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Greece-Finland(4 September 2015, Giorgos Karaiskaki, Piraeus)


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Unless EPO is cleaned up from the top to the bottom and drastic changes are made in the structure of the national teams, we will unfortunately have to accept the fact that we will have a pre-Euro 2004 mediocre team.


And once in for all make the national team the team for all Greeks. Not a team run by and for managers and agents.

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To think we had a chance to rebuild for a WC campaign and we produce that...


  • Could not get a decent shot on goal
  • Cant score in Greece
  • Beaten again by a team ranked +90 in the world
  • The most ridiculous plays 
  • Vyntra turn overs and hospital passes
  • One man upfront surrounded by 3 defenders all the time
  • no Greek player able to play with any flow but maybe Fortounis
  • stupid passing options 4 out of 5 times
  • caught on the counter attack time and time again
  • committing into tackles at critical times (like the goal Fin scored)
  • no heart 
  • no communication in attack
  • shots of amateur standard
  • Useless set pieces - one after another
  • we sub a DM for a DM at 0-1 with 8 mins to go...
  • NO X FACTOR what so ever
  • touches worse then Sunday league football

We really really suck!


Kone was perhaps some good in attack. Fortounis too. Aravidis, Karelis were horrible.

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Sure enough, as many of you predicted, Aravidis was another Mantalos, a player playing well above his level. Not international quality. Worst player was Karelis by a mile, though.

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Guys, we've been through 3 coaches this tournament and none of them have brought us any success. I think it has more to do with the players at this point. 


The young scumbags (Tachtsidis, Karelis, Lazaros, Fetfatzidis, Samaris etc.) are s%$#!. Some here wanted these players to play since 2011 instead of Karagounis and Katsouranis. Some good defenders we have, attacking midfielders and attackers stink.

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Kone did well when he came on, was prob the only guy whom looked like he could do anything.

Fortounis had a good 1st half but didn't really notice him much in the 2nd.

Aravidis & Karelis were massively tragic, how Karelis saw so many minutes is just laughable


Nearly won a penalty for us at the end. As versus Romania, he looked better than the other midfielders but he was only subbed in after an hour or so, for some reason.

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Fetfatzidis is easily the most effective attacking player Greece has and has outscored all the others in your sorry list of zombaic players. Tsanas did not use him tonight for reasons only the EPO can answer - if they were held at gunpoint of course - just asking them they would lie.  :tdown:


Perhaps because this was Fountas' twentieth birthday. :\

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I don't understand what it is about Fetfa and he is taken for granted by almost every coach we've seen within the Greek league and National team. 



As for the players who played: The only players out there were our CB's, Cholebas, and Fortouni. 



- Kareli, Vyntra, and Tzioli were tragic. Kareli under-performed while Vyntra and Tzioli don't have a place on a national team. 


- Aravidi, Mitroglou, and Samari were non-existent. 



The team lacks some serious passion and the subs were a complete joke, making no sense. 

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Ronaldo bought his manager a greek island for his wedding so, why not give Fountas a run for his 20th birthday, generous that Tsanas. Mitro should of played, it wasn't the same. Oh, hang on, someone said he did play, serous?

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The players lack passion.

Pre-2004 the players we had at our disposal the majority played in Greece, for Greek teams and understood what it meant to play for the Ethniki. The players looked at these competitions as a way to get noticed and to somehow play on a bigger stage such a a european or world competition and to get noticed.

Now that some of the players play for medium to big teams across Europe they have lost that. They no longer possess the feeling of passion that their predecessors did when playing for the Ethniki. These lads are the modern Greek magka model wannabes who are afraid to get a piece of mud on their boots.

Gone are the days of Dellas, Zagorakis, Basinas, Kapsis, Karagounis, Nikopolidis. These guys had passion, balls. Now we have Tachtsidis, Christodolopoulos, and Mitroglou.

Bring in a new coach with fresh new ideas and not some pre-historic creature who cant communicate with the players. Eleos.

I posted this in the loss to the F. islands...it still applies.

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Financial crisis and Ranieri are to blame?

Total nonsense. Players are regulars in decent European teams and they perform like this for their national team in front of their own fans?

Something is wrong and unless there are sweeping changes we are heading in to the dark ages. Not like we were pre-Otto era, because we could actually play/score and had technical playirs n those days but to the 1920s when we had nothing.

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Hate to say it but we were all wrong about Santos, he had us over achieving no doubt now. Would kill to have him back as well as a fit katsou and kara. These guys played with passion. I mean FFS Tziolis? The guy has been proven to not be good enough many a time. We need to bite the bullet and build for the future.

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Loipon auton to omilo i parea tou Rehagel tha eixe 12 nikes!

Oute k'an tha xreiazotan na skeutoume an tha pernagame h' oxi!

Tora auta ta m****pana mou legontai paixtes Ethnikis oxi mono den mboroun na paroun ta Feroe Ils kai ti Finland,alla vgazoun kai glosa apo pano!

To m**** pou ta petage TA TSOGLANIA!






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