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SL-R22: PAOK FC - AEP Iraklis (14-Feb-16, 19:30 GR)


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Looks like Tudor and possibly Arnesen will be history after tonight. Same story every year for the last 4 years. Savvidis just does not have a clue.

As for AE Pontion, their season is complete success. They did not lose to the Turkish visitors (as they like to call us).

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Meeting between Tudor and Savvidis (??) apparently over, Tudor remains coach.


Savvidis: "If the problem is me, I will leave."


Got this from the @greekfootball_ twitter. May or may not be believable.

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The goal should have stood. At the time it looked onside. 


Yup, but to be honest this isn't about one goal or some points lost. This club has MAJOR problems. It's sad, because these last years both AEK and PAO have been s%$#! and I had hoped that we, with Savvidis and his money, would have secured the place as the second best team in Greece. Turns out we're even worse than AEK that just came back to GSL and only invested 200k in players (all props to their management).


But what to do, this is just the usual PAOK bourdelo...


PAOK sta eykola, PAOKARA sta dyskola...

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Vitor punched the guy in the belly. I thought Iraklis were the slightly better team the whole game. Tudor, Savvidis and friends have no clue imo. Poor squad, poor management and poor administration for a club that has perhaps the best fans in the country.


To put this home defeat into context:






for( ;; ) {

    if( paok loses or draws to "small" team ) {

        expect post from Reaper;








kill -9

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Yup, but to be honest this isn't about one goal or some points lost. This club has MAJOR problems. It's sad, because these last years both AEK and PAO have been s%$#! and I had hoped that we, with Savvidis and his money, would have secured the place as the second best team in Greece. Turns out we're even worse than AEK that just came back to GSL and only invested 200k in players (all props to their management).


But what to do, this is just the usual PAOK bourdelo...


PAOK sta eykola, PAOKARA sta dyskola...


The club has not invested wisely, and its strategy has been short sighted.  In summary, the club has tried to "buy" success "on the cheap".  In the first season, we brought in over the hill greek internationals and thought one Stoch on loan would be enough.  Same again in the second season.  Third season was better in my opinion, as we went for a fresh approach and brought in players like Mak and Pereyra and actually had the beginnings of a good squad.  Not enough depth though.  This season we spend BIG ... queue irony.  Two transfers over 1 million euros.  Now that's a first for PAOK (and chicken feed for Olympiakos).  Leovac and Cimirot are the only players in the history of PAOK that cost more than 1 million euros.  So we spent ~6 million on transfers this season but you also need to subtract the money we got for Noboa and Lucas.  In total, we spent around ~3 million euros.  3 million!  Wow, hey big spender, spend a little time with me ....


If spending 3 million on transfers and getting a young manager is all it takes to win a title, then every team would be doing it.  If the club had spent 20 or 30 million then I'd say fair enough, now you're trying to compete with Olympiakos, but let's be serious now, we're not on the same level and have no place even thinking about anything other than coming second at best, for the foreseeable future.  The other option if you don't want to spend big (which I fully understand is a big risk), is to invest in youth or players from lower leagues and hope that you can do it that way.  That's been the approach this season, and for the most part I've been happy with it.  Lots of young players, and let's be fair, not all will work out.  It's just the way it is.  But, if you can manage to keep this core of players like Kitsiou, Chatzisais (I can never spell this kids name), Charisis, Cimirot, Pelkas, Mystakidis can you imagine what they'll be like in 3 years from now when they've been playing together for 2 or 3 seasons ?  All of sudden, maybe then you have a core that you can build on.


But no, we want results now!  And we want it cheap!  And if we don't get it (someone mentioned we have some of the best fans in the country .. really ?) we'll trash your cars and threaten you.  We want youth but we want results!  Sorry, can't be done.  It's either the old formula of over the hill players past their best trying but not so hard so they can prolong their career.  They'll give it all in the derbies (and make the fans oh so happy) and then their level drops.  Or it's go with youth, development and player "discovery" from lower leagues.


As for managers, at PAOK we are experts at crucifying them.  It makes feel ... oh so good ... and I mean, if you look at the past, it's been such a successful strategy.

Edited by Bananas
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Anastasiadis was a better coach than Tudor, Tudor seems like a douchebag with a big ego. I could be way off of course. At least you are still in the cup, I would have loved for Pao to make it to the semis at least.....

it seems the mob gives more leeway to someone who can strut and growl and yell and look passionate, yet the best coach we have had since Santos we crucified because he was a nice guy and seemed like your papou [boloni]

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Agree that Boloni was the best we've had since Santos.  However, the main reason he left was because the club had serious financial problems.  Players were being sold or leaving the club unpaid and I don't even know if Boloni was paid what he was entitled.

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Agree that Boloni was the best we've had since Santos.  However, the main reason he left was because the club had serious financial problems.  Players were being sold or leaving the club unpaid and I don't even know if Boloni was paid what he was entitled.


Boloni was treated like s%$#!.  They basically told him that we couldn't afford him, and he offered to take less money, and then we told him to F*** off so we can bring on Skatofatsa.

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Im 3 years our club is getting smaller and smaller

This is too much.

We now have been going s%$#! house for 1 year.

The last 3 transfer periods have been s%$#!

Ontop paok fans in greece believe savvidis is doing this on purpose and calling him a skato ruso

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Im 3 years our club is getting smaller and smaller

This is too much.

We now have been going s%$#! house for 1 year.

The last 3 transfer periods have been s%$#!

Ontop paok fans in greece believe savvidis is doing this on purpose and calling him a skato ruso


I think we've gotten some decent players in the last 3 transfer periods.  Mak and Pereyra being the better ones.  Charisis, Cimirot and Fernandes could turn out to be good.  And then you have the guys from the K20 like Konstantinidis, Kitsiou, Pelkas and Mystakidis.  But yeah I agree, we have not made any superb signings.  No we haven't and I don't expect us to either.  Such players won't come and play for PAOK.  We can try and revert to the old ways and sign guys like Garcia, Contreras and Muslimovic, but do we really want to go down that road again ?


As for the PAOK fans, they should be careful what they wish for.  No Savvidis equals back to the bad old days of Batatoudis, Voulinos etc.  I can just picture them salivating waiting to get their grubby hands on the team again.

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I support savvidis. Anyone payng ppl on time in greece cannot be bad. Espeically with our history i willing to be patient.

But F*** it hurts.

I wana punch on when we lose and dont blmae the boys for wanting to attack the players. Like come on we lost to iraklis who has a junk team.

Something got to change im just not sure what.

I dont want arnesen to go. I like the players he bought in. Compared to the past bringing in players like spyropoulos,katsuranis, tziolis and tzavellas under vryzas reign.

Zago bought the best players to paok i dont care what anyone says

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Spyropoulos lol.  Now you made me laugh.  Has to be the worst signing in the last 5 years.


What I do like about Arnesen's approach is that there is the chance of discovery of new talent.  In the past when we relied on experienced players, it meant for a tougher team because our signings were "men" not "boys".  That's why those teams did better in Europe where it's tougher.  But the team had a ceiling as to how much it could improve.  Probably the only players we took a punt on were Stafylidis and Vieirinha and at the end of the day the club made ~5 million on both in transfers, and they were sold under duress.  Furthermore, we've had plenty of dud signings of experienced players like Maduro, Maartens, Costa.  The intent of the club was good, to sign quality players, but it doesn't always work out.


I personally think Fernandes has been a revelation this season.  He's had some off games, but it's generally been when the whole team has been off.  When the team has been clicking, he's been very menacing to the opposition.  The same could be said for Mak last season and this season.


What I do know is that the spine of the team is weak.  We've had problems in the CB area for over a season now.  Hopefully signing Chatzisias will help, but we still need better.  In the DM position we are not bad.  In the CM, AM and striker position I think we are weak.  We don't have a quality CM in the mold of Natcho (f--k he was good), a true number 8.  Charisis is the only one I can see playing that position but we can't expect him to do it week in week out just yet.  Up front, in theory we have Berbatov as the number 10 and Klaus as the number 9 but pffft, for me, they're both not good enough.  They haven't clicked playing with each other, both have a low work rate too.  It just hasn't worked.  But like I've said before, these are difficult position to sign players for.  There are no guarantees.


One other thing, we have had a ridiculous and I mean RIDICULOUS amount of injuries this season.  This doesn't help.  If you look at even the top sides, an injury to a critical player and things go awry and out of balance.  Tudor still hasn't worked out our best 11 but f--k me even if he did, he'd be lucky to play them 3 games in a row.


As for our signings this season, I saw it more as a clear out of the old players.  How many old players do we have left in the squad ?  Hardly any.  We brought in a lot of young players.  Some are showing promise.  Others not so much.  Other players have surprised me.  I expected Tzavellas to be gone this season.  He was woeful last season, but he's improved greatly this season.  Either way, we need to strengthen the squad with some quality because its obvious the current crop can't take the pressure week in week out.

Edited by Bananas
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