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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2021


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2 hours ago, Rafael said:

Hi, fellows. My name is Rafael Martins, I'm brazilian. I live and Rio and I support Vasco da Gama. Vasco is close to hire Leo Jabá, who played in PAOK for some time. I'd like to know details about the style of this player. What are his strong and weak points? Do PAOK supporters like him? What about his behaviour: is he a hardworking guy? I'd be very glad if you could give me some information, as he left brazilian football very early and Vasco' s supporters, like me, know nothing about him. Thanks a lot and sorry for disturbing you.

Ola amigo! Welcome to the forums!

He could easily be playing in the Premier League right now but (like most 20 year old footballers) he isn't focused. Too busy going out at night and posting on Instagram.

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Rafael welcome to our forum. I would have to agree with pash concerning Jaba that his career as a competitive football player is over. He came to PAOK as a very promising prospect, and had a very good first season with the team. There were rumors after his first season with PAOK that FC Porto were offering close to 10 million Euro for him (it cost PAOK 4 million to buy him). Not sure if that was true or if that was his manager trying to move him to Portugal. One thing is sure though. He made a trip to Porto and after that he came back he was not the same player. Things got worse after his serious injury in a friendly game. Apparently the knee surgery following his injury did not go well  and he struggled with several infections as a result that almost cost him his career. After this ordeal he was just not the same player. He started this season playing in couple pre-season games, but he was completely out of shape, and lacked the speed that he was known for. Then he started his various trips to Brazil where he got engaged and then tried to persuade PAOK to let him be loaned to Atletico Club Goianiense. PAOK worked out a deal with Goianiense but he never signed with them. Now he is trying to sign with Vasco de Gama. I don't know how serious he is about joining them considering his past and how unpredictable he is. Maybe you can shed some light for us on how serious Vasco de Gama is about him. He would be joining his ex teammate Leo Matos there. Matos is highly respected by PAOK fans.


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Reports are that Vasco de Gama will announce Jaba as soon as they get the necessary paperwork from PAOK.  It will be a loan until the end of December of 2021. PAOK will pay most of the wages, while Vasco de Gama will pay his rent. There is a clause that if he does not play specific number of minutes by June he will be returned to PAOK..

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are interested in keeper Tomas Vaclik of Sevilla. The Czech, who was the goalie of FC Basel, is transferfree. His wages should be about 800K for a year. Not in the best time of his life but I have seen worse keepers. I would take him. Nice for Krmencik too. 


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Tonight at 22:00 EEST Norwich City plays at home against Bournemouth. If they win we will have the € 7,5 mil for Giannoulis on our bankaccount soon. 

Or if both Swansea and Brentford don’t win this afternoon.

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Swansea and Brentford both drew today. Norwich is 8 points clear with a game in hand (14 points away from 3rd). I think a draw might be enough to guarantee promotion? I'm def going to watch this game, which is starting in about five hours.

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Nice chunk of change coming our way for Giannoulis, let's how the off-field team reinvests that money lord knows we need at least 3-4 starters coming through the door in the summer. 

In terms of Giannoulis, I'm excited to see him in the Premier League. Not sure how he'll go but I'm sure he'll shine in an attacking sense as he always does. It will be tough for Norwich to stay up, they are notorious for going up and coming right back down the following season. 

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Douvikas heading to the Netherlands, which means we can stop hearing about him being linked with us! At least until he has a slump overseas and people start clamoring for us to purchase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rubin Kazan is - according to Turkish media - interested in Pelkas and willing to pay 15 mil. According to the 20% resale claus (we sold him for 1,6 mil) this means about 2,5 mil for us.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This could be a weirdly lucrative summer. Big pay day from Giannoulis coming. Also, virtually every player in the "question marks" list is in the final year of their contract - there is a LOT of work to be done.

Since I have nothing better to do right now, here's my wish list:



  • Swiderski - get a few million out of him and move on
  • Tzolis - extract as much value as we can immediately. He is going to regress next year if he plays with us.
  • Augusto - if Ferreira still wants him, I say sell him ASAP. We can do much better
  • Pereira - there was a rumor a few weeks back that some Spanish side wanted him. If any offers at all come in, I'd say sell. It's clear that two coaches now don't particularly care for him



  • Ninua - Garcia doesn't seem to like him, but who knows how long Garcia will be around. Guy's got a great free kick on him, but that's not enough to keep him around
  • Vrakas/Konstantelias - these guys are destined for the B squad, assuming it ever is created
  • Bradonjic - if he didn't even make the bench vs Asteras, there's no reason to keep him around



  • Adios, El Kaddouri
  • Lamprou - should probably be released early. If he was playing like in his first stint with us, I'd think differently


Question marks - essentially all of our defenders are in a contract year

  • Pashalakis - his contract is up in June of 2022. Team needs to decide if they're going to extend, sell, or sit on him. I would be fine any way this goes
  • Zivkovic - we really should only keep one of him or Pashalakis...
  • Crespo - contract also over in 2022. Don't offer to renew. He's lost a step over the past two years
  • Varela - still better than Crespo, in the same situation contract-wise. I'd keep him on
  • Ingason - renewal must be a priority; our best defender
  • Lyratzis - I would extend his contract. Not given enough chances; I think he's looked pretty good when asked to play
  • Vieirinha - whatever happens, don't let it drag through the summer after it expires like last year. Still have a year to figure it out though
  • Andrija Zivkovic - offer a big pay bump for a new three-year contract. We'll be able to afford it
  • Murg - big time underperformance. I wouldn't be bothered if he doesn't stay with the team. But I do see that there's definitely some skill there - only question is if he'll actually use it
  • Warda - also up in 2022, extend the guy this summer assuming he doesn't have his customary August falling-out with the coach
  • Tsiggaras - extend, he has a lot of potential



  • Krmencik - I really like this guy. Plays like a less accurate, more agile Prijovic. Weirdly agile for his size, scores a decent number of goals. With better supporting players he could really lock down that #1 spot


Overall, we have a handful of veterans that I can see us moving on from, and anywhere from 7.5 to 20mm in funds coming in (depending on if we sell Swiderski/Tzolis). A substantially improved squad could be in our near future.

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That's all good pash, but as of this writing we don't have a technical director. If the rumors are true we will be getting a Russian based TD, who probably has no clue about PAOK. It will take time for him to learn the Greek/PAOK reality. If you ask me I think Georgie will be making all the decisions. For some reason I think the TD rumors and possible upcoming changes were behind the Pablo Garcia outbreak this past weekend. 

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