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Transfer News And Rumors - Summer 2015


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I prefer we go for players "on the up" like Leovac.  He's a good age, and more importantly going to Greece is an upgrade.  He'll get better money and it's overall a "promotion" for him.  He has every reason to be hungry and motivated ... as Arnesen said.


Some of these other players we are linked with, let's face it, for them coming to PAOK is a downgrade and they are not "on the up" in their career.  So, their motivation is a concern.  Having said that, not all such players fail, but it is a concern.  On the plus side, both Rodrigues and Rudnevs are at a good age.


The last thing we need is more players like Hoesen and Necid.

Edited by Bananas
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It's just strange so many good players were lured to Saloniki but almost all of them are ordered to leave because it didnt work out. It cant be the fault of the players because it happens to all of them. Something with the clubs's athmosphere. You cant have some guy like Aggelos manage pretty big foreign names. Someone like Tudor with hs history is certainly an upgrade.


And now they are reinforcing positions where they had decent players instead of the critical psitions... double work.... so crazy


Arnesen started buying his own players again, I warned you guys.


(i want PAOK to become strong it only benefits the league)

Edited by Doxa
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It's just strange so many good players were lured to Saloniki but almost all of them are ordered to leave because it didnt work out. It cant be the fault of the players because it happens to all of them. Something with the clubs's athmosphere. You cant have some guy like Aggelos manage pretty big foreign names. Someone like Tudor with hs history is certainly an upgrade.


And now they are reinforcing positions where they had decent players instead of the critical psitions... double work.... so crazy


Arnesen started buying his own players again, I warned you guys.


(i want PAOK to become strong it only benefits the league)


that's the m*****a you tell yourself, you want PAOK to be a s%$#! disorganised rabble so you can come on here and pontificate with your 'I told you so about arnesen', like we were all on here proclaiming him as the Messiah.


I'm ok with you s%$#! stirring but have the stones to just come out and say that that's what you're doing.

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Thank god there are some PAOK fans here who have more apreciation for the art of conversation instead if this lunatic trying to start a fight for nothing... Like his fellow fans that are known for their actions in and outside the stadium..

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The tsunami of names linked to PAOK continues:


Stelios Malezas (no further explanation needed);

Balasz Dzudzak (Dinamo Moscow/midfielder);

Gojko Cimirot (FK Sarajevo/defensive midfielder.


Artjoms Rudnevs is already in Thessaloniki and has passed the physical tests well. 

The transfer could be settled these moments.

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What exactly is happening with Rats and Golasa ?  Have they been released, or are they still offiically PAOK players for the moment ?


I'm surprised we let Papagiannopoulos go.  It's not like we've signed a CB yet, but I assume one is coming soon.

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I wasn't excited about him to start, but what made things worse were the comments referenced earlier about him not wanting to play in Greece. So, essentially, he didn't want to play here...we offered him a lot of money...he tentatively agreed...and then he got cold feet. This does not sound to me like a guy who we should be rebuilding with.

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The Papagiannopoulos one is strange, considering we have 2 proper experienced central defenders in the squad playing with a 3 man defence. Granted everyone seems to think Tzavellas can play there but so far the evidence seems to indicate he's not cut out for it [that's leaving out the clear off field issues he brings to the table].


If we see more people turning their back on the club ala Rudnev then we could be left short [and even shorter if Costa starts picking up old man injuries]

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Not to mention that Papagiannopoulos was dirt cheap and is still a better CB than Tzavellas. Bizarre move, unless it was just to make a point about Anastasiadis' (or Vryzas', more likely) decisions.


If we are going to play with three CBs, we have even more depth problems than before. Even with Poungouras and Tzavellas in there, all it takes is one injury or suspension (like for tomorrow) and we're already hobbled. We need two experienced CBs that are at least as good as Vitor and Costa before we're out of this danger zone.

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If I would be rich the first thing I would do is buy a big house in Saloniki...  and yes I've been to Hamburg.


Someone invite her to Saloniki she will change her mind. But it wouldnt be a bad thing if he listens to her, he is pretty average player.

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Well she did come to Salonica with him to check things out. It appears that something scared her away. I guess she did not want her significant other to indulge in the nightlife like some others (Noboa, etc.) for six months and then having to move on to other things.

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Martens is official an ex-PAOK player. Both sides agreed to terminate the contract.


Also during today's press conference Tudor said the we have to realize the fact that Lucas is not coming back to the team.

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