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Yup Now the camera DOES SHOW IT.

And like I said already, pure theatre by Ndoye.

you guys have been playing dirty all game...

Oh and you were a bunch of pure fair-playing players weren't you?

i never said the game wasnt a physical one...it was but your defenders have been hacking at our strikers all game

anyway it doesnt matter- 2-1 FT Pao in first..good derby..best one of the year..

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Maybe you should take your green glasses off ...

and ask Ndoye to go Broadway ... :tup:

or maybe you should go to the gerokomio and pick up rivaldo...hahah :tup:

good one though...:D

pao was far better in the first and aek in the second until the two sending offs and all the drama...did ferrer get sent off at the end??

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None the less aside from me almost having to puke at that piece of theatre from Ndoye (at least that's what it looked like to me, and they did show the images in the end, no Dellas charging, he had his hands aside his body etc ...), it was a deserved win for PAO with two very nice goals.

Like I said, I'm looking forward to seeing you play in OAKA ... ;)

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guys, we all agree that every player should be treated justly by the ref.

However, in this case I think the two players went at each other with intent to confrontation*. Any ref could given yellow cards to both players involved. Correct????

* this includes foul language... and if the linesman was close, he could advise the ref.

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guys, we all agree that every player should be treated justly by the ref.

However, in this case I think the two players went at each other with intent to confrontation. Any ref could given yellow cards to both players involved. Correct????

i think yes..but i also think he showed dellas a straight red instead of a second yellow..
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guys, we all agree that every player should be treated justly by the ref.

However, in this case I think the two players went at each other with intent to confrontation. Any ref could given yellow cards to both players involved. Correct????

i think yes..but i also think he showed dellas a straight red instead of a second yellow..
Except....... Dellas had ALREADY gotten a yellow! Hence, the red! End of story.
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The officiating decided the game. Sending off a player from the team that is behind, 12 minutes from time is not done in a derby like this unless there is 100% certainty.

Oh, man, how can you say that? The officiating was bad, I agree with you. But, I don't think the ref determined the outcome.
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The officiating decided the game. Sending off a player from the team that is behind, 12 minutes from time is not done in a derby like this unless there is 100% certainty.

what is he suppose to do...nothing?? he consulted the linesman and he prob told them to give both players a card..
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The linesman was on the other side of the field. Lets say Dellas cursed him out, how could he hear that in a loud stadium from the other side of the field.

He did not show Dellas a second yellow he showed it straight Red. In the scope of the match there is no difference, Dellas gets sent off. But a straight Red carries a longer suspension than 2 yellows.

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Look, if you (and your team) want to think that this game was lost because of the ref, I think you're making a mistake. Instead, AEK should get back on the drawing board and try to correct the problems.

Dellas (as well as NDoi) deserved a yellow card simply because they showed intent to confrontation. It so happened that Dellas had another yellow before. This second (or a "straight" red) meant he was ejected. Same as Seric. End of story.

The refering in Greece is horrendous, everybody suffers: the teams, the fans, and the sport.

And, yes, AT ANY TIME there should be cards, ejections, penalties, etc. They are all part of a game.

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How can anyone say that the ref decided the game. in the second minute, dellas pulled salpi from behind and didnt get shown yellow.. thus when he was shown his yellow it would of made him get sent off.

besides, its not like the red card gave pao an advantage. pao was PLAYING WITH 10 MEN.

AEK had one scoring chance all game. Blanco sent it out.

pao had 3 CLASSIC chances and Ndoye,Pap sent two of them out and ivans shot was saved by macho.

I may be a pao fan, but i dont see how any AEK fan can be happy with this performance by their team. Pao completely dominated the first half, and after the first 15 of the 2nd, where AEK showed some movement, pao took control of the game and even with 10 players for 9 minutes, aek had no chances.

it wasnt the best refereed game by kalopoulos, but it in no way affected the outcome of the game.

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The ref did not decide the match.

And as i said before a 2nd yellow is different than a straight red.

For the sake of this match no difference...the player is sent off.

But a straight red means Dellas misses Xarilao where a 2nd yellow means he only misses the next match (home against OFI)

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AEK will sure appeal the yellow and hopefully he wont be punished for the next game.

What we saw today was a scared Ferrer who held the team back. He should have started Ramos who is a more offensive minded player and also Blanco. The moment Blanco went in the face of the game changed dramatically.

Ferrer was afraid to lose first place and the team paid for it in the end.

We are lucky that OFSP lost and that we are only 1 point behind PAO. The next few games will be crucial to the success of the championship. A poor result against Aris and we will definitely be screwed.

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Yes, it's a fair point about the difference between a second yellow and a straight red. Dellas & NDoi got punished both, and Dellas should have been shown the yellow first and then red/ejection.

As for the standings, it's way too early; still a wide open race.

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Very dissapointing.

The Greens outplayed us, simple. Yes we had our chance when Blanco missed, and when they were down to 10. Dellas shouldn't have been sent off, but it didn't change the result.

If the Greens scored those last two it could easily have been 4-1.

What can i say, in the space of 8 days we have lost 6 points and are now right in with the rest of them. Next two away games are against Aris and Oly. We have to stop the rot.

And for F***s sake, how about we win a derby against Oly in 1 month. We have not beaten them since 2004, m#$%!s!!!

An interesting line up by Ferrer, obviously it didnt work. Some woeful defending by AEK helped with their goals, but in truth they were very good finishes. If we hadn't F***ed up and Lyb had scored the 1-0, and we won by that margine, everyone would be saying, 'great coaching by ferrer'. Surely Ferrer isnt responsible for the childish mistakes Alves (and even Macho, palming the ball back into play, rather than over the bar) made.

Anyways, "Such Is Life". It is a long season, and if we are close to the top at the half way mark we have a great opportunity to win with home derbies against Oly and Pana as well as 9 home matches out of the 15.

Also, Lyb scored against the Greens again, how many has he scored on Pana since his switch. Again he didnt really celebrate.

Two weeks until our next game, at home to OFI, i want to see some attractive football and the result.

:nw: LONG LIVE AEK :nw:

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I did not see the game but from what i have seen in here,Pao played better and deserved the win and the referi was not up to par again(classic scenario in Greece).AEK has a good team and even if you guys lost a golden opportunity to get some distance,this championship has a long way to go.Does anyone has any info of what happened at the end with the fighting of the players/coaches???

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Na pane na yamithoun oloi ferer for not starting blanco and were just to damn slow as a team even with pao playin mid week they still rapped us rivaldo ive said it from the moment we picked him up ouuuuuuuustttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! BLANCO for another night mare miss, and it gets even worse with aris oly coming up bye bye title , and i know sira re its still early days , they out played us plain and simple , nothing makes me think its gonna be any different in oaka, were got such good talent on and off the bench its just not coming out.

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I think people don't understand the whole Dellas/N'Doye situation. Moments before the incident, Dellas and N'Doye were challenging for a ball in the air and N'Doye elbowed Dellas (looked accidental). Dellas was upset that he was elbowed and decided to say something to N'Doye. N'Doye then walked into Dellas and then made it look like Dellas struck/checked him... N'Doye DOVE. Dellas wouldn't have gotten a second yellow for talking to N'Doye, because no official was anywhere near the play to overhear what was said. In fact their situation would have gone unnoticed had it not been for N'Doye diving.

I have one question though... why are the AEK fans blaming the ref (the linesman made the mistake) and why are the PAO fans blaming Dellas? It is the actions of N'Doye that should be critisized, because there's no excuse... its completely unacceptable. Actually it reminds me of what an AEK player did during the 2002 WC, difference was that the Turkish player actually deserved the red.

BTW Mantzios played amazingly, for a while I thought we would never hear from him again... good to see him back in style. Aside from N'Doye's pathetic dive, I have to admit this is one of the more entertaining games of the year so far.

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