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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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He did play a big role but in my opinion Karagounis and Maniatis also played a big role when i said that Katsouranis should of played after 2012 was because i believe we need to of bring a younger replacement suitable for that role he played and give that player experience thats why were in the state we are at the moment. You could see how much Katsouranis has regressed in the past few years. I also believe Makos was not a good option i believe he is not a good player and ive wouldve  put Tziolis there instead. Also in 2014 i would have put Klaus instead of Gekas that was the biggest shock to me that Klaus was not picked.  

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I watched the AS Roma vs Real Madrid ICC match that was played in Melbourne recently, Torotsidis looked cumbersome, slow for left back. If he is considered an international today, it is not at LB. He would resemble a CB or DM really. He has the size. Any takers?

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Does anyone know or have suggestions as to who of our current crop of players is similar to Karagounis similar to his playing style leadership and work ethic. I cant  think of one does anyone else know who is the next guy who will be the next Basinas , Katsouranis, Zagorakis, Tsiartas Karagounis? Id like to hear who everyone thinks it is or going to be because its starting to bug me we need a not 2 but a player like him because he was the main driving force to our success in my opinion. I know we have the likes of Samaris, Maniatis, Kone and so on but i dont think they have what it takes to lead a team from the middle. As shown in the past our midfielders are our driving force for both defence and attack. 

Edited by Dean97
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Here's what I see for our NT. We don't know who our coach is. Is Markarian staying on or are we going to be looking for a new coach.

These are the players I feel shoiuld be called up each and every game from here on and into our World Cup qualifying campaign.














Fortounis (start him from here on in absolutely on FIRE!!!)








Pelkas (looks good but still has to mantain throughout reg. season)



Samaras (will sign somewhere very soon and we need him and his experience)



Cap Klonaridis and Marcelinho both could be useful on the left side. Our two oldest players would be Moras 34 and Samaras 30. You need these

guys for the experience factor. Maybe Mavrias as well if he gets loaned out. We should go with a 5-3-2 or 4-3-3. We have the talent now the coach

has to get this team playing as a team again.

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Tzavellas should not get called ahead of Stafylidis. It would be a bizarre move.


Pelkas has looked very good but he's just getting started, let's see where he is after this campaign is over. It should be harder to get into the NT than a handful of EL qualifiers.

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Pash if you look in parentheses you will see that I too expect Pelkas to show us some more than a couple of EL qualifiers. As for Stafylidis over Tzavellas I have no problem with that only that Stafylidis is out of favour with his coach at Fullham and looking for a team.

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Fulham didn't pick up the option to buy him, last I heard he was still a Leverkusen player. It remains to be seen where he'll be loaned to next.

I saw the parenthesis and agree. There are a lot of people both on that list and off that could "get in his way," though.

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The core players (MUST BE IN THE TEAM) Torosidis, Sokratis, Manolas, Kyriakos, Fetfatzidis, Karelis


Squad players ( These are players who should be in the team but be replaced often) Mitroglou, Ninis, Kone, Maniatis, Samaris, Tachtsidis, Samaras, Fortounis, Holebas, Stafylidis, Mantalos, Lazaros, Moras, Klaus, Karnezis, Kapino, Vellidis 



Future call ups  Skondras, Lagos, Bouchalakis, Petsos, Gianniotas, Giannakopoulos, Oikonomou, Pelkas, Mavrias, Bakakis, Kolovos, Kitsiou, DIamantakos, Mystakidis, Vellios.


Other mentions: Siovas, Aravidis, Salpingidis, Tziolis, Tzavellas, Tavlaridis....

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If Greece wasn't in shambles economically the players would be best to return to the patrida to get their legs back.


Mitroglou, Ninis, and others in the past are getting their mojo back doing this.


The Saudi league economically pays extremely generously, and perhaps he sees it as an opportunity to help his family.


Samaras might even go to PAOK? I'd be extremely surprised though. His father urged him from very young to never play in Greece.

Though, I can't say that playing for Celtic is better than the top 3 teams in the Greek league, but I digress. 

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I'm for evolution, not revolution.


If we update the squad by 4-5 players each euro & world cup we'll have a fresh new squad every 4 years. 

That's sufficient to adhere to overall class & let the lads get experience under their belts.


The 4-5 players that we need to phase in to the starting 11 I would say are






Fefta ?


Get these dudes to 40-50 caps.


Next euro we can create a new wave. 


it's too soon to tell now but diamantakos might be on the list since we'll need a striker.

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I ve been listening to the whole Marcelinho thing in this topic. I know he is Brazilian and I also know that he was never capped in any Brazilian National Team. 
So my question is: A) does he have Greek citizenship ? B ) Can we cap him ? C) Panathinaikos No. 10: Zeca got Greek Citizenship during Easter. He has only been capped with Portugal U23, can we take him as well ?

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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As for Aravidis, upon coming in GSL Aek immidiately signed Djebbour while they had already signed Chrisantus in January. Not even Aek Believes so much to him. I see him getting dropped as a 2nd choise striker, depending on weather Djebbour will be a good boy and weather he will perform as expected.


Last but not least, dont get too hyped over the looks of players like Pelkas and Konstantinidis. They really played awesome both against lokomotiva and Spartak Trnv. But they played with teams far inferior than Paok. We better wait and see the first 10 matches of GSL to make a conclusion over their head. Same thing goes , in my humble opinion, for Mantalos. Even though I picked him in the Squad, Id say we see how he performs in GSL.

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If a family chooses to migrate to a country, say Greece and they enjoy it's freedoms and western lifestyle and become citizens one way or another, they should give something back to the country that gave them their better choice life.

My parents are of Greek origin, I love when Greece plays and keep hoping they become world class again. If I was in demand by Australia or Greece, and I played in Australian junior systems, and they invested in me, well, I would represent Australia.

I don't know Marcelinho's story but if Greece can improve as a team with Marcelinho, Klonaridis and Holebas, well bring it on! 

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Ausgreek that's a perfectly reasonable and logical approach. I can agree with that whether it applies to Greece or Australia.

I am also born and raised in Australia from migrant parents from Greece. The only difference to what you said is that I would never EVER represent a nation ahead of Greece. There's no contest. No Greek ever told me to go back to where I came from.

Death to Les Murray!

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Aravidis popped a goal against Sevilla yesterday. (A very very good team imo).


Djebour & him seem to be playing together so his playing time will likely be unhindered!


He popped one against olympiakos during the cup too.


He's proving little by little his dominance isn't just because he was in 2nd division Greece.

Hopefully he has a breakout season again with Aek in the superleague.


He would easily be one of the most passionate in the 11ada


he's 28 but some players are just late bloomers like Holebas. 


Similarly in basketball, Steve Nash became good in his 30s and was an all-star till about 35ish. (Basketball & Soccer players have about the same life span in professional level).


Anyways, Aravidis, really like the guy right now.

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Zekas... lol! He would likely play in place of Samaris if he were called up to Greece. Marcelinho would be an impact player. I think either player have enough quality to play for Greece, but in my mind have no such business on the team. Players should at the very least be born in Greece or have Greek parent(s) if born abroad. Almost every NT has a Brazilian and some of these Brazilians are good enough to play for Brazil. Diego Costa and Marcos Senna played for Spain. Imagine if Eto'o played for Spain and not Cameroon. Or Messi played for Spain or Italy and not Argentina. This is a very unsettling trend. At this rate we may very well just support club sides and give up any pretense of national sides.


If They (Italy.Spain,Turkey) can do it. Why can't we. Also if they (Netherlands/England) have

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