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Nikopolidis vs Vardithogiannis


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If find this amazing that a player like Nikopolidis national keeper of Greece can't get a starting line up in Pao.

Yet this individual has played an important role in the club and is well respected by all the fans. Dispite this, he has been regelated on the bench because of contract dispute.

Is this how we treat our long serving players?

It is disgraceful and a shame and more I think about it, the angrier I get with these arseholes running the show.

We might get the double this year, but when you think about it. We have one of the worst coaches on hand and probably one of the worst leagues in recent years.

The only reality check we get, is when we play in Europe.

Halkias worries me under the goal posts and if we fail this year it will be in relation to goal keeping duites..................

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The way Vardinogiannis and Co. has treated Antoni is abslutely appaling. No doubt. Obviously it shows us that money talks and bulls**t walks. Even in soccer - Antoni has been a servant of PAO surpassing Vazexa even at the club and he does in fact deserve some kind of respect from the diokisi.

However - if we were to take any positives - "IF" we can take any positives at all and as harsh as this, it perhaps is time to bring new blood under the posts. Antoni is not getting younger - and we do need a replacement - not now but soon we will. Perhaps we could have kept Antoni as a player/coach or mentor role. This would have been highly suitable due to his wealth of experience and just the amount of respect players and us the fans show him. However - after the Vardi treatment, no one can blame him for wanting to leave.

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If Antonis has or will agree with OSFP, then so be it. I wish him the best. I don't mind him signing wherever he wants, nor does signing with OSFP in particular erase his presence and his hard work at PAO.

That being said, I don't think he will. I think all this is just rumours originating from the Vardinogiannis family to justify their acts. I'm sure many will forget about this incident, this disgrace that the family has brought upon PAO, just because we might win a title after so many years.

I do agree that maybe it was time to bring Chalkias in, but Antonis is too great a goalie to left aside. Moreover, even if he suddenly became crap and we had to replace him, this does not justify the way they've treated him.

Title or no title, the Vardinogiannis family are through. This disgrace is too much.

And good luck to Antonis wherever he goes, even in OSFP.

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Saravakos's contacts with Koskotas was a FACT!!! (you can actually read it in Menios's book) But he wasnt treated badly at all, compared to Adonis....

As far as Adonis is concerned I too think that this is not the correct treatment to a player of such a calibre, but opposing few members of this forum, I would never forgive him for having spoken with Thrynos before actually speaking to Tzigger for renewing his contract (and these are not just rumors...)

If he ends up at the Geys, then I will be 100% supportive to the way that the management has treated him!

Otherwise if Adonakis ends up in an overseas team, then PAOs management will prove that they have completely changed from Kapetanios years and that they are way above their heads!!!!

Time will tell, it is indeed a very sensitive matter.... ;)

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Well, if it's on Menios Sakelaropoulos' book then it must be true. Come on re pappou. But, anyways, it doesn't matter. It was the management's job to contact Nikopolides about the renewal of his contract. Since he was at his last year of his contract, he was free to negotiate with whoever he wanted.

And don't forget that apart from the moral issue, there's the financial issue. After Karagounis (our best player, and one of the best in the National Team) and Lyberopoulos (the league's top goalscorer), Nikopolides will be the third player to leave without the club getting any money from his transfer.

They're not just assholes. They are stupid assholes.

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The current doikisi have proven in the last few months that they keep whoever they want. So don't tell us it was upto Antoni to go to them. It's always upto the club to try their best to keep a player in the team.

Which brings us to the reason why this has happened. Money. If the doikisi really don't believe Antoni is worth an extra E30m, then they should have the balls to openly say that. But that causes problems because the doikisi have paid more than that to lesser players. Most people agree that Antoni is the best goalkeeper in Greece so why the stupid idiots don't want to pay that extra amount is beyond me.

If he goes to Oly I will be very disappointed but he is a professional and he must think of his future when he is no longer playing and earning money. Good luck to him. Let's hope he finds a club exoteriko.

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That's why after we go crazy celebrating our win, we should take the time to sit down and think seriously about the future and the mistakes over the several years.....

Our mentality has to change, and this will happen by bringing in NEW people and throwing out the raskals and the incompetent.

We need a coach who has guts, knowledge and STATURE. Zaets, loved him as a player, hate him as manager, must leave. Shum must leave too.

Finally, we need to show to our players that LOYALTY and EFFORT are indeed appreciated and REWARDED!

I do hope that our fans make that clear.

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First (to Kilmanrok and Panos 13) of all I didnt say that I expected Adonis to go and speak to the management. I said that he spoke to the geys before he actually spoke to PAO and that is why the management is so pissed off!!!!

I also said that I will be the first one to critisise management if Adonakis ends up to a diffetrent Greek team than Thrynos... But you will see, that he will either go abroad (where he expects more money) or go to Thrynos!!!

If he end up at Thrynos, it means that he had already agreed with them (unless a team was found abroad) before he actually spoke to PAO...

I am sorry but there is no way I can forgive that.... And PAOs management may be crap but they are not THAT IDIOTS to make this vendeta out of nothing!!!

Surely, anyone can think that there are a lot of stuff behind the Nikopolidis case that we dont know of...

P.S. Pontikare eixes eksafanistei kai tora petaxthkes san na mhn po ti, gia na kaneis to kryo sxolio soy e? OYST!! :P

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Good morning gents,great topic by the way. Please allow me to offer some thoughts and opinions on this matter.

As a former player , I am very upset of the treatment that Nikopolidis has received by the front office. When one has offered blood and guts for their team they hope that they are rewarded by them in the latter stages of their careers. This is not going to happen to Antonis and the repreccusions are left for the rest of us to ponder.

As far as the front office goes, I can also see what they are thinking.

1) Antonis is not coming back.

2) The team will need a keeper for the future

3) Might as well find out what you have on your bench

4) Will a need for a keeper exist for next year?

Also, I hate to admit this , but as the age goes up, so does the talent and stamina.

The answer is youth( even though it has been proven that in the case of keepers, it might be the opposite, they get better with age) The front office wants to get younger at almost any position and when the chance is presented they should take advantage, even though the fans do not agree.

Having lived in the Boston area I witnessed an era in Basketball that rivaled none other. The Larry Bird, Kevin Machalle and the Chief, Robert Parrish. We won championships and rewarded them with contracts at the end of their careers and allowed them to play out their days with the club. Due to this we missed oppurtunities to get new talent and or to cultivate younger players. Boston Celtics have not won anything since. However, everyone at the time admired them for taking care of their players. Now, the team has become almost irrelevant.

I guess the front office of any club has choises to make..Some turn out allright, others will haunt you for a long time.

PAO is faced with a lot of decisions, Hope they work out for them.

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My friend Hoverhillpao1 you are quite correct in everything in your post, but on the technical side of things.

I am talking about the moral things, and I keep listening stuff like 'Adonis has offered so much to the club' and there is doubt about it, but dont forget that he was also getting PAID during all those years....

And I cannot believe that after all those years he would betray his club by not even speaking first to them before speaking to the geys... However all these are assumptions Adinakis might end up to a foreign club, so its best not to run above our heads, and wait and see wa=hats going to happen in the summer.

P.S. I actually heard that Tzigger is about to call Nikopolidi again to discuss his contract, cause he has been quite happy regarding the goalkeepers sychological 'injections' to his fellow players in the Toumba game....

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Boston Celtics have not won anything since. However, everyone at the time admired them for taking care of their players. Now, the team has become almost irrelevant.

There's a reason why many people still love the Celtics. And I tell you, it ain't their titles.
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There's a reason why many people still love the Celtics. And I tell you, it ain't their titles.

I could identify with the Celtics and their players, and although I lived in NY, I was a big fan.

Perhaps the days of players that embody a team are gone. Now, everyone is on his own, but I think there is still room to show appreciation to a great player who has contributed to the team.

Of course you need new talent, but you also need the veterans, who not only "been there" but also retain the institutional memory.... this means, that they project the confidence of champions. In a keeper's case, like Niko, age is not all that important where he is now. He has several years left in him.

I'm disgusted with my club's dioikisi when it comes to treatment of certain great players that helped my team.

Ok, players are business people too, but if one knows that the owners of the team appreciate him, then he gives more and focuses on his efforts on the pitch, not guarding his back.....

Most of us have left jobs because the management/owners were S.O.Bs, or, we stayed on because we liked the environment and they way we were treated. Right?

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You say you are a former player!!! You mean you played for PAO, or your local pub team? If you played for PAO, reveal your name so we know.

By the way, I am a former player too, I played for my sunday league team :P

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You say you are a former player!!!

I know, it's Ted Chronopolous formerly of the New England Revolution!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: He's Greek and he likes the Celtics b/c he played in NE!! Ti pextaras eitan aftos! BTW, I'm a Bostonian too...Celtics will never win anything. I'm used to all my green teams choking in their respective leagues...won't be then same in 2 weeks though!! :tup:
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There is absolutely no excuse for the treatment Antonis has gotten from the PAO management :tdown:

If Scum was a real coach, he would have vetoed Zaets and played with Antonis.

Nothing good could come out of this.

It is demoralizing for all the other PAO players to see their leader "destroyed"

They must all be wondering when their turn will come to be mistreated like that.

There is no issue of youth, Antonis is at the peak of his career, and most great keepers like himself can play at top level till their late 30s!

To the contrary he would have been the greatest coach for any young keeper,

Halkias, Kotsolis etc because he is the kind of person that can, and likes to teach.

He is a huge part of the NT, part of the success is due to his performances.

We all saw during the Holland game, what condition he is in psychologically, and physically, for that PAO is to blame.

It will be Greece's worst nightmare for him to under perform at the Euro, which would translate to a crime against Greece committed by PAO...

He has proven his "ethos" many times in the past, and continues to do so by supporting his teammates during the PAOK game and not making any comments regarding his unfair and immoral mistreatment.

I have been disappointed and angry at the PAO board before,

they have little respect for our greatest players,

Domazos, Saravakos and now Antonis.

It is a shame that we, the PAO fans, are so hungry about winning this "protathlima", that we are allowing those kind of things to go on without an organized protest.

Some "akatonomastoi" did not hesitate to boo our PAO players during the Hellas-Ukraine 1-0 game at leoforo, a game that was so very important for our national football.

Those same fans are accepting what is going on at PAO now?

I would find their protest on this matter to be valid.

I do recognize that "Antoni, Psychara, Panathinaikara" has been sung at leoforo repeatedly. Antonis deserves much more than that from PAO and ALL Greek fans, for his countless contributions to our football

I wish Antonis the best, and if he does leave PAO I will support him in ANY decision he makes.

It is time for him to look after himself.

In closing I would like to know the fans opinion on this:

If Gonzles is worth the 800,000e a year he signed for,

how much is Antonis worth to you?

Remember that he asked for 600k, was given 400k, and many reports suggested he would have signed for 500k, but PAO did not budge...


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Gents, I agree with the opinions that in sports, the moral judgements should outway the financial judgements. However, we all know that sports are now a bussiness and as long as there is money involved decisions will be made that will enrage fans. Such decisions are made by management and players alike.

If Antonis can get a better deal, he should. In the states there is no such thing as team loyalty. It is all about money, and fans have become accustomed to loosing their stars to bigger markets. That is the price of proffesionalism.

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