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Greek Cup-Final: PAOK - AEK (24.05.23, 20:30 EEST)


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I expect us to come out all guns blazing in the 2nd half, we still have a huge chance here to push on and really put the screws to them. One step at a time, we must equalise! I would say decent chance Dantas comes on for Schwab to start the 2nd half

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We have played a really poor and dumb first 15 mins of the 2nd half, AEK with 10 men is pressing us and causing us issues.

At this early stage our team has already broken in 2, players in our attacking third are getting way too high up the pitch and are not in a position to receive the ball. Leaving us with no way to move the ball up the pitch.

Playing right into AEK's hands, need a big shift in mentality here. 

Edited by paokarag4
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Since the undefeated double of 2019 season the team is sinking lower and lower. Going from bad to worse. I think it was a mistake for Lucescu coming back to the team.

The team needs to make drastic chances going into the next season and I don't think it can be done with Lucescu at the helm.

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I have been watching PAOK since 1997. That was probably one of the most embarrassing performances I have witnessed.

Lucescu completely out-coached by Almeida. It was so obvious that we would go a goal down after the red card. The only players who were even close to earning their salary were Taison, Sastre and (maybe) Zivkovic. All the others should be ashamed of themselves. They should be fined a month's wages at least.

At half time I joked with the others at the fan club that he would put on Biseswar - he actually did. Unbelievable. I think it would be a wise decision to part ways with Lucescu at this point. The problem is that if he leaves on his own accord then he has to pay the club €7m. If the club fires him then they have to pay him €7m. This was the clause put in to stop him from abandoning us like he did a few years back. The only way he goes is if they agree mutually. Ultimately it may have been a mistake bringing him back, but then it is always easy to say things in hindsight.

The fact that our midfield could not break them down while they had one less man is embarrassing. Shocking. Time for Biseswar, El Kaddouri, Oliveira and all the other dead wood to go.

By the way, what a fantastic goal that was by Fernandes. I will watch that a few more times, I think.

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