot skazni swaped sides and brough Geka left and Pap on the right and they were both crap!!!)

Wooter 2 (Crap)

Skazni 0 (although his tactis wasn't that bad during the game ta ekane p******.....)

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i though bidis was better then basinas.. i know you dont like the kid, but he did much better then mosty of our midfield yesterday, especially basinas....but your absolutly right about pap...wqhy he gets played on the right is beyond me...every time hes played from the left, we have produced...hes goitta stay oin that left side..thats where he is a main threat...

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i though bidis was better then basinas.. i know you dont like the kid, but he did much better then mosty of our midfield yesterday, especially basinas....but your absolutly right about pap...wqhy he gets played on the right is beyond me...every time hes played from the left, we have produced...hes goitta stay oin that left side..thats where he is a main threat...

i agree about bidis......... he was the best player yesterday! 100 times better than basinas.....
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Kotsolis - 6 - third goal was absolutely clearly his fault.

Pantelis - 4 - battled at times but not enough ability to be at this club.

Nassif - 5 - should reverse places with Goumas.

Goumas - 3 - his positioning was worse than ever I saw him.

Vyntra - 6 - faulty at second goal but strong, attacking and fast. impressed me

Andrjic - 3 - useless without doubt. did nothing other than roaming and winning a corner.

Basinas - 4 - out of service...

Charalabidis - 7 - perhaps the best in the first half but subbed off...

Equi - 5 - tried his best but this is not his best!

Michali - 8 - not 8 cause he scored but he fought hard as usual and showed he could lead this team. also wonderful long shot after 1-1.

Dimitrios - 5 - still a shadow of last season, I'm afraid.


Gegkas - 6 - great overhead kick and some future lies ahead of him.

Nordin Wooter - 4 - not the guy I remember... needs to put off some weight immediately...


Zdanek Scasni - 3 - nice line-up but his subs had somewhat an adversary effect and also found the perfect pair in Goumas-Nassif, but should place Goumas to the left hand side of Nassif. Otherwise they suck, as they did vs AEK...

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Kotsolis - 6 - third goal was absolutely clearly his fault.

what?! that was a great freekick. i dont see how thats his fault...


as for Vyntra- i didnt see but the descriptions i hear about him sound EXACTLY like what i said about him in the summer. Yeah he has shown some great games from October November, i admit he was a completly different player but hes sinking back to his original crap. He will do to finish out the season, but theres no way we can have inconsistency for a spot like this... i see us buying a new rightback this summer. but he can still reestablish himself with the new coach. Im not sure on him hes too hit miss with his performances it seems.

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