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Panathinaikos - Pierikos


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This is a knock-out game at home against Pierikos who has nothing to lose.

Every time we play such games the media is riddled with the staple headlines like "big changes in the lineup", "final chance for bench players", "talent from the academy" etc.

I don't think we would be treating such a game as a "friendly" because we can't afford to stumble. Anything can happen in a game, so I think we need to field a strong lineup, clean the game early and then we can rest some players.

Speaking of resting, there are some players who need a hietus really bad. Gilberto has been playing non-stop and the way he racks up miles he will deflate or worst, get injured (knocks on wood). Vintra and Spyropoulos could use some rest, although Spyropoulos could use a game like this to get back to form. but I would not want to risk an injury (I don't trust Darlas at all).

Goalkeepers don't need rest, and Tzorvas should start this one. There is no point in putting Galinovic in after such a long absence (and intense booing). If anything, we could see what Karnezis is made of, but I would not want to risk in a knock-out game.

With Simao gone, with Katsouranis not eligible to play next Sunday, and with Tziolis away from action for so long, I think Katsouranis will start. I don't see the need for a second DM in this one.

Salpi will probably start and so should Leto on the left. Both Karagounis and Ninis can use some rest but they could both share a half with not much trouble (that both can't finish a whole 90 minute game is a painful story that no one in the media or forums dare touch. Karagounis is getting older, but why is Ninis at 20 winded by 60'?)

Cisse is ineligable to play next Sunday so the game against Pierikos would be a way to get Petropoulos into some rhythm.

So here is what I think we should be playing (the coach knows better of course)






Let's hope for a comfortable and entertaining game that ends in a convincing win on our way to the double.

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I like your lineup but i liek mine better

First off..

KARA needs a rest... he went from game in game out to ethniki t s to ethniki and he is just out of gas.

Id rest him

Gilberto also.. Not because he REALLY needsit.. but because he is not needed in this game... and he is in for a hectic schedule til Simao comes back..

Spyropoulos I agree needs a rest.... and I also dont trust Darlas...

Petrpoulos should see some game time .. especially if he starts on Sunday due to Cisse's suspension..

Salpi, Vyntra should also not start...

So basically.. I would do something liek this...






I would also consider playing Christo for Leto and Cleyton for Cisse...

Cisse has figured often as a RM for us in the early part of the season and can actually be considered a second direct CF next to Petro

More like a


Either way...

Id have KAts and Tziolis Both in.... With Ninis free as the wind in front of them and Kats playing Box to Box....

Thats just me....

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Oh, man with this lineup we'll get eliminated :LOL:

Well, it's not all that bad, but I don't see Cisse on the right. Maybe we could try a 2-striker formation. I do agree that Cleyton should see some playing time. He does have some potential. Wait, you didn't say that. But I am sure you would agree.

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Why would we get eliminated...

I have 3 very defensive minded defenders out of the 4 and 2 defensive midfielders....

I think a mistake might be underestimating this team...

We dont want another Panserraikos.....

We go up 2 or 3 goals.... then we talk about playing with 1 or No DMs

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spyropoulos doesnt need a rest...he just needs to be dropped to wake him up a little, theres noone really there to threaten him for a place in the lineup, so hes crusing along...wheres ten cate to tell him our crap hes been playing....hopefully nioplias pulls out the whip sometime soon....

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You know what else is funny.. I was thinkingof this while I was doing a clients Goods and services tax returns earlier...

Isnt it weird how.. a player like Tziolis, who gets offered a way out... declines to go and tries to go to another team for less money because ''he likes it there'' and wuld rater ride the bench then play football..

Gets booed by our fans... and there is a whoel FEDERAL CASE.... front pages... radio broacasts etc...


Oly barely gets by Larisa... Oscar (who always played fo that team.. never complained aboutplaying 7 matchs a season and was ACTUALLY THEIR best player) gets awarded the MVP for tha mtch and the fans BOO HIM.....

You dot read about it anywhere.... you dont hear about it...

And the only way u do is because my grandad( who is a major Gavro) was reading it on his redplanet site and i walk in to see him... and read it..


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Man, you touched a sensitive chord here.

It's no secret that Panathinaikos reporters are screwed up majorly. I think it has something to do with our team being held away from titles for over 13 years We had a small break but even then the complains were so loud we had to begin rebuilding immediately after the title season. Even while winning the title, the headlines were about the last minute goals, Olisadebe, and everyone just hated everyone. The coach sucked, the GM sucked, the players all sucked (except Olisadebe).

I don't know, it bothers me. There is something terribly screwy about green media. The lads can't keep their eyes focused on a goal and come up with the most meaningless of stories to keep fans from focusing too.

To be fair, this whole Tziolis thing is partly media and fan created, and partly the job of our front office and the player himself.

First off, everyone just hated Tziolis because of his upright style, because he has this "I am not trying too hard" attitude, and of course because he is a DM and he got more playing time than Ninis under Peseiro.

Then the team tries to unload him, get him a cushy loan to Bremen where he leaves everyone underwhelmed all the while he wants to get traded. Bremen made no effort to secure his rights and then he played hardball and burned his bridges with the club by refusing some a good offer from Atalanta.

Then the club acted like complete amatures. They have a player they want to sale and treat him like garbage, not even including him in pre-season training. Who in their right mind would pay then for such player? What kind of business is this?

I gather the whole thing snowballed with media amplifying management's resentment and fan dislike built into hatred.

I understand all the talk about not booing, but it would be simpler to just not play the guy. There is no way the fans will listen to management and the whole story is just a unwanted distraction in an otherwise smooth year. Besides, from what I see, Tziolis is not really much help on the pitch any more. Are we hoping that he will eventually find his form? By then Simao will be back.

You got me going now :LOL:

We win but don't play well? Our media is all blame and venom because we didn't step all over our opponents. Olympiakos plays like crap most of the time, wins and the headlines are full of niceties ("professional win", "the heart of the champion" "resiliency" and all that). I can't get over how Arsenal steamrolled all over them and the next day all you read was how great Nikopolidis was! Very little about the disgraceful performance where they could not exchange more than two passes.

A few good wins; a few championships and it will all change though. Wining is the cure of all ills B)

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we are at 20' 1-0 with Cleyton from 18'.

Nice move and shot after the Leto assist.






Cleyton is doing well, Leto is active and Petropoulos has been at the end of a couple of headers.

Galinovic just came out to correct a Darlas boo-boo and he got the crowd going with a nice fake on an opponent.

Tziolis was booed when he was announced (and reports have it there are scouts for him in the stadium), and so far he is invisible. Darlas is doing horribly, and Bjarsmyr has one more of his trademark kicks that send the ball high and backwards. X'poulos is invisible too.

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28' Galinovic saved another Darlas horrible play that let the ball pass and brought Pierikos on a tete-a-tete.

If you guys think I am harsh on Darlas watch teh last two plays I described. Especially this last one. Horrible, horrible defense by Darlas who just stands there and watches the ball and the opponent .

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H-T 1-1

our entire defense is a children's playground (paidikh xara). Darlas absolutely sucks. Bjarsmyr just looks too little, Sariegi is flailing and Vintra is just ok.

The complete absense of decent play form our so called DMs could be the story of this half. Tziolis is horrible and Katsouranis is just as bad (even though he is playin more forward most of the time - something he sucks at). Leto is the only one that creates any dangers with his own runs (cause we can't pass the ball at all once again) and X'opoulos is pretty bad. Petropoulos has not seen the ball and had a couple of good efforts. Lastly, Cleyton is his typical self from the past. A couple of minutes of brilliance here and there and nowhere to be found the rest of the time (I think i wrote this exact sentense about him last year in many games.) but he did well to score.

The goal we conceded was dumb. Darlas concedes a horrible foul, the lob in our box had decent zing and Tziolis does a little cute push from behind that didn't even bother the player who got the header with his back to our goal. The ball arched again over Galinovic who was in no man's land even though he had no business being off his line.

For the second half I would put in Kante for Darla, Nini or karagouni for X'poulo or Tzioli, and I would be on standby to use Cisse after 65 if we are not winning.

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We play like we are in panic now. 70'

Cisse just missed a tete-a-tete now. Karagounis came in for Tziolis in 60'.

So much for resting players :rolleyes:

I don't understand why we didn't stick it out with the team we had at half time. Ok it was 1-1 but we were in control. Petropoulos was terrible but we didnt have to introduce Cisse, Kara and Ninis.
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